Otherwise it would be a 10/10 for them.

An anti-capitalism/anti-white game is too patrioritc for reviewers. What is going on with western people?


>cloud the game's message
Oh, no worries, we got that

>Kellie Plagge

wasn't it like 5 hours long. why are these people lying about 15 hours.

Is that the review of a movie?
Holy shit

>you will never be this autistic

You can see the mental illness in her eyes. Literally.

>Five main points, four "good" and one "bad"
>Literally only one out of five was about gameplay

DOES ANYBODY EVEN LIKE VIDEOGAMES ANYMORE? I honestly feel like I'm the only one sometimes

1) IGN playing
2) Cutscenes are 4 hours long

5 hours for a normal person is 15 hours for a "journalist".

>says the guy who felt obliged to make this picture

There are 10/10s on IGN with much bigger "THE BAD" arguments than that

>four positive points listed
>only one related to gameplay
At last, I truly see

sorry but too intelligent to play an obvious cash and bait for ppl on the far left.

>that blatant antifa promotion at the end

why did they make this nigger bitch so fucking ugly?

How can anyone actually defend this?

Bulma is perfect. This ugly SJW monster is tarnishing my waifu.


>not all white trump supporters are nazis
>game that puts you agaisnt nazis is anti-white


Being a political game and not going full GAS THE WHITES is apparently a huge flaw in IGN's opinion.

Why does this trigger you, again? You need to get not everyone has your mental illness so you legit need to explain to me why I am to be offended.

But user, there is no god :)

The game uses white as a derogatory term, though?

And it accidentally made BJ a Jew when he was always of Northern European heritage.

Protip, user: Life was never like 1950's TV

Literally the same as reddit, just opposite wording. You mouth breathers are as lacking in self-awareness as the leftards you make fun of.

Tips fedora.

>"We want Nazis out of America!"
>kick Nazis out of America
>10 out of 1- Wait... what's this?

>"You did it. You kicked those dirty nazis out. I can finally say that I'm proud to be an American!"
>Gross too patriotic for me
>-1 point

What the fuck do you want?

>Too patriotic
Holy shit IGN
no wonder why this kind of people tear each others apart, what a fucking death cult

depiction =/= endorsement

>Everyone who plays this is American

See Then ask yourself again if being racist against whites, pushing communism, miscegenation, smaller things such as smoking while feeding your baby breast milk or being a fucking horrible shit game are things you shouldn't condemn.

>and the catharsis you experience killing Nazis
Honestly this sounds really odd to me. I swear, on the outside these lefties act all peaceful with their "acceptance" and "diversity" and veganism "dont hurt muh animals" and whatnot but fuck I think it is really getting to them....
They need a video game to vent all of that murderous intent they keep bottled up. It's like that person with a smile on their face just waiting for something to happen so they can beat the shit out of someone

>Literally the same as reddit
so what does lebbit say? If it's literally the opposite, then pro black? is that what reddit complains about?

buying this anti white cuck game. holy fuck the west is doomed.

reddit are actually rertarded autists that dont see any difference.

like you

>The game uses white as a derogatory term, though?

yes it does, your point?

>thanksgiving no longer exists
>families no longer exist
>old people no longer exist
>christians no longer exist
>marriage no longer exists
>brothers and sisters no longer exist
>the constitution no longer exists
>marching bands no longer exist
>etc etc

wtf I'm a nazi now

>only anglos in all the pictures
Really makes you wonder who could be behind all this.

That said, Robert Altman, CEO of Zenimax (Bethesda, this shit game) literally endorsed Hillary and was one of her biggest supporters.


>patriotism is a bad thing
>only one point is about gameplay

This is why you don't let cotton candy haired mentally ill diversity hires review games.

Gamestop will never recover from the Kain and Lynch scandal

Easy: I have no right to control; the lives of others. To do so is to agree that I would want others to rule my life. As such, I do not care what ideology or beliefs others push or believe. That is their right, as it is your right to ignore them.

hillary is white, if he was anti white why would he support her?

