What spooky games are you goin' to play?
What spooky games are you goin' to play?
Probably Under Night in birth
Spoops don't interest me as a form of entertainment. I get much more satisfaction from intricate strategy and execution of skill rather than glorified walking simulators.
Outlast 2, although I'm a little sad you cant just run past everything like you can in the first game. Made it a lot more fun.
I'll probably pick up Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion HD in the sale. The free version was pretty charming from what I played (stopped after getting murdered by the puppeteer and his teleports-behind-you bullshit).
I'm playing Yomawari Midnight Shadows. Probably one of the spoopiest games I've played in the last two years.
JLullaby's art is so much better when it's SFW.
Post the ass pls.
And Amnesia.
Good picture desu
oh well i guess this thread isnt for you. Good Day.
also very wholesome
The content of the thread isn't for me, but that doesn't mean I'm trying to be rude. I figured the thread could use a bump because I know a lot of people do dig on spoops and it's the perfect time for it.
I prefer women being fucked by gigantic nigger dicks, thanks.
I want to play something outside of Resident Evil and Silent Hill. What do?
Play the Yomawari series.
Dead Space. Got my save game from 2014 and I finally wanna finish this.
I'm going to dress as a skeleton and get plastered then wake up hungover to grind in fate grand order.
Christ, that's depressing to actually write out. I don't bring any vidya with me to uni because if I did I'd just end up playing it 16 hours a day, so I content myself with mobile garbage and shitposting on Sup Forums until the end of each semester
You have to be around eleven if you think that's spooky.
Playing Detention.
Been a while since a horror game prompted me to turn the lights back on like a pansy.
>loves me... loves me not.
Very strange way to do that. I take it in person social situations give you similar reactions from other people?
>no one realizes who drew this yet
I wouldn't know.
Everyone knows who drew it, you fucking moron. The fact that you think it's shad speaks volumes about how much you know.
Not scary but just finished Undead Nightmare.
are you dum?
Now I want to play a spooky porn game.
Do those exist?
>tfw you don't have a ghost girlfriend
there's unteralterbach
probably one of the spookiest games
I want this so bad
>tfw you do have a ghost girlfriend but it isn't a girl
Secret World Legends. New event is meh, but I'm still going through the story.
>TFW you follow a summoning ritual from /x/ and the only ghostly pussy that shows up is Randy Stair
Fucking phone. Meh at least it's not my email.
are you mayhaps a girl? :)
>tfw you do have a ghost girlfriend but it isn't a girl
Female ghost (male)
Jlulaby or some shit, right? I realized that, but always fuck the name up.
I need to find some spooky games to play. I wish there were more soft-spooky or accessible games. There's so much try-hard horror shit these days. I just like cool monster designs and fun gameplay.
Nope, I'm used to people thinking that or making fun of it because of Disney and all that though, it's used for males in my country and got my name before that movie even existed.
maybe this will help you
I haven't played Legends. Are the changes worth getting back into? Is hammer/shotgun still fun?
Post the other side
I need a good spooly halloween game to play, anybody has any suggestions?
Stuff I liked:
Silent hill
The Witch's House
Amnesia (although the fun faded after the first few sections)
Underhell (but it wasn't really spooky)
but user, das gay
what's going on here
Dude just use the app.
Is that from Ib?
Yomawari is good.
Why do they love cuck shit so much
>using stupid mobile phones instead of the good old symbols and books
spoiled kids
*tips fedora*
Looky here, pappy. Not everyone has time to gather ingredients and reagents, buy a fuck ton of salt, draw a bunch of symbols, remember a bunch of shit, and wait for something. This is a busy time filled with busy people with busy lives. Streamline the process to make it more user friendly.
So. Any good suggestions for video games?
You're an idiot
Master of Orion 2. Doesn't have anything to do with this thread but it's the game I would suggest everyone play.
Demon girls do it better buddy
Just played REmake for the first time and fucking loved it. About to play 0 but I heard some people hate it. What's exactly wrong with it?
I have never seen any remotely innocent looking picture come from this artist.
Thought I'd play Bloodborne throughout October, but that game can almost cause Dark Souls II levels of frustration at times, and when that happens it seriously puts me off despite it being a pretty fun game.
I'm really not looking forward to Darkbeast Paarl.
is this from the sequels?
>this dudes idea of hot porn is to draw GALLONS OF SEMEN COMING FROM EVERYWHERE
You've been playing Bloodborne for 27 days and you haven't even beaten zap dog?
cheating, loli, milf would be the tags used.
On HF there's an adjacent pic that shows her cum filled rear.
>Spent about 30 seconds looking for Loss
What has this site done to me
Crooked Man's fun for a freeware RPG horror.
Fran Bow's interesting if you like the idea of Silent Hill as a fantasy point-and-click.
SOMA's worth a playthrough, if you like Frictional Games. But it's mainly recommended for story and atmosphere rather than actual gameplay or blunt scares.
>why doesn't every artist cater to ME and MY tastes?!
My favorite section of that movie for sure. She absolutely nailed the uncanny valley with minimal makeup and effects.
I'm playing Witcher 3 now because of the big sale. Does it have any good spooky parts?
have you seen her spin off movie yet? I wonder if it's any good.
Why isn't he losing his shit?
No, I haven't. Know the name of the movie by any chance? I'd like to check it out.
I haven't played it a couple of weeks.
>he can't get off to this
Gotta get the poison out.
>mfw I wish I still had my complete Shadow Hearts collection
Koudelka, SH, Covenant, and FNW were all the shit
I would give my right leg and my first born for a rerelease with the entire series in 1 package
Thanks. I'll give it a looksee.
>thinks no one gets off to /d/ content
>thinks most of Sup Forums doesn't get off to /d/ content
It's common fucking practice for artist to make vanilla or alternate versions of their one offs, with things like removed cum shots, dicks changing color, no scat/brap shit if they like that, etc. It's bassicly a dick move to make on /d/ retarded fountains of cum wax dick nigger shit 24/7 and then all of these braindead retards into that shit keep encouraging you, not to mention it's very rare his porn is actually porn at all and not fucking cuck shit or retarded lE COOM EVERYWHERE garbage
Horror themed games > Horror games
>Vagina dentata!
>What a horrible phrase!
>It means no boners for the rest of your daaays!
I enjoyed:
Condemned: Criminal Origins
The last Door
The siren games
Until Dawn is pretty fun too if you have a PS4, definitely not worth more than 15 bucks tho
Shut the fuck up.
wow.... so hot....
>WHY wont every artist cater to ME and MY tastes?!
We get it, your taste is horrible. You don't need to keep telling us.
What is Condemned like? It's on sale for pretty cheap right now.