what am I in for Sup Forums?
Just bought D2
Other urls found in this thread:
You'll like it if you liked the first one.
>PS4/XBO playerbase has dropped by over 2 million players since launch
>Destiny Tracker stopped reporting playercounts because Bungie told them it was 'fake news'
>PC Players are being banned left and right for using OBS, XSplit, Fraps, Discord, Mumble, MSI Afterburner, & more
>Bungie removed an armor from the game because it was reminiscent of Pepe memes
>The game has egregious gameplay-effecting pseudo-P2W microtransactions in it
Diablo 2 is a good game, better late than never I suppose.
Pretty environments, high production values, very smooth shootan.
Extremely bare-bones RPG mechanics, next to no customization outside of gear, very little weapon variety.
Never played the first one, I game on PC only
>what am I in for Sup Forums?
>zero friends
>B-but muh 10 year plan.
W-will you be my friend user?
D2 = Diablo 2
Diablo 2 is great, friend. My favorite build is a wind druid
>he took the time to make this lame ass joke
Its okay, will last you a week or two till you run out of stuff to do unless you want to do the shitty raid over and over.
Destiny 2 is terrible please don't support this shit
Do you steal get banned for using MSI Afterburner? I don't wanna toast my GPU while playing it.
Every night after work I look forward to reading this post. Thank you for your hard work
>I don't wanna toast my GPU while playing it.
what did he mean by this?
as a console player, I can tell you it’s been a long string of disappointments. I want to love this game and bungie so badly, but they keep fucking up. In 3 years it’ll be back to normal
who is this semen demon?
I've been playing it since the servers went live. I have fun playing it and it's fun to play with friends.
The game is very new and I'm excited to see where they go with it. There will undoubtedly be more content and additions to gameplay. There are some bugs that need to be fixed, as with any game a couple days after launch.
I came to Sup Forums to see what exactly they would hate about it and they didn't disappoint. I swear, you guys just don't really like video games.
>what did he mean by this
what did he mean by this
I have a set configuration for Afterburner that sets fan speeds for certain temps.
>In 3 years it’ll be back to normal
After paying 3 times the game's price for a trickle of content, and just in time to pre-order the special edition of Destiny 3 that starts you off back from scratch with even less features because they know they can get away with it. Fool me twice.
>Not so fast
I love videogames, which is why I played the fuck out of Destiny 2 with friends, and exhausted all the content a week after launch. There is nothing more for me to love or hate, the game is already done, the strongest opinion I have about the game is being glad I got it through gamesharing instead of paying 60 dollars for so little of a game.
As far as I've heard, disappointment. It looks fucking great though, so there's that.
then youre fine it will only ban you if you are using rivatuner statistics
I'm not sure how I feel about that list when the first item is blatantly wrong
A lot of people on here are autistically against it but it's pretty enjoyable. If you don't have any friends to play with you can easily find a clan on bungie.net. there's plenty of people who should welcome you there.
satania from gabriel:dropout. there's a couple pretty good doujins of her last time I checked
It's Borderlands 2 without retarded memes, and that's good enough.
I enjoyed myself. I’m currently at 240 light and have a clan of +20 friends I know personally that I play with. I know not everyone has this opportunity but playing with friends makes a huge difference. I also still enjoy doing things solo.
If you like Borderlands and/or Division, it's basically a simpler version of both mashed together.
I think it's because it's TECHNICALLY half true, there are no kiosks, and some collections are missing. The kiosks have just been combined with the Vault.
And I care about your misinformation why?
Only the one about players being banned is wrong
And the rest are something to care about... why?
>The game has borderline pay to win microtransactions
>Player population had a massive drop
>A third party website that promotes the game is seemingly trying to damage control
Do you seriously not understand why people care about these things?
Not much reason.
Destiny in particular experiences harsh population dropoff as the more casual audience leaves, with the more hardcore population remaining.
This ties into the Destiny Tracker situation, which seems to be a case of someone getting tired of people using the numbers as "proof" of the game "dying" when they have literally no idea what they're talking about.
The bans are sketchy, I don't believe Bungie when they say they rightfully banned 400 people, even if they were flagged and investigated, many were banned far too fast. False positives are a guarantee.
The armor is just covering their asses, not even a remotely valid slight against them.
And the microtransaction situation is so flat out incorrect that I've given up trying to explain it away. People don't want to admit they're wrong, they'll cling to even the slightest hint of gameplay effects to jump on it as proving themselves right.
is it soloable? Is there a loot difference when playing in groups or what exactly?
None at all, the game is completely identical alone or with team mates. Things just progress faster because you have more firepower.
>solo, spend hours doing it yourself
>group, just talk shit while doing the same ammount of work in 5mins