A Sup Forumsery Sup Forumsermin Halloween

VFC's Halloween Tournament is this weekend!
WC7 Also will be wrapping up! Come get hype!

>Inb4 delays

is this "Sup Forumsermin" thing the most autistic shitposting of all time

Post what you're working on right now

It used to be comfy but then we got shills, circlejerkers, attentionwhores and even fanboys, the quality of this threads have declined since then.


I should be doing a team picture of my teams in NH2 but I just don't feel like it.

>Vonderful Vermin ability didn't work at Half Health and Sacnik's ability didn't activate for other minions
>Berserex didn't take recoil damage

T. didn't get his vermin draw by a drawfag

Berserex did take recoil, but it was lowered and wasn't listed in the changelog.

>want to enjoy this Sup Forumseekend
>sick as fuck
Kill me.

New on phone
What's this vermin thing?

this is how far i have gotten on my pirat sprite. im a bit lost on what two colors to use since pirat has a bunch.

make a monster
give stats
when the tripfag says signups are open post the monster

>Berserex didn't take recoil damage
Do that matter when metalgeardramon take 1 (one) damage from everyone?

WC7 and VFC are on this week, yeah?

Post vermins dressed as other vermins!

>TWO VFC tournaments
>one has a loser's bracket

Post cool reaction images.

I'm sorry



I should have done one of my vermins but i don't know how.


Probably not.
That stat boost from VVV and stat debuff with Sacnik probably does though

post your most recent vermin
bonus if its an acolyte

You have to figure out a creative solution to depict multiple colors with the very limited pallet available. It's tough but it'll look really nice if you do it well.
Also reminder that while we now have space for gen 2, we should all focus on getting the gen 1 sprites done first.


>Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend on my birthday tommorow

Ya, when will you do yours? today? next weekend?
I was fucking around with the eraser tool.

just finished these cuties. R8s would be nice

>vermin veekend on my birthday a week from tomorrow

>vfc hasn't posted for 3 weeks
probably went the way of TH. don't get your hopes up


Next weekend, since VFC's tourney is huge enough to take the whole weekend, plus WC7 continuing.

pirat's line is gen 1 replacing ratatta and raticate

More of Mrs. Mats and her class when


All right, that will give me time to do fanart of my teams, good luck doing your tournaments.

Today's Ruzz and Lucy strip everyone!

Mrs. Mats porn when?

jazzman go away

Theys told me to do a full evo line, they also told me to jump off a bridge but i'm leaving that for later.


Welp, I'm mainly waiting for WC7 to finish, because my vermin™ is doing great and it might be my first champ.

And because I will job violently in VFC.

I am pretty sure VFC showed up in synchtube


Loser's bracket tho

I had a dream where Reggie_Fils-Aimee had a clone, he was called Reggie_Feels-Samey.


It's the best I could do


The losers' bracket appears to be for only one side of the whole bracket. The "tricked" side functions differently from the treated side IIRC.

>remember participating in one of the very first threads like this before it had an official name
>drew a shitty little ms paint creature
>gave him some stats
>WEBM man made a little tournament and I got near the finals
>click this thread now
>there's a million high quality creatures
>people drawing fanart and crazy OC stuff
>basically everything this guy says
>bonus stats and special abilities and shit for autists to try and metagame with and make tourney runners life a living hell
what is going on

I hope so, I also hope that the fast stat in VFC gets buffed, because my vermin is F A S T.


>not using your stake to slay the vampire loli

>vfc hasn't posted for 3 weeks

But that's wrong you stupid doomsayer, he asked for birds last week

Also TH's been posting in his Youtube channel

Seriously, do you fags need an update from the hosts every single day?

Who do you want to win this weekend's tournaments?

my team
my vermin

WChost pls

Terrars, Dinoswordus and the Metal Reptiles

You missed out on a lot, I figure.

Psy Guys for WC7. The Halloween tournament has a very large roster.

And what was its name?


There's also a shit ton of hosts now.


Guys, does WC Host ever buff vermin with shitty abilities?

All of them?

>how many months of delay is your tourney, TH
>like three months WC
>you are like a little baby, watch this

just some dumb shit

>metal reptiles have a 43.25% chance of becoming champions right now
>even then, that's assuming they are perfectly balanced

Why are we still here? just to suffer?

At least I have improved my drawing style quite a bit.

I know he buffed mine because it was 2weak.

He buffed Antzerfaust and A FUCKING ROCK.

name the dream team you will never witness
>double xeta contan

this WC tournament is like 4 weeks delayed but don't compare him to TH who didn't even bother to try and finish it

I know how it feels to not be popular but it's no reason to lash out. No wait, i dont. People like my stuff and have gotten some fanart, get rekt loser lash out some more lol.

He buffed Hidra so that the enemy's augmented blast also heals him, making him ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD



Skullfuggery and dark souls.

>not 5x Uber Hope Hero and Skeletronus Prime
It's like you don't want to instantly execute everyone once they go below 25% health.

Don't act like he just gave up on us

Team Fortress because I fail at postrush way too often and nobody's willing to enter Egg-gineer

-3 fast on all enemies, the giant team HP and the fact that attacking any of the members would trigger synthia's ability

don't give shit to WC as if he is doing worse than TH
3 month delay is more than 1 month delay

Don't get me wrong all this seems very cool. I'm just mostly pissed off about this whole ability thing. Makes it less about silly RNG and fun and more about who can push the limit of autistic metagaming with OP abilities.

Big Blast McFast. He was a cartoon bomb with a face on it with his speed and blast stats pumped up absurdly high for the memes. Here's a two second recreation.

TH Host gave us that one rematch last week, he's working on it

Oh shit I remember you.
I thought he actually won over Tittan.

What a return!

I'm not giving shit to WC, you got the wrong user

You don't give shit to TH


>the original runner-up's creator is in this thread

Are you looking forward to zootsuits toon world?

The Host balance the abilities, you can't just make them uber OP

All the runner ups combine

>Nobat in the background

Abilities were added literally right after the thread with blast mcfast. They made things more interesting but the complexity escalated with each tournament and now people won't stop making complicated abilities that take hours to code, and they occasionally throw a stink or ask for a rematch if the hosts don't code their abilities how they specified.

Abilities are the source of all misery and delays.

The abilities used to be weak, but there was a big jump in power once one of the hosts (VFC Host) made it so that you could choose to give your vermin no ability in exchange for a 13/20/25 growth. I'm pretty sure the reason he did that was so that he could use 4/4/4/4/4 and 5/5/5/5/5 vermin for ability balancing.