Sup Forums isn't even against this game. Most people there actually defend it due to cognitive dissonance. They just want to play their little braindead FPS and even pay for it.

There is no last stand. The west is doomed. It's over.


Shush, cuck.

>Asks why that webm is offensive
>points to not that webm

>people in America unironically believe on god
>Sup Forums meta now is to believe in a god, UNIRONICALLY

Truly, the end is nigh. Hopefully this site collapses in on itself just like neogaf. I want Sup Forums from 2008 again...

It's also his right to point such content out dumbfuck.

>Shush, cuck.

why did you reply to me if you didnt want to talk?

>As such, I do not care what ideology or beliefs others push or believe

yeah, that won't bite anyone in the ass now will it? tolerance of intolerance is a good thing

Because what she does is anti-white, in every way.

Trying to get rid of Assad (for Israel, literally what she said in her leaked emails, Google it) and supporting rebels and literally ISIS, which entailed the refugee crisis and 20 million people trying to get to Europe for one.

Black invaders in south africa are slaughtering the white populace in the name of communism and these fuckers complain about whitey not giving them enough free shit.

Ever wonder why there are no white SA refugees? They get refused at the border for being white. Rotherham's child rape gangs got a parade and protection against the dads trying to save their young daughters though.

Don't be a racist Sup Forums, assist in white genocide t. Jewish media

>The party claims to be Christian, yet preaches xenophobia, hatred, and looks down upon the poor and needy
>Constantly push to be represented by billionaires that do nothing for the common people, then scream "socialism" whenever someone makes a program that does benefit anyone.
Go back to Sup Forums, and stay there.

The world is not your safe space

>Sup Forums isn't even against this game.

and how would you know that unless you are from there?

So, where is that content in that webm? Also, don't get angry because I didn't agree with you.

Probably because I don't want to talk to someone of your disposition and intellect?

Generally, intolerance tends to cause a bigger issue according to history. I'd rather avoid pointless revolutions and centuries of civil war because some faggot wants to be a conservative soccer mom and control others lives.

>you are only allowed to visit one and only one board

since when is assad white? How is supporting rebels anti white?

litterally everyone wants assad out, hillary, trump, top military officials. How does that make hillary special?

Lol fucking hell Sup Forums are so far gone it's scary

Gotta admit, that is propably some of the most realistic character modeling I've seen in a while

Israel is expanding into Syria.

All their Twitter posts are a dig at Trump and Trump supporters. It's obvious that when they say "get rid of Nazis" they mean "get rid of Trump supporters/whites".

Well, it's a Zenimax production.

Yeah, neither yours. Now stop REEEING, cuck.

>The party claims to be diverse and tolerant, yet preaches xenophobia, hatred, and looks down upon the poor and needy
>Constantly push to be represented by billionaires that do nothing for the common people, then scream "racism" whenever someone makes a program that does benefit anyone.


has literally nothing to do with the picture

>I replied to you because I didnt want to talk to you

based retardbro

Only Sup Forumsfags are the only people who think that a game about killing nazis is offensive

>b-but nazi is now just slang for rightwinger
>b-but the pr is implying Trump is a nazi
These are literal nazis, not just misunderstood Republicans

It really sucks that my grandfather fought in WW2 for this

>Kallie Plagge
>cartoon/anime profile picture instead of themselves

it's a tranny isn't it?

>conservative soccer mom

we're talking about a different type of Conservative here user sweetie, Muslims
enjoy being beheaded for being a fag as is customary in most Islamic majority countries, but hey who cares 'what ideology or beliefs others push or believe'

>litterally everyone wants assad out
Wow, you are stupid. And you didn't get my point at all. How is flooding white ethnostates such as Germany, Austria or Sweden with millions of

israel has more white people than syria, why would that be 'anti-white'?

