Master Chief
Mr. Foster
I understand his current memetic popularity, but did that really just start with "le epic gasmask and suit combo"?
Yuffie, Freya or Yuna. Or anyone from FFIV.
Nathan Drake is the first to come to mind.
Saber from the Fate series
The whole series is a clusterfuck
I had an easier time getting into 2hu and just gave up on Type Moon
Crash Bandicoot. The game was behind when it was released (complete shit compared to Mario 64) and was unplayable when they remastered it.
Honestly, I just never understood Sephiroth's popularity. He just seems like a generic villain with a cool desgin, and playing the game he was barely in it since it was Jenova.
You don't get into type moon my dude you're supposed to just fap to the cute girls
>two spin off games
>every character sucks his dick everytime they talk about him
Mojo was really the 'antagonist'. Not even Jenova or Sephiroth. Sephiroth just gets obsessed over because he's in all the advertising and walks through fire once.
If you really boil down his character though, he's an easily manipulated tool. He's basically Psaro from Dragon Quest IV.
Nothing of FFVII makes sense. If FFVII came out today, people would make fun of Cloud for being in a wheelchair. But because it came out back before the internet memes started, it was "revolutionary."
Fuck off secondary cunt.
Fate sucks my friend get some taste
Kill yourself
this fucker
You first
>was unplayable
It never was fag
Not even the franchise itself, just the main character
nobody likes nethan drake
Mario and Sonic
crash was never that popular and i v played and completed those games when i was around 10 so please kys both of you faggots
Ryu from Ninja Gaiden and DoA.
I played DoA2 first and thought he was a massive turd of a character. Turns out everyone thinks he's cool.
Wally from Pokemon. He's just some sick kid that calls you his friend because you hung out with him once, and sometimes he battles you.
The games look so bad. Never wanted to play them.
Sega kids sucked, too. Real humans got an N64
The appeal comes from him having a shit pokemon, but comes back near the end with a competent team.
Kinda like Gyrados
I was about to post it.
I don’t think I would call Mario himself popular. It’s usually his games that people care more about.
isabelle, animal crossing
>Real humans got an n64
Makoto Nijima.
Crisis Core actually made me like Sephiroth a lot more since he had an actual personality, had good bants with Zack, and kept shitting on that game's shitty Seph knock-off. Honestly I would love CC if it wasn't for how absolutely awful Angeal and Genesis's story is.
this faggot.
He is the everyman
Mario is modern day Mickey Mouse (ignoring the actual modern day Mickey Mouse), his whole schtick is that he's an unequivocal good guy who always does the right thing in any situation. Unfortunately that makes him much more boring character in comparison to Luigi and many other characters, just like how Donald Duck and Goofy are way more entertaining characters than Mickey.
Scorpion & sub zero
Mallow was superior
nobody likes green jesus anymore
Only girl with real ass
Dont ask why men that like that exist, its one of the mysteries of the universe
Honestly, most of them. Especially newer game characters make me cringe more often than not
Kyle Katarn
>not using Mario/Bowser/Peach
I bet you don't exclusively use the FF7 bros before hos team (Cloud/Barret/Cid) either
Literally a christmas elf with sword and shield.
>kills a child
>rips the corpse's head off
>fucks the hole while drinking the blood out of the decapitated head
>eats one of the arms of the corpse\
>turns to the camera and says "I'M NOT CRAZYYYY"
fuck this guy
Most New Vegas characters people suck off (Graham, House, Caesar, etc). I hoped it was ironic initially.
After recently playing a few of the games, I think he's just one of the writer's favorite creation. You can just tell that the team likes having him everywhere. Fuck they brought him back from the dead.
Never really played any of his games, but he kind of just send to be a generic action hero but with being a 90s animal mascot instead.
Any Overwatch character.
Any overwatch character.
they're attractive and have the personalities of men but don't have penises.
>that scene where he re-enacts the holocaust but with black children instead
Do you think Rockstar went too far here?
ASS, what's there to understand? Holy shit
Oh fuck I love you user
I fail to this. 10s and every character I think of I can think why people like them even if it is a retard reason.
Foxes tend to be the symbol animal of Japanese culture, hence he's where the idea founded
When every protagonist out there is a generic shaved white guy or a generic little anime girl, Mario stands out. It's not hard to see why he's popular. He literally is the Bob Hoskins of video games. If only they didn't fuck up that movie so bad...
Bowser. I can only assume it's literally fatfags/tasteless degenerate furries who like them so much.
dumb phoneposter samefag
>Foxes tend to be the symbol animal of Japanese culture
Kitsune are just one of hundreds of animals. I see far more Tanooki and Kappa references in Japanese culture.
Miyamoto used a fox for Star Fox because he just happened to have visited a fox shrine while the game was in development. Not because the fox is a favorite animal in Japan or anything.
that manlet skeleton from undertale
>2 seconds samefag
if true you must admit this nigga is fast
>tfw you didn't buy the shitty blizzard memegame
>mfw they made him a good guy who didn't do anything wrong now
Every character that people waifu is very shallow and uninteresting once you get past the fact that their design appeals to whatever niche characteristics you find attractive
Prove me wrong
Some people like a character for their personality, not their visual appeal.
You're totally right. You can spot out characters who were /designed/ to be waifus. Almost every Jap game has at least one. Fuck, some western games do i.e. Serana from Skyrim
Doom guy
Granblue Fantasy, Kantai Collection and Fate/Grand Order are the worst offenders of this.
Which isn't always true because the majority of these series have some of the most bland and one note female characters. The same thing with the male characters but whereas they get (rightfully) ignored and called out as boring, female characters get loads of fan art and porn just for being attractive.
Neptune and every other character from her games.
I suppose I could place any of the main trainers here, or at least the ones who aren't involved in the anime, but Sun/Moon female trainer is probably the most attention I've seen placed on a playable trainer.
Samus Aaron
>they're two-dimensional and have the bodies of men but don't have penises.
Lucario, only furfaggots likes him.
>Which isn't always true
But it is true sometimes. Mai waifu is Prier from La Pucelle. Yes, part of it is because she's hot. But another part of it is I love her personality. And that's saying a lot because I absolutely hate the game she's stuck in.
are you retarded? I can already think of five fucking reasons why people would like master chief.
Name one.
Before Other M, people obsessed over Samus because they thought of her basically being a female Boba Fett. A cold, loner bounty hunter who happened to have a hot body.
After Other M, I agree with you. I have no idea what her appeal is anymore. I still love Metroid games, but never cared about Samus' personality. Being a female Boba Fett is no personality. And now she has too much personality.
No, it's really just the lack of female personality that makes them popular. Their body types are feminine enough for many people. You'd be surprised how common it is for straight men to be repulsed by female minds.
This fucking mother fucker
it's the hat.
Eh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything.
So does every other protagonist of an action game with aliens in it.
But their body types aren't feminine in the slightest, and Fang fills the role of being a girl with a masculine personality without just being a cunt.
You asked for a reason. I gave you two.
5N@F is an entire genre of fanbase I don't understand. It doesn't even look fun.