>Similarly, it’s clear that MachineGames are no big fan of the current political climate in the US. There’s a fantastic exchange in a level where two Nazi soldiers talk about how the “terrorists” like BJ and the Resistance are too violent and that violence begets violence. They say that they just have a different point of view and there’s nothing wrong with that… then they start talking about their next Death Squad assignment and how they hope they get to be on it together so they can kill. It’s darkly hilarious, and a great tongue in cheek example of how The New Colossus deals with modern-day issues in a game set in the 1960s.

>When you finish Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, you’re going to be elated. MachineGames’ sequel is probably one of the most cathartic experiences I’ve had in gaming. I’m frustrated as anyone with the rise of “White Power” in the US, and there’s no mistaking it, this game is in direct defiance of that bigoted ideal. If you find yourself on that side of the argument, you might not like this game. But if you’re not a total piece of shit, you’re going to love Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.

Other urls found in this thread:



>literally who reviewer
>"not-MMO" on an MMO site




Yup, sounds about right.


>You should like a game for its political message
>Not for its gameplay
A game could literally be reading my mind, and in real time, be making a story tailored around my personal political beliefs, and I'd still hate it if the gameplay was trash.

It's just weird that they announced and started working on the game shortly after Trump's inauguration.

i dont buy first person shooters after last gen

>This discussion has been closed.

Holy shit, I cant believe that the last line of that review is actually real
They really didnt take the Trump victory well..

>see something I like
>feels nice
>see something I hate
>feels nice because it makes me feel superior
who /enlightened/ here?

reminder that when you buy a bethesda game, you're giving money to a Trump, Robert is a director at Zenimax

>But if you’re not a total piece of shit, you’re going to love Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.

How does a professional not lose their job for this? What is this society?

I dont buy anti white games, especially games made from Swedes.

>feeling anything

i feel an urge to smoke pot and play games most of the time
once i satisfy that urge i feel hungry and tired
rinse, repeat

this is your problem Sup Forums, it's video games, you deal with it
Sup Forums is busy talking about Trumps new wall designs

>tongue in cheek
I've never seen it used to the nauseating repetition of TNC releted discussions and reviews.
Considering publishers often force reviewvers or other influencers to use certain words, I'll safely assume it's all shills

>Ben Kucheras article.
>Now this article.

This cant be a fucking coincidence


Anti-white is becoming a problem issue in games, and im not buying this.

Sounds very familiar...

Is there an archive of that one too?

10/10 story

Just make your own pro-white games then. Oh...you can't because you and Nazis like you are too stupid to make your own games.

so the 4D chess thing is real then? Damn trump wins again, well suck it libs.

Guess which word in your first question is misplaced.

>The New Colossus deals with modern-day issues
>deals with

How does it "deal with" them, exactly?

By showing that people are racist if they don't buy the game. The same with you retards on this board seriously fuck off, vya's not politics you FUCKING RACIST!!!!!!!!

>right wing death squads reflect the current political climate
They're nuts.


By killing Nazis, just like we should in real life.

I give it a 7/10 considering I paid $0 for it
its like 50% cutscenes and downtime cmon man just let me shoot people

If you look at two Nazi death squad soldiers talking to each other and think "Hmm yes this describes what's going on in real life perfectly." you need to fucking shoot yourself goddamn.

What if Wolfenstein 2 doesn’t sell?: archive.is/sw3Hn

>that poster is a nazi because he's against his race being demonized

eat a dick

Save your money; buy a better game.

10/10 writing


>But if you’re not a total piece of shit, you’re going to love Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.
I'm sure I'll love it when I pick it up in a couple years for $2~

>he's banging a fat white chick.



These folks really think they're fighting nazis and genocidal demon people huh

You better act quick then, there are very few Nazis that have lived this long, and they're bound to keel over any day now.

>darkly hilarious
>amerifats in charge of using English language


Because drumpf!

>By killing Nazis and neo-nazis, just like we should in real life.

god payed hype men for shitty games are always so fun to watch since they never seem to understand what actually makes a game worth playing

>Most of those are probably shitposting review bombs.

I fucking loved the first one, there's something infinitely satisfying about mowing down Nazis whilst dual wielding assault rifles.

If this one still feels as good i'll play the shit out of it

How many have you killed?

even todd has dropped this game. can they ever recover!?!

Not nearly enough.

>Not even 500 reviews in


Gunplay is still about the same but the story is obviously the focus this time and it shows.

So 0 then because youre a chicken shit?

One hundred nazi scalps collected and counting

Pics w/timestamp of your nazi killing guns.


>Hey guys, do you think they're starting to figure out that this isn't about Nazis as much as it is "fuck white people"

>t. chicken shit

>basically everyone agrees on 8 out of 10 things
>spend all day every day arguing about the 2 things you don't agree on
>ruin shit for everyone else
>capitalists naturally try to capitalize on this political fervor
>all media is now branded right or left and consumed on the basis of the politics rather than logic or appreciation


Or maybe the game is only 4 hours long and takes up 50+ GB of memory and charges the player 60 dollars for this watered down shooter experience.

Can't make this stuff up, folks.








you will not be spared on the day of the rope

>they want to kill people so let's kill them



Actually it's mostly complaining about technical problems, apparently the port isn't great.

Wait is he actually going through with it finally?

aye, right here. I just have to laugh at it.

>Niggers are good
>Jews are good
>White men are evil
>White not fat women are evil
>White America is evil Naziland
It'slike a parody that tries to take itself seriously. They even given that evil cunt a toke white fat daughter that don't want to be evil white fit nazi.
It will flop so fucking hard...

Every time you link it, more of us are summoned.

>getting turned off by anti white shit makes you a nazi
go back to r eddit

Like what Todd you've offered us jack shit at E3

This perpetual jackoff shit is the opposite of enlightenment

If whites control the government and are "the bad guy" how come they allow for entertainment and media to demonize them? If whites were in charge I don't think wolfenstein 2 would exist

You need to own the game you dingus

Prototypes going up

Kill Nazis

I bet Mexico's not paying for it, tho.

holy shit, I have never heard about any work of fiction that did something like that.
what a bunch of cowards


>white people = racist nazis

>If you disagree with me, I win

gta fucking v
can't be real

>you're obligated to consume propaganda and ve thankful for the opportunity

The whole point is it isn't their choice. Won't pony up? Tariffs.

because enlightenment is that tangible, right? it

user, that doesn't mean much when A) less people are buying AAA games now and B) not a whole lot of people were buying the others. You're basically doing the equivalent of bragging about someone being at the top of the special ed class.

keep getting hung up on that
I'm okay with it. Illegal immigrants cost the US $84bn annually.

Ha ha, well I can tell you it's not some lazy shit like that.

Why do people say 'just saying' like it absolves them of all responsibility of their words

Oh yeah, censorship is always wonderful!

>being miserable and feeling smug about being " woke " is better than admitting you know jack shit and just trying to enjoy your life

Look at that giant fucking nose!

Sounds lame.

>piece of shit
is this nigger paid to type this shit?

end this world already what the fuck

I guess they're right in a round about way, because after being bombarded with shit like this all the fucking time for a year, I'm more and more okay with with leftists and the media being rounded up and shot.