What's next for Lara?
What's next for Lara?
Public gangbang
my dick
more ass and tits
looking the current gaming industry trend? she'll either be a black chick in the next installment or get blacked.
Was that Shadow of the Tomb Raider leak real?
tfw a post i reported got deleted
Getting fucked by more horses
What leak? It looked like some deviantart edit.
Publishers are Japanese. They would not tolerate that shit.
You think too highly of Japanese people
Take one walk in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or fuckwhatsthatmean and you'll be deeply disappointed.
Still do you think they would accept having hot Lara replaced by some American nigress? They wouldn't.
That would never happen regardless. At most they'd put a black major character into the game.
They would replace her by anything if it's profitable.
I want the Third Nu-Tomb Raider game to take place in Egypt. The temple of Osiris was disappointing.
>tfw no animopron upload in ages
The stables need a good cleaning
Ah, like the 12 labors of Hercules?
Lara Croft is a revolting piece of shit that needs to be abused maliciously. Her only use is as a knuckle-dragging barrel of monkey spunk to be humiliated and degraded.
Nu-Lara is a geniune 10/10.
0/10 Lara Croft though.
I want to impregnate and marry Reboot Lara
Nah old Lara sucked. It wasn't even until Legends she started to look hot.
Angelina Jolie is hottest lara croft
Big fan of kikes aren't we?
I wish I could rub her nose for good luck
Fuck her. Fuck her fake lips. Fuck her shit acting. She almost ruined Lara and Pitt's life. Eventually Lara was saved through 2D and now Pitt is fucking a 21 year old girl.
How about good games again?
Hell, I'd settle for an average one like Legend again.