Game length
>6 hours with cutscenes
How can anyone defend this?
What were the devs doing during developement time?
>but muh collectibles make it 12 hours
If we count those then that means that the new zelda is over 100 hours, just for comparison.

Is this coming to future games too?

6 hours would be fine if the game had replay value

Exploration was a thing in the older Wolf games

>6 hours long game with cutscenes
>Pointless shitty collectibles to pad it out
>No multiplayer
>No co-op
>No boss rush / arcade mode
What the actual fucking fuck?

edited walkthroughs are not a good measure of game time and similar walkthroughs of the first game clock in at a similar 6 hours

fake news

>£39.99 BONG QUIDS


Game is 12 hours. A lot of fun too. If you don’t like stories in shooters you should pass. The voice work is top notch.

also don't forget that if your wife fucks a nigger, you probably deserve it

even if you don't like story it's some of the most fun actual FPS gameplay we've had in years. As good as TOB IMO

I'm replaying TNO right now and actually not enjoying it too much the shotgun and rocket troopers have ridiculous amounts of health and there isn't much variety in the core shootan and you constantly have to scramble while mashing e to duck tape your ass together

maybe I was just spoiled by doom 4

Most people don’t rush through the game and never die once

Six hours of edited gameplay on a way too low difficulty setting sounds fine to me. That translates to 9-12 hours on a proper difficulty setting.

>if you really suck in the game then you will be able to play longer due to constantly dying
brb buying it right now


>>No multiplayer
>genuinely wanting a shoehorned multiplayer for a single player franchise
nu-Sup Forums everyone

I saw this getting completed in 10 hours roughly. Main story, without side missions.
Fake news. Shit thread

>wanting tacked on multiplayer

>that means that the new zelda is over 100 hours
What. Many people played Zelda over 100 hours.


see the game is still 6 hours

Ask yourself this following question OP. Do we really need 20 Wolfenstein threads?

Okay, and now ask yourself if it wasn't better if you kys.

>muh multiplayer

gee who could be behind this post

What about the optional missions? I got 3 after finishing it

At least this one isn't about politics.

>6 hours with cutscenes
That's nott oo bad. People expect way too much playtime out of single player games these days.