So I was looking up the Egyptian gods on Wikipedia because of Assassin's Creed Origins and accidentally misclicked:
What's this?
So I was looking up the Egyptian gods on Wikipedia because of Assassin's Creed Origins and accidentally misclicked:
god damn it
egypt mythology is fucked
osiris is most powerful cause he masturbated on some lettuce or some shit
Good thread.
No, when his uncle tried to rape him he tricked him into thighfucking and then caught the semen on a lettuce leaf, which he then fed to his uncle. Then they went before the other gods and did a jizz x-ray to determine which one had jizz inside them and his uncle got embarrassed.
Are you saying that you don't speak Mummy?
Are there any qt brown egyptian women in Origins?
This decides whether I buy it or not
movie and vn when
I like the beetle who carries the sun.
>So I was looking up the Egyptian gods on Wikipedia because of Assassin's Creed Origins
>because of Assassin's Creed Orgins
>egypt mythology is fucked
You mean based. You should read the Epic of Gilgamesh. Guy was based, Enkidu got humanised by getting banged for a week straight. They flipped the finger to the gods and gave no shits. Became fucking eternal.
Also, they created the whole flooding myth, one guy plus his family, decadence, giant ship with a pair of each animal on Earth, etc.
Jews liked that one a lot, IIRC.
Out fucking skilled.
>epic of gligamesh
It's the son of kek
Begone Thoth!
>Egypt mythology
Mesopotamia was in modern day Iraq though
>Sup Forums is too dumb and plebian to recognize Greek script
I'm not surprised
>Egyptian mythology is based
>You should read mesopotamian mythology
Man, egyptian gods could be pretty spooky.
I'm not saying it's Egyptian. Just that ancient mythology is based and a particular kind of anti-prudish.
Is that gondola?
>tfw attic greek was the bomb class in high school
well that's true yeah, the way you phrased your post was pretty misleading though
The ancient Finns were a glorious people.
Nippons also love him.
no, it's a gazebo
thanks for the reaction image man
It's a fuckin gondola.
that was horus
Nice subjunctive my dude, but those breathing marks and accents don't make sense
>went to Egypt in 2010
>pretty neat
>crowded but not too bad
>drivers were crazy though
>people were nice
>pyramids were lame. Yep, that's a pyramid and you go down into one empty room
>while stopping at a village, an old man tried to offer his 15 year old daughter's hand in marriage
I would have done it if she was 18
Looking at Nigerian cities
>I would have done it if she was 18
Why are you such a stupid fucking burger?
Fuck you, she was cute and spoke English
Do you even have to ask?
Is there any mythology or mysticism that Japanese can't make look appealing?
You are a fucking retarded burger. Even if she was 18 (so your small burger brain could accept the girl as not being a child, fucking faggot burger) and she literally threw herself at you I bet you'd still have said no.
fuggg :DDDD plagggue of loggusts :DDDDDD
I'm 30 and too old for this shit. Can someone explain what owo means?
Greek for Thoth.
God this board is trash.
>tfw they were degenerate weebs
Lurk moar
>tfw no qt Egyptian goddess gf
>pyramids were lame
> largest most impressive monuments left by the first great civilization that are also marvels of engineering and architecture that are still a source of inspiration to this day
K _ _ _ y _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Why didn't he just kill his uncle?
Wait so you saying Sup Forums wuz kangz!?
>Entire Roman civilisation built on top of the Greek one.
>Greeks were actually weebs.
Lurk more, desu.
You know that he probably would have been unable to bring her with him anyway, right?
Why is nu-Egypt so fucking gay compared to the old one.
This is some Aztec mythology leves of shit and I like it.
Someone post the photo of that aztec book describing some fucked up shit related to wide as fuck buttocks.
the fuck's wrong with you, psycho
it was just a bit of familial banter
>This religion is so fucking based
>shit like christianity or islam is a guy changing water to wine and a guy walking around talking some random shit
Why is every popular religion so boring, why can't we believe in Zeus and others or the egyptians ones. Only Buddism is close to being cool
Why were the gods concerned with who got jizz in them?
How did people buy this bullshit? I mean, when the first retard who came up with this and went up to the first random person he saw and spouted his bullshit, why the fuck would anyone believe him? The Abrahamic religions are pretty stupid but the ancient ones were completely bonkers
The uncle tried to rape him.
King Herod was eaten by worms in the bible.
I distinctly recall a mesopotamian legend that the land was fertilized by a god jizzing over it. Also after you die you spend eternity in an underground cave eating clay.
they were going to rape each other, that was the contest
There're some pretty neat mythos in christianity/judaism/islamism tbqh. It's just that they don't tell you about them anymore.
Dinosaurs were cool. So were mammoths or sabertooth tigers.
All we get stuck with is pigeons shitting all over the place and annoying meme cats.
You can't keep remaking the same story over and over, Egyptians gave it a decent shot but also got swept up by change.
The old testament has some pretty gnarly shit
Yeah, and?
What, have you never had an uncle before?
what are the chances? There's some fuckery going on.
don't forget the prophet whose baldness was mocked by a bunch of random kids so god sent bears to kill them all
it's even more hilarious when you figure what sort of person probably wrote it
Now from what little I know about Greek alphabet, that would be read as "Thoth".
>and annoying meme cats.
>that was the contest.
>A rape contest.
You need to tell the whole story.
Japan cannot be stopped
To a historian or people with interest in that stuff they're awesome, but for a mere tourist it's lame because there's no mysticism or entertainment. Just empty rooms.
If you read the bible then you actually realize god is a fucking retarded cunt and he has nothing to do with good.
*raises paw
I can if you're willing to scratch my itch ;3
Redpill me on the Proto-Finns.
>underaged greeks are shitposting during the Oxi day
even acient eygptians were furry trash
Popular religions aren't boring. They're sanitized by over exposure. Angels are made out of eyes, animal parts, and impossible geometry. You're fawning over a deity catching cum and embarrassing another deity while even in the Bible, the most modern and arguably safest interpretation of Hebrew mythology, has the consumption of a deity's flesh and blood for communion, and that deity demanding a man fuck his dead brother's wife to honor him.
this Sup Forums take over IS TAKING TO LONG
I think we have to redraw the map, then
>yfw the turks and arabs tried to destroy them
t. Uneducated mong
>Angels are made out of eyes, animal parts, and impossible geometry
Aren't some of them made out of nothing but fire?
little did they know it's pretty fucking hard to remove an artificial mountain
pharao stronk
γαμώ το θωθ σου kαι την παναγία σου μαλαkιστήρι
>the first great civilization
Among other things.
That girl was my first FAP
Abrahamic religions have a ton of mythology.
The problem is people stopped believing in mythology, so they kind of stopped mentioning it.
It's not as easy to explain them as metaphors like the more mundane stuff in the Bible.
And now all we get are chubby toddlers with tiny wings?
If anyone's interested on getting to know more mythology, I recommend you to read Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes. It's a pretty fucking stupid take on mythology from different places and it reads like a Sup Forums thread.
>and that deity demanding a man fuck his dead brother's wife to honor him.
If you're talking about Onan, God never actually told him to do that
Blame stupid ass Renaissance painters and their obsession with the human figure