ITT Subtle vidya fashion

ITT Subtle vidya fashion

fuck blumpf

look at the control, retard

he seems like a very deep and interesting person

>tfw you will never be this much of a fuccboi

>Hair, eyebrows, beard are all different colors
For what purpose?

is he being retarded ironically? because that makes it okay

What a cool dude

Camouflage in a metropolitan environment


that's cringey as fuck in terms of fashion, but color-wise it's nice

What in the ever living fuck is the point of these things?


Yes, he dyed his hair and got piercings ironically

What is this? You mostly see women doing it.

>Swapped his bent-fork bracelet onto the other arm.
Fuckin, why.
And who wears a bracelet on top of their jacket sleeve anyway?

the virgin stand

>not dyed beard

fucking gross

I want to customize his face with a big magnet, pliers and a blowtorch

It's the homosexual's mating call. By making this pose, he's letting nearby faggots know that he's single and down to fuck.

>mfw I study Fashion and people like this make me wonder why I even bother

Image is flipped my dude. Check that snes pad.

Snowfag here. I have seen people who skii wear arm bracelets outside their gloves for an alternative, frontier man look. It's the absolute opposite, you look like a retard doing it.

Now post yfw he's more understanding of fashion these days than you.

You should be wondering that regardless.

What's really upsetting is that he'd be fairly handsome if he cut all that shit out and shaved that scraggly pube beard.


affording rent should be making you wonder that bud

>Study fashion


what a cute frog costume

Post the your most weeaboo-ish piece of /fa/ggots



God just imagine that embarrassment coming up to you to talk about his favorite unheard prog rock neo grunge band and then segue into his favorite custom beer while somehow seguing into talking about Link to the Past and saying his pink hair is a reference to that game, which is of course his favorite game.

I own a Umaru chan shirt
Gift from a ex, i dont even like the anime