I'm giving you 20 (TWENTY) seconds (s) to post why you don't have a nintendo Switch and Super Mario Odyssey
I'm giving you 20 (TWENTY) seconds (s) to post why you don't have a nintendo Switch and Super Mario Odyssey
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Dog shit hardware with dog shit specs made for dog shit gimmicks
i want a sm64 clone and this doesnt look like that? am i wrong in thinking this?
I don't want an underpowered tablet and I don't play kids games.
>I'm giving you 20 (TWENTY) seconds (s) to post why you don't have a nintendo Switch and Super Mario Odyssey
Because one game is not enough to justify a system when I still haven't finished the (small) library of WiiU games I have
not buying a mario machine
I need 5 games
There are 3 right now
Nope, it leans more towards sunshine
Because Nintendo has still not said a word about whether or not Smash 4 and Mario Maker are coming to the Switch.
If they just confirm yes, it's an immediate buy.
If they say no, I get a Wii U now and get the Switch in a few months.
>>>bought VR
Playing superior Odyssey
>pre ordered in August
>USPS says it'll be here on the 30th
i wanna see what piracy potential the Switch will have first.
>wanting ports
It's shit.
I skipped the Wii U.
Motion controls...again.
live in a real fucking city, jesus user
I made a list of a bunch of games and accessories for the switch. As of right now I'm waiting to save up 50000 dollarinos so I can buy all of them at once.
>tfw always wait to preorder a game a week before it releases
>it always comes in all time
Amazon has literally never failed me yet
Mods will not touch these threads because they are paid shills.
I don' t spend 300 dollars just on one game.
Because I lack money and want to get it just before XC2 hits
No games, and I don't want a ~10 hour Mario game that I will finish in a weekend.
I don't want to play games at 360p 30fps
Same with you, I live in Ottawa and it's going to be here on the 3rd.
Got a switch but don't have the money right now. Hopefully I have enough next week and also enough for XC2 on Dec 1
I don't care about mario games, the last one I played was SMW
Not enough games yet.
I'm also waiting for it to get hacked and the inevitable Switch 2.0 revision.
>tfw too poor
waiting for shipment
>have ~$60k in the bank
>too jewish to spend my money even on things I want when I'm living at home with no expenses
what's wrong with me
>preordered two days ago
>got it today morning
based Poland
I'm waiting for the game to be delivered in a few hours.
I don't like buying consoles.
I'm five minutes away from a fucking Gamestop that has the Odyssey Switch bundle in stock but I'm in the same boat as Convince me to go buy it
It's a worse game than Mario 64.
I don't care for dead openworlds and colorful basic platformers.
Really I'm waiting on MP4, SMT, and Animal Crossing. Those are my killer apps.
I'm buying Odyssey on Monday
>Another Mario game
When will it stop?
I liked it when they came out with Wario dude, I wouldn't mind new personas.
I grew out of platformers. simple.
I'll pick one up early next year.
You really want to waste $300-$400 just to play one game?
I do.
Because my house is one of the last in the UPS route. It will be here soon though.
But i do!
Don't think it's worth the money when I already have a console.
I can buy a PS4 Pro for less in Canada than the Mario Odyssey Switch bundle. And I can upgrade to a 1070 for less.
It seems overrated. I don't really think it looks particularly fun. Maybe I just dislike the level design but everything seems awkwardly spaced out and stringy. And when it's not like that, like the city level, it just seems stiff and random.
It may have the freedom of 64/sunshine but the game doesn't remind me of those at all.
im a poorfag
I hate both the character and the gameplay, I even own a switch.
.. that sounds expensive...
Oh, and Cemu allowing me to play mario kart 8 and botw and the other mario games
I literally bought both a couple of hours ago.
I have a Switch but I'm waiting for it to get hacked. Odyssey would update the system
I've been trying to get a job but no one seems to want to hire me
i have no personal entertainment money allotted for myself for the rest of the month
what is the point of playing mk8 if theres no online?
I'm not 12 anymore
I don't have money for it
Other hobbies and such
{spoiler] I'm gonna get it sometime though
Do not purchasu this game user-san! It does not have the crassic Mario erements you rove.
>unique areas instead of generic grassrands
>NPCs that are originar and not Toads
>No Kooparings
>and worse of arr,a prayabre waruigi costume
retting Kenta Motokura-kun direct this game was a big mistake.
I'm poor, and shitty with my money
i have a switch but i have not gotten out to the gamestore yet in order to pick up odyssy
>ordered June 13th with Prime
>yesterday says it will be delivered today
>today it suddenly jumped to "delivery tomorrow"
>I live in the "Most livable city" (8x champion in a row)
Fucking cunts
Do you live further away from a distribution center? I think that makes a difference.
I own a Switch, but don't really want this game. Seems like they've put almost more emphasis on exploration than on interesting platforming. So much of the platforming gameplay I've watched comes across as really basic. I think I'd get bored.
>I'm giving you 20 (TWENTY) seconds (s) to post why you don't have a PS4 and Uncharted 4
Amazing how Nintenfags hate Sonyfags yet they behave just like them
>Being American
I'll give you bunch:
1. Only one fighting game -- a port of fucking Super Turbo.
2. No Switch fightstick conversion mods atm.
3. Have to buy a fucking Hori RAP if you want a stick on switch -- there are zero options.
4. No chance of future DBZF/xBlaz/UNIEL/Mahvel/Guilty/BB.
There are some bonus ones too, that are really getting in the way of me ever buying a Switch, like having a PC so I can play BotW and eventually Odessey. I would have bought a Switch day 1 if it had even Goobie, and even would have absorbed the loss on buying a Switch-compatible RAP.
Because my switch bundle hasn't arrived in the mail yet
i dont like children's games
Overshilling really.
Same shit happened with the Wii U and then it crumbled only a couple years in.
If the Nintendopes are on here shilling rather than playing Odyssey then it can't be that good
Financial problems
the nintendo tax makes it too expensive
>Nope, it leans more towards sunshine
As someone who loves Sunshine despite its flaws, that’s makes it even better.
1. waiting for zelda complete edition
2. waiting for christmas so the price drops
3. I have enough games to keep me occupied on 2ds and pc at the moment
To Poor. Also want to play BotW first
because amazon doesn't know how to ship out preorders properly
Nintendo never does DLC-bundled re-releases, even on Players Choice SKUs.
When does scores actually matter?
>mk8 with no online
>not portable BoTW
have fun with those CPUs and korok
It's not a PC
you mean they never did before. this is nu-tendo. there's a decent chance they will. hell they recently started embracing micro-transactions
don't really like nintendo games and i'm not gonna waste money on a switch
>Official Playstation Magazine
>God is a Geek
>The Sixthaxis
>Gaming's Citizen Kane
Because I'm waiting until Nintendo release the upgraded Switch.
Only when Nintendo does it
>I have friends so I can play local multiplayer
>4k 60fps vs 720p 25fps
No money
Call me when the new metroid prime comes and i might change my mind
I haven't preordered, and I'm short on cash. I'll get it next month probably
Because Odyssey hasn't been delivered to me yet.
Nu-tendo, complete with god fucking awful online still and baffling OS-level decisions.
Playing in bed. Playing while you shit. Playing on your backyard on a cool night.
>the absolute state of nintendorks
When the games are judged as games and not cinematic "emotion filled experiences."
Getting one from Santa for being a good boy this year.
>Playing while you
That's not very good for you.
>Only one fighting game
Pokken Tournament is a good fighting game
Because I'm broke. Just staring at the eshop page and watching Fuzzyness' stream