>tfw the horrible Nazi occupied America is nicer than the current one
What did they mean by this?
>tfw the horrible Nazi occupied America is nicer than the current one
What did they mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
That the exterminated races were the cause of all crime
That they don't know how to do an effective critique of fascism.
I 100% guarantee that this world will have a "dark side" where poor people/minorities are mistreated. Very lazy writing.
You can find more nuanced critique of nazi ideology in Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds, and that's saying something.
And by "one" you mean Nazi occupied America, right?
You lost the war, Jorgen. Deal with it
Someone post that image of Paris in 1942 and Paris today.
>They wanted to replace American fast food with German shit
No mercy
>no mass cuckoldry
Do you want to feel depressed?
will this be the vidya version of starship troopers?
also when did KKK members just casually walk around in their robes? I thought they only wore them for rallies and other official functions.
Nazism is nothing but a "dark side" if your anything but white and pretty. Anyone that didnt fit in with their ideologies were second-class citizens at best, executed on "general principle" at worst.
>No pizza
>No burgers
>No tacos
thats the point of his statement.
It's only nicer on the surface, for the people that are left. That's why they showed the mother trying to rush out of the diner when the Commander showed up: she was scared of what he might do since he basically had no consequences for his actions in America against the locals.
If you're even a little degenerate, you're either going to re-education camp or you're exterminated.
So basically 70% of Sup Forums is going to the camps and the other 30% is gonna get kill
Do you not know how to read?
Rapture was the same way.
Well, its Victory Day so i'm okay with them keeping the spirit of the festivity
Present your citations
the KKK and Nazis hated each other IRL
burgers are sortaish German. or from the Dutch
>asking for citations to back up preposterous claims
Found the anti-semite
That's contingently accurate, but totally uninteresting from a political science perspective.
Saying "the holocaust was bad" and "killing minorities is bad" is about the least radical thing a person can say. A much more radical thing is to grant Nazi's their theoretical utopia and still show that it's a bad thing.
What I had in mind with Quentin Tarantino is that he shows, through the character of Hans Landa, how nazism has an intrinsic unmanly fastidiousness. That's a more interesting critique of nazism than, "you might think the world nazis want is nice, but we wrote nasty stuff into it, so that can't be the case."
When do I get more than 50 max health?
Rapture was a failed social experiment, not a sociopolitical ideology. It was built on the idea that unfettered, humans can achieve great things, but it failed because it didnt account for the natural human tendency to be a total dick.
Less frogposters and more animeposters
But american hamburgers are pretty different from their origin. Same with hot dogs
Fascist dystopias are never great.
I wonder why so much of this board worships the opposite of what the founding fathers were about and what America was founded for.
Also hardcore drugs and psuedoscience superpowers are badwrongfun
>The Nazis won
>Technology is 10x more advanced than it is today
What did they mean by this?
I live in Denver, twenty minutes from the restaurant that hails itself as the birthplace of the cheeseburger. Fuck off saying burgers are europoor trash
>implying anyone but libertarians appreciate what this nation was founded for
yes, kikes abusing the working class is what they fighted for
Rapture only failed because people could suddenly shoot fireballs out of nowhere, no government could cope with shit like that.
>glorifying war time Paris
Va te faire foutre
In the first game, technology was already way more advanced because it's literally all stolen from ancient Jews. I'm not making this up.
Deathshead literally stole it from Jews. There's a whole level in the last game about getting to another stash of jew superscience stuff before the Nazis do
The first game said it was stolen Jew magic
>wanting better tech instead of minorities
What a monster
>haha guys, why are SJWs SO SENSITIVE about video games?
what is meant by this?
American was founded by freemasons and Jewish bankers to spread English whig ideology.
Fascist dystopias are shit.
But the bullshit you spout about what America was founded for gave me quite a laugh.
the joke----->
Your head
It's bullshit. Germans invested heavily in meme weapons while everyone else focused on actually building effective designs.
