Zero Escape

ZTD doesn’t exist.
You are now in charge of making the sequel to 999 and VLR.

Is it possible to tie up the loose ends?

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Just have every ending be some absolutely ludicrous bullshit that breaks reality and the "true" ending just killing everybody off for fucking with reality whether they chose to or not.

This is driving me insane. Do these sound similar, or is it just me?

They don’t sound like the exact same song, but they could be from the same album for sure. You’re not crazy.

Okay, fine, WITHOUT going full COMPLEX MOTIVES, is it possible?

Im saying, do the opposite where your COMPLEX MOTIVES fuck over everyone you know. The seeds were sown from the start.

>ZTD doesn’t exist.
Let's just go one step further and say VLR doesn't exist too.

>keep Carlos in the game
>make his sister Maria the protagonist and also ?, a powerful esper who managed to swap bodies with Kyle as a dummy and observe all the events of VLR
>Brother is still Zero but actually evil and attempts to put all the espers that threaten his apocalypse plan into situations where they cannot just hop timelines and instead die over and over and over
>there is no escape until Maria shows up and interferes with the actions of the characters to save them utilizing information from timelines they've never seen
>Akane isn't a participant
>Sigma and Phi aren't retards
>instead of an alien teleporter, the body-hopping across timelines mechanic hinted at in VLR is used

The only hard parts of this are justifying why Brother would be incapable of just knocking all the espers out and killing them like that so they can't SHIFT, but you could just potentially say that even when unconscious they might do it, and you also need to justify why they wouldn't just jump back to before they were captured, but this is a far better skeleton than what Uchikoshi shit out and it takes barely any effort to come up with it

I feel like I'd try to make Free the Soul tie into Lord Gordain somehow considering they wore the same damn robes but that might be a bit of a stretch considering Gordain was never brought up in VLR.

Can someone refresh me and what plot points VLR even left hanging?

>The virus has to do with a Nonary Game in the desert for some reason
>Sigma lost an arm and an eye there
>People can physically time travel? Maybe?
>Something about Free the Soul and Brother? I genuinely don’t remember

that and maybe "what happened to everyone else from 999 why aren't they a part of any of this"

What people dont realize is VLR was garbage as well and started the series' downturn

>VLR was garbage as well
this isn't a Zelda thread, m8

Pretty much. 999 didn't need to be expanded. It was self-contained.

ZTD had so many loose ends that you don't even need to erase it to continue the series.

It’s not about the loose ends, it’s about ZTD being shit and ignoring almost every question at the end of VLR, not to mention making every returning character act like a nondescript victim. It might as well be a completely unrelated game.

Anything with ? would have been so much better than COMPLEX MOTIVES


>never found out about ?
>never learned about body time travel
>never found out what happened to Alice and Clover
>never any follow up with Kyle or any other character of importance from VLR or even 999
>instead they chose ALIENS and COMPLEX MOTIVES and SNAILS

Zero Time Dilemma is so fucking fucked. There is no justifiable or acceptable explanation for physical time travel, or for the player having a literal presence, or anything else ZTD failed to even talk about.

Seconding this. I found VLR pretty disappointing from the start, and ZTD was actually more entertaining, even if not necessarily a better work.

I just want to forget that it ever happened.

I don't.
The ride was fucking fantastic, even if the end result was garbage.
I'd SHIFT to an ideal timeline if I could though

>tight and grounded first game that works perfectly standalone
>crazy second game that both answers and asks a lot of questions, and opens the fiction up more
>last game is complete and utter fucking nonsense that is such a jumbled goddamn mess of keywords used over and over and a bunch of characters explaining shit you already know, then proceeding to not explain the only shit you didn’t

Kind of like MGS 1/2/4

I didn't even hate ZTD, it was just so average that I cant think about it anymore without getting mad at how much better it could have been with just a little effort.

I'm just mad the initial plan was scrapped after ZTD was revived.
I know certain things were bound to stay the same Phi and Sigma being Father/Daughter but I can't imagine the original scenario being any worse than what we got.

What was the initial plan?


Problem is that the plot was fine on paperother then M I N D H A C K the big issue was how it presented itself. I feel like the game lost a lot with the whole fragment thing.

>hey we just jumped back in time to look for an evil old dude
>hi, here's a totally-not-evil old dude
>damn where could this virus be

ZTD's scenario was by no means fine on paper- there's more plotholes to be had but at this point i've forgotten them because it's been a year and a half.

All new cast except for Sigma (protagonist) and Luna. Kyle helping from outside of the game.

SAW tier puzzles that require sacrificing friends and bodyparts.

Even better, Maria has to put the cast in situations that cause them to loop by attempting to kill them.