Halloween is coming up
What video game character is Sup Forums going to be as?
I might be mario
Halloween is coming up
What video game character is Sup Forums going to be as?
I might be mario
Whos the guy with the pacman shirt?
Thats a black guy. The guy right next to him is Ryan.
>Don't initially plan to do a costume this year cause I work 9-5 on Halloween
>Friend is hosting Halloween party weekend before
>Can't think of shit, don't want to pay tons of money
>Scrounge enough things together to do a Cuphead costume
My friends are apparently looking forward to seeing it.
Oops this is meant for you
Only pics I have are not that good looking to be honest, took them in a haste. Using some brown hiking boots for shoes, white tights and red basketball shorts over those with a black long sleeve shirt. I didn't get time to make an actual head piece not that I know how to so I'm gonna use some face paint to match the look of his face. Might also use a grey wig I have for a costume I did a while ago.
Iv'e always wanted to go to an adult halloween party with all the girls dressed as slutty monsters. What am i missing?
That's Forrest Whitaker, are you serious right now?
I just though today that Paul Phoenix would be a cool costume and wouldn't be overly difficult to pull off, just need a boatload of hair gel
Missing out drinking and making out with drunk girls pretty much.
Put a cone around your hair so it will stay up.
You can do that any night of the week if you aren't under 21.
Idk but I hope we dont have high school kids sneaking into our college parties again
those little fuckers go overboard with this shit
Halloween party have more people in it and more willing to have more fun.
You College retards aren't any better. Wait until you graduate and go to a bar full of loud ass college kids pining for attention. We get to charge you triple for drinks though so it's all good.
You dont know how embarrasasing it is when Theres no punch because some asshat dropped it on some junior with tits
>Halloween party have more people in it and more willing to have more fun.
I live in Chicago and that's not true at all. Bars are full every weekend. House parties are where minors go to drink. Halloween night downtown is ten times better than it is in some rinky dink apartment with a bunch of arrogant 19 year olds trying to date rape each other. You'll be arguing my side of this argument in a few years, trust me.
I love it when people use the dorms for statuatory rape
Is that the fat fuck that is single handedly killing Cinemassacre?
I am doing a Hotline miami Richard/Jacket costume for Halloween. I put the B on the jacket today. Also found this mask at the local halloween store, like the furry look even though its not white..
I was going to buy that. That shit was 50 bucks though. Fuck that.
Thats subtle enough to be both lazy and genius at the same time
Yes thats Ryan but Mike is the one killing it.
Quick pic with the B.
When I was in college we had some freshman chug a whole bottle to impress a girl and then 30 mins later he's on the ground turning blue. Our party lasted 45 mins because we had to call 911. He didn't die though so that was a positive but a few people got in a lot of trouble.
was that 50 buck?
More Budget Miami.
mario is a nigger
>ynw have a subtle college party with grown adults who were finally getting around to getting an education
>Its always a shitshow unless its overmoderated crap
How tall are you?
Considering the average door in america is about 6'3 feet tall, Id say he's 5'9
A balding 30 year old who stalled in his gains 3 months ago, hates his job, and has no gf.
actually looks pretty cool man
The mask was 40, Jacket was 22 Canabucks.
What is that? Like five American, total?
6' 1.
kind of a videogame character, but hatsune miku