The Allies won the technology battle quite handily for shit that actually mattered or could make a difference, namely the splitting of the atom.
Maybe if germans were less butthurt about jooz all those jews that gave truman the bomb could have worked for hitler instead
>the jews were hiding advanced superscience away from the world and regulating it through a religious cabal that was only uncovered through the holocaust
>all that technology was developed from super secret Jewish alien tech, and the Jews never decided to share it with the rest of the world
>Nazis find it and rip it away from the Jews' greedy clutches and gives it to the whole world
>Nazis are automatically the bad guys for wanting to progress humanity, while space Jews plot their revenge.
Reads like a WE WUZ story
Yeah, Cheeseburgers. We're talking burgers, as in just the meat/patty
Thats like saying true american pizza was made in Michigan, but the c_uck version was originally from Italy
Having access to ADAM only quickend Rapture's collapse. Ryan would've had an uprising sooner or later, didnt mater if they did it with guns and clubs or shooting bees out of their hands. Things went to shit because, spoiler alert, putting a bunch of self-serving assholes in one place and letting them go nuts is NEVER a good idea
Eat a dick you massive cunt.
It's pretty much the case IRL. Jews invent most shit and have the highest average IQs in the world (according to white nationalists themselves, pic related are stats gathered by Richard Lynn)
The US had a bunch of Germany scientists helping them with advancing tech.
Shooting nazis qua nazis is a time-honored American blood sport.
But shooting nazis who are labeled nazis for holding beliefs that would have been right at home in ca. 1945 America is subversive.
America was founded on hypocrisy, a nation of white rich slavery-endorsing land owners spewing flowery lies about freedom for all.
presumably an attempt to both explain cool technology while also pitting the nazis against the jews, but why the jews let their super technology rust away in forgotten parts of the world, I do not know
>haha guys, german occupied france was such a paradise!
Would the Amish be allowed to continue their practices in a Nazi occupied America?
How many shitposting threads do we need of this game?
really puts my noodle in a caboodle.
It's not hypocrisy if they're not people.
It was explicitly said the Jewish super scientists made all the crazy shit simply for the sake of making it. Once they were done, they'd move on to the next project. It was about tinkering with reality, seeing how close they could rise to the level of God, but never presuming they were equal or greater to Him. Half the shit they made could take out a continent so they had every reason to make sure it never got out.
Jews are parasites by nature.
The only thing they've invented was usury and the holocaust.
It's funny because 1942's Paris was dirtier than today's Paris.
>Nazi-occupied America
>Everything is in English
I'm sure there was a passing comment somewhere in The New Order about English being a dying language.
>we only did it for a couple of years over 60 years ago
Whipping slaves is a more time-honored American bloodsport.
Germans persecuted christian fundalmentalists pretty badly (this triggers the Sup Forums) so doubtful
Biggest killer of christian priests after communists in the 20th century were nazis
Well it would be a paradise for a certain group of people you cannot deny that.
Now its just a shithole for everyone.
Most of this board isn't even American dipshit.
Not even close, the film shows a society we’re facism works and the ramifications of that.
All Wolfenstein TNC does is take the post-WWII celebration photos and nuclear family marketing and say “yeah but what if it was the Nazis, not the Americans?” It’s hardly controversial when you see it for what it is.
t. albino nigger making excuses for superior races
>In regard to intelligence, Ostrer argues (as have others) that a better explanation is that Jews were in the right place at the right time. Many studies have shown that IQ tends to rise as education systems improve over time. When the measurements trumpeted by Murray and others were done, Jews had been living at times and in places in which schools were getting better. "There still could be a genetic component," Ostrer says. "But it's not likely one that affects the whole population." He cites one genome-wide study of identical twins (who share all their genetic material) of various religions that looked for DNA that might be linked to varying intelligence. It accounted for just 0.4 percent of the effect.
far, far less french are dying under muslims than were by nazis. It's about 30-70 a year vs. tens of thouands to hundreds of thousands a year
>the best he can muster were experimental super weapons
>the majority of technical problems from their primary arsenal of available weapons were mostly from their super-heavy tanks, such as the Tiger and King Tiger, both of which suffered from being over-engineered
Try harder desu senpai
actually the joos were treated the best in Europe by the Germans because they ended up being the only country other than Poland that didn't end up kicking them out, a great decision in the end...
