>I'm so glad I spent the majority of my life playing videogames alone in my room
I'm so glad I spent the majority of my life playing videogames alone in my room
Fuck yeah
>implying I wouldn't be hooked into VR 24/7 by then
>not doing what you enjoy instead of doing what people want you to do
How much of utter pleb do you have to be OP?
I mean if video games actually had communities like they used to, I wouldn't mind at all.
>in his room
>not with friends and strangers
>not in the bedroom, bathroom, garage, living room, bus, cafe
>not having other hobbies
Jesu Christo
>I'm so glad I spent the majority of my life not interacting with people I hate
don't plan on getting old
>My grandparents die alone in their rooms doing nothing during their last years in the retirement home
>I'm so glad I spent the majority of my life "insert any normie activity here which they think matters and gives them purpose, but in the end turns out to be as pointless as everything else in this shitty spark of an existence"
My fondest memories already are of vidyas.
I don't see how things would be any different then.
>I'm right, and I can only be right, and any advice that goes against anything that I enjoy the most in life will be refuted immediately because they're wrong and I'm right.
Try actually reading Nietzsche next time.
As long as you had fun you have not wasted your time i believe.
Since no matter what for almost everyone in the world one could technically say that there is better more productive use of their time in same way.
youre damn right i am. the other alternative is being a wageslave normie around people i hate just because im ''''supposed to''''' be social
If you realized that your particles that form your body spend more time being star dust spread out across the universe than being together as one large sentient organism then you would know that no matter what you achieve in your life it will have literally zero impact on the cosmos.
>I'm so glad I spent the majority of my life working with people I dont like in an office I dont like
Can I be a neet again?
This. There is no shortage of lonely old people that have nothing to do but contemplate what a waste their life was. It sucks, but it's true.
Damn right I am.
>Im so glad i spent the majority of my life shitposting on Sup Forums
What have you faggots been doing this whole time? I could die right now, and be happy knowing i worked toward a worthwhile future and had family and friends that loved me.
>I'm so glad I spent the majority of my life shitposting on a vietnamese flipbook image board in my room
One of the most common regrets of old people is that they didn't spend enough time doing the things they really wanted.
In the end it comes down to whether you're playing video games because you genuinely enjoy them, or as a form of escapism because you're unhappy with your life. The former you probably won't regret, the latter you probably will.
Try reading the Bible next time
Holy fuck, you missed the point, huh?
Also, try John Stuart Mills and aggregate happiness.
>Some pleasures are worth more then others.
>playing video games
Nah, I just funpost on here with you guys.
I'd sooner die alone playing games than out there in the world where they've started letting crazy fucks do whatever they want with little repercussion.
Did you know it's "trendy" chopping your dick off? I'm staying the hell inside.
I finished my das sl1 run
>you're playing video games because you genuinely enjoy them, or as a form of escapism because you're unhappy with your life
what if it's both
>wanting to die alone in a nursing home watching commercial tv
dude just do whatever u want lmao
it's not trendy, it's tranny
Yeah, Tomb Raider Underworld was not a waste of time. I'll never regret the time spent playing it.
>Having the capacity to feel regret
Normie pls
>i'm so glad i spent the majority of my life on reddit crying about stuff, making pop culture reference,shity memes and having on my own weeding pop culture.
>mom asks you how's the job searching going
Then I guess it depends on just how badly you wish your life was different. If you end up thinking "I wish I had changed things while I could" then you probably fucked up, if it's closer to "Well I didn't do everything I wanted but that's life" then that's not so bad.
>you're gonna have to start paying your own phone bill
>you can spend money on those games, why not rent?
>dinner's ready
>I cleaned your bathroom
>No based Genie
What does it matter? It's all just memories. We think our memories somehow give us meaning in old age but truth is that it's all gone anyways. Those memories will be gone once you are gone. What does it matter if you did X or Y? None of it has any real meaning to the dying anyways. You aren't even the same person. That person of youth died when youth ended and all that is now is a dying old man who thinks he used to be young.
Nietzsche was a master of satire.
Too bad a lot of edgy retards actaully thought its unironic
>tfw year 13 high school
>tfw have slept through 60% of your classes
>dropped out of most of courses, cant tell if retarded or something else
>no friends
>garbage gpa, needless to say
>havent outgrown edgy 'people are untrustworthy shits' phase and it doesnt seem to be close to ending
>no general direction
this is going horribly and i cant seem to do anything about it
Yes. I love video games. What you should have posted is
>I'm so glad I spent the majority of my life posting on Sup Forums alone in my room
since I already regret all the time I spend here.
