What's the last RPG that let you JOIN the Ancient Evil, Mega Corporation, world ending threat...

What's the last RPG that let you JOIN the Ancient Evil, Mega Corporation, world ending threat, or general "Team Bad Guy" and have it completely playable, not Bad End?

Stardew Valley

Stories should encourage the ultimate triumph of good over evil. Though dramatic purposes may require that evil prevail over good for a time, the ultimate victory of good over evil is a desirable goal. Game products should assume that player characters or heroes are good and should never support evil as a preferred lifestyle.

It’s actually the best ending too

t. Weenie

I wish that had any actual repercussions. It's so much worse than playing the game normally because you don't have any goals at all and you unlock everything right away.

Oh look, it's the no fun allowed police.

Pretty much every SMT game.

Alpha Protocol

It would be interesting if Pokémon let you join the terrorists group. I'd pay for that.

>it's not "evil" if it's FUN
So this is the power of liberal media brainwashing

Legit retard.

Arguably Fallout: New Vegas if you join the Legion.

KotOR 1 has a pretty awesome evil ending too.

Most Shin Megami Tensei games have different alignments you can join. Most games use a law/chaos/neutral system, don be fooled though and automatically think it's as simple as "law=good and chaos=evil" though.

In SMT Nocturne I suppose you become pretty evil in the true ending as you fuck up God's cycle of birth, death, and reincarnation. In IV:A you kill all your friends and become god of a new universe.

Growlanser 2?

You're the villan and there's no other option. Overlord.

Basically pikmin but evil.

>it's not thought police if I preach so hard there's literally no alternative to my preaching

To be fair though the "evil" team in 4A's case is the Divine Powers, and you cannot join them.

Dark souls 1
2 wasn't canon

You could argue the anarchy ending is "evil", but I get your point.

I was thinking more along the lines of morally wrong then straight up evil. Really SMT has few endings we're you're straight up evil and join no one.

3 does it better with you becoming an actual god-emperor of mankind

>2 wasn't canon

Yes it was, faggot, otherwise DS3 wouldn't have referenced it multiple times.