Hitler wasn't even a bad dude.
He only declared war on the US because the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor (they preemptively attacked because they knew the US was planning to attack)
Nazis and Klansmen hate alot of the same things. It'd make sense they'd feel fine walking around in ghost costumes when the powers that be would actually join them in thier cause
lmao, the excuses begin
if a SJW used the "whites were just at the right place at the right time" argument for white vs black IQ you'd chimp out
I hear this stupid shit thrown around all the time
Citation please
Here's the thing that kills me the most; Nazis were only bad for their enemies but fantastic for the native Germans who didn't defy Hitler and his regime. Communism however is terrible for ALL people in the given country. So essentially Nazism is racist and shows favoritism towards Germans, but Communism is equal opportunity and fucks over all people equally regardless of their sex or race.
Is this what SJWs/Leftists mean when they say they wish for equality?
>actually building effective designs
Hence the Elefant, Tiger I, and Panther having extraordinarily high k/d ratio's?
True. That's why I don't understand why leftists trot out the "punching nazis is tradition" argument.
So dishonest as a leftist to honor racist grandpa for his nazi-killing past when the reality is that he hated communism just as much, if not more, than nazism.
A dude literally asks if you've gone to your German lessons, and the mother in the diner says "Danke" to the Nazi officer as she leaves.
people would rather equally suffer than have one group benefit over others
>Like... Literally! LITERALLY HITLER. Literally can't even!
Getting real sick of you neo nazis trying to make it seem like the Nazis werent fucking horrible people. You're not a real American.
>So brother, have you come to a better understanding of God?
>Yes! I managed to invent a bomb the size of my hand that can destroy the world!
>Fantastic, that sounds super dangerous, so put it in with the rest of the super crazy science in vault #10
Those guys were fucked up.
that motorcycle though
Repeated studies have born out the black-white IQ difference, though.
user is claiming that the same can't be said for the white-jewish difference.
It's a good thing europe was mostly "white and pretty".
t. brainlet
So real question. Was Germany really ever planning on invading America after they took over Europe? I feel that in most realities all the German officials would have seen how inefficient and costly doing something like that would have been.
Look, you wormy kike, the myth of high jewish IQ has no basis in anything.
I agree. I just wish marxist communists would fuck off too.
>Couldn't reunite a nation without a scapegoat
>Decided to attack Russia during winter
>Stole Charlie Chaplain's stache
>Bad stragetist
>Kills himself like a faggot
>Doesn't use captured minorities as cannon fodder
>Created the absolute worst shitposters on Sup Forums
Yeah, he kinda was
Is it really blatant commie propaganda or is it just /pol neonazi shitposting?
Also, is it fun? Never played a Wolfenstein before, where should one start continuity wise? When was it rebooted?
>the excuses begin
You realize that a lot of the "nobel prizes" are politically motivated to begin with, right? Werner von Braun didn't win any nobel prizes, and he's done more for rocketry and aero-space engineering than any jew in the history of the world.
Archimedes is also considered one of the smartest humans to have ever lived.
Why does the arguement that when everyone is equal no one will be happy get so much traction? Why is having one particular group of humans have power over another group such an ideal state of being for the world? Would YOU want some asshole telling you that you have no right to exist because of something as trivial as eye or skin color?
Racists just cant deal with it.
>lost the American Civil War
>lost WWII
Time to get over them, Jethro.
The allies were so advanced that they stole German blueprints for building nuclear reactors and even sabotage the German nuclear program, and even take German scientists to create rockets for NASA and the American missile program:
Sure, why not? Invading Russia was a fuck awful idea but they gave it a go anyway.