Your parroting memes isn't convincing anybody user
I actually am. Games are my passion. I don't play to waste my time on them
I-Is this still okay? I'm only 20 guys. I haven't changed much in the last few years.
>muh pop culture
Faggots, all of them.
I think video games are a special when it comes to this. Because so many people fall for the mindless grind and completionism, they end up getting addicted to something they don't actually enjoy doing, which leads to dissatisfaction.
I for one am glad I stopped doing this and enjoy games for what they are.
Vocational school ASAP. Be an electrician, if you can. Heavy equipment operator if you can't.
That was a pretty good movie.
>year 13
So what, you're 18? You'll be fine, post high school education is much better. If you decide to go that route, not that there's much of a choice otherwise.
i got my first job at when i was 21
i just don't want to be alone but i can't socialize
>was "smart kid" with "potential"
>every sibling was
>older brother became bipolar drug addict
>havent talked to sister in years
>i became a total loser too
is electrician my only choice at this point?
Anything that doesn't require socializing and has a narrow path within the learning process. Pretty sure you know the reasons.
I have a part time job and I study full time, I'm not sure I can hack this university thing though. I'll give it another semester and really try my hardest, see how it goes. I just need more friends who chill with on campus I suppose.
I'm not alone in my room.
My gf is sitting on the couch 2 feet away from me every day.
Sometimes I wish she wasn't so I could play vidya in silence.
i dropped out after a year
soon you'll be over 25 like me and then the bad feels will hit you... hard.
People aren't trust worthy at all, though. That's literally the first real lesson you learn in adulthood. People will fuck you over all the time over petty bullshit to cover their own asses.
Wait until you're in the work force. People will literally pretend to be your friend before throwing you under the bus for personal gain or cowardice after their own mistakes or shortcomings.
Why the fuck do you think people quickly become antisocial and drastically cut down, if not outright eliminate interaction with friends and such after they get married? The amount of vetting and pruning of people necessary to find even just ONE trust worthy person in the course of your life is a brutal fucking meat grinder that will take years, possibly decades into adult life.
i love these epic truth bomb posts that completely inaccurately summarize thousands upon thousands of pages of work into a shitty meme format paragraph
Instead of drawing a loving family having their backs, they have fictional pop culture icons.
That marriage wont even last 2 years.
>I'm so glad I spent the majority of my life playing videogames alone in my room
I am. I hate the world, hate humanity and want to be left alone. I get my social kick from internet.
This. My only regret is ever doing anything else.
This. You don't know real depression until you start getting into 'mid-life crisis' territory as you hit your 30's and realize that you've basically fucked any chance for real success and happiness and are almost guaranteed to die alone, even if you manage to fix your financial situation.
I just mean I also am kind of a misanthrope, pretty standard loser viewpoint too. have been like this since i was about 12, not because i was bullied but i just saw how big of shits people are and others went along with them just to gain something out of it.
What else is there to do?
After the day is done, usually around 5ish, there's fuck all to do except television and vidya. Sure, on the weekend you can hang with your friends or maybe go out for dinner and drinks, but that's only one or two nights a week, else it'll strain your budget too much. Other hobbies require too much focus which is hard to maintain for several hours an evening/night, for each day of the week. I occasionally read, write and draw, but vidya and TV are the easiest to do for hours on end. If you have multiple monitors, both at the same time. We all know normies just watch TV and Netflix on their laptops all night, why the fuck should I feel bad about playing some video games?
most likely not even 2 years. look at this shit.
>not realising that we'll all be one once the AI sees the pain and relieves us from it
>Not understanding that life doesn't have a meaning on it's own, but what you make it to be. Whether it's about shitposting on a anonymous site located in the middle of nowhere.
>not realising that you can achieve your own objectives in life by harnessing your potential
It's ok when you realise these, suddenly stress starts to be menial, and things get more calmer
this isnt accurate at all though. like whatsoever. if youre gonna credit someone trying to 'counter' nihilism, alot of dostoyevskys work was just that.
Sounds amazing if I could do that, video games are the most fun thing mankind has created and experienced, certain recreational drugs excluded.
im glad I spent the last 7 years of my life doing this and posting on Sup Forums
im 25 now
>honey, i want children
>b-but we ARE the children!
Life is short. do what makes you happy.
You're fine, by 22 you should have an entry level job ouside college, etc...
Do something you genuinely enjoy, and if it costs money, find a nonwagecuck way to make the money required. E-easy, right guys?
Imagine if Isis started wearing these in beheading videos
If you can afford to play games alone in your room for your whole life, then you live a comfy life.
It means you have a roof over your head, food, and expendable cash.