>>b-but nazi is now just slang for rightwinger
>>b-but the pr is implying Trump is a nazi
>These are literal nazis, not just misunderstood Republicans

There is not a single likeable or even really detestable character in the game, and the nazis are basically all robots. After Engel gets killed, there is literally no single character left on nazi side.

>waaaaaah this game made a joke about the leader of the free world now I'm afraid game developers are out to kill me

Cry harder you bitch

What makes you equate "trump supporter" with "nazi"?

Guilty conscience?

At this point the moment I read "diverse" I just assume you are operating on a mental deficit.

you're the only one bitching here.
Sup Forums is so full of cry babbies

Where do I have to move to get this job? I am confident I could do it better than every single person in the industry.

>literally quotes the picture that shows the game is shitting on whites in general, not just Nazis

Kill yourself, retard.

It pushes communism too. Stop being a retard. Play some old and actually good FPS games if you really need them.

Nah you're just an idiot who can't understand the shit he reads and jumps to conclusions.

since when was flooding europe anyone's goal?

> millions of

you really think they actually get paid money, do you?

Do you guys not follow news at all? Do you really not know what they're getting at with the "fine people" line?

Jesus Christ. The average Sup Forums poster really is 14 y/o. Buy and support your anti-white shit game and enjoy your five hours of braindead M1 hammering. Not my loss.


oh wow I had no idea that using the term 'white ass' somehow insults all white people thanks for the lesson

Out of all the political bullshit in this game, it's being patriotic for America that crosses the fucking line
Jesus Christ, Trump really is gonna fucking destroy the left in the 2020 election

I hope not

Black people can call themselves "monkey-ass negroes" all day long and no one thinks they're anti-black but when a white person does it it's anti-white?

Bulma isn't a very good video game reviewer.

You people are so sensitive. Fuck, I went to a theme park halloween event tonight that had a stage show that went as far as comparing Trump supporters to cannibalistic red necks. Oddly enough, no riots happened in rage at the anti-whiteness. No one cried when they made jokes about Trump and Putin, either.

>Game is anti-white
>"How is killing Nazi wrong?"
Killing Nazi is not wrong, but implying that white people are nazi is what's wrong.
The left is so hypocrytical in this sense. When people say all muslim are terrorist they get called out for it(and rightfully so) but when the left call all white people racist, it's Sup Forums being crazy?
I'm not even American, but what the fuck America?

What's the deal with racists guessing the IQ levels of entire races and nationalities? Sup Forums is so far gone that they believe the insane garbage that others spout.

Sup Forums is defending this shit game, retard. The white race is dead.

Well... It does. Glad I could help. Imagine someone at Fox News saying Obama should move his black ass out of the white house. Kek.

Sup Forums is actually DESTROYING Sup Forums at the moment.
Every thread
Every topic
Every discussion
Every fucking board
Is tainted by their political bullshit. There is no escape.
The most literal definition of stage 4 cancer. It's everywhere is killing everything. Sad times.

>Well, it's a Zenimax production.
Trump's brother literally is a part of Zenimax, the Trump family profits from Bethesda games including this
It's playing every lefty faggot like a fucking fiddle

isnt 'fine people' a reference to the statement trump said about how that rally a few months ago wasnt all nazis but also had 'fine people' in it?

how does that imply trump supporters are nazis?

>white dude tells calls white dudes white asses
>"removed" is just captions are turned off

If Wolf 1 came out today you fucking SJW pussies would be crying about how ID is out to kill all the whites

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

Muslims and western conservatives have a ton in commpon and largely the same desires so I don't see the issue? I mean Hitler killed gays as well?

Holy shit the insanity of that people has no end, they are really fucked up in the head


Reminder that communists only killed chr*stians who are all nazi-supporting anti-semites

No one cares about your blogpost, retard.

Caring about your own race !=! sensitive. The Jews got you good there, mate.

>look what a badass I am for not giving a shit about going extinct

Top kek.