>Wolfenstein II is communist propagan-
Pic related kills the narrative
Wolfenstein II is communist propagan-
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what do you suppose they did with bj's old body
Nazi Body > Kike body, so they tossed that filthy kike body.
BJ doesn;t mind it cuz he likes it a lot and feel more powerful. Nazi did a right thing despite their unethical experimentation.
I wonder BJ realizes that he can't be circumcised due to regeneration. He couldn't produce kike babies with that body, which is designed for Aryan.
This game is commie bullshit
>BJ has another mans penis/balls
>all future children will be another mans
>BJ is turned into a cuck
Eww. A woman of African descent.
yeah those kike twins will be jealous of their half-BrĂ¼der.
Ayna would have mixed feeling on this whole thing cuz she couldn't resist BWC and hate a white baby.
People even defend this. So I'm not surprised anymore with cucks on Sup Forums.
where would i, a hispanic, fit into this
This but unironically
ayo shut tha fuck up white boi
saved thanx
In Nazi world? Sorry, you will be sterilized if you want to live in one of the advanced cities
white spaniard or latino mongrel? sorry if you have native/aztec blood you get the gas chamber.
Looking at that most fascist flead to Argentina, Chile and Paraguay it really depends if your parents were european settlers or native and african slaves
Get fit
get a career
get something everyday
this shit doesn't exist
who cares
if they don't race mix, then it would be ok.
Is this all bullshit from the new game? Sounds retarded.
underrated post
Fuck off, cuck.
Wew lad you don't even know the half of it. If you're bored and have a few hours to kill I'd recommend watching the game on youtube, it's a fucking hoot.
>real world issues?? g-get a life nerd....
Really taking a ride on the brain train today huh sport?
Yes it is in the game. Retarded? Hardly. Nazi carried out a series of medical experiments to advance German medicine, biology, etc.
Look up "Nazi eugenics" It existed.
Sorry but you can't piss and moan about how fucking Nazis were bad but then praise another America hating genocidal totalitarian ideology that murdered millions
Eew, why are these swedecucks promoting Communism when it killed 196 million more people than the jews?
>this shit doesn't exist
>its another Sup Forums snowflakes getting triggered by fictional media episode
So these are white cucks... whoa...
A hillbilly would never be a commie they're proud murricans
>saw the gameplay
>it fits with the moment
>literally posting fake news
Sup Forums going full Fox news i see
>he doesnt leave his house
I would actually argue that true facism has not been tried.
We could be banging alien babes by now if we had some damn order.
>>it fits with the moment
Fascism is extremely unstable. Evem fascism-lite collapses after the cult of personality figure dies.
The West is pretty much going to abolish itself by the end of this century. It will be up to the asians to get us off this rock.
Why cant there be a middle ground between nazism and ethnomasochism in the West?
Umm... sweetie, that's not that term works.
It's an issue to a small subset of american youth that spends way too much time behind a screen. If you weren't online all the time doing this kind of shit to feel important e righteous you would find out real "real world issues", my fellow peperino
Wow this game looks sick!!
I would like to know how you look like.
You're a fucking imbecile.
so if i go out crying " nigger ass chimps " when blacks are chimping out and looting and murdering their own
it fits the moment ?
because of the fox narrative right ?
I didn't know Yanderedev was German
Not only that. They modeled her based on the facts of the most fbi wanted female terrorist.
Skip. WOn't even get it for 3.99 next year.
Ignoring something doesn't make it go away.
Is that 2pac's mother?
Will they ever learn?
Underrated kek.
Thanks for your heroism, then. Continue to acknowledge and fight some internet boogeyman. Everytime you try to get someone to understand how important and how true the menace to your perceived virility is you cover yourself with ridicule. There is a board for you. In the last month Sup Forums has been unreadable. Maybe you are in good faith, but oh boy are you mislead.
That's actually pretty neat.
Its obumer's son.
what a shitty joke
redpill me right now on why Sup Forums is triggered. Again....
Yeah yeah blh blah canned half-simmered derision is how you process everything we get it you rote normalfag fuck please eat my balls now
>literally defending a shitty game because it pisses off people you don't like
That's why gaming is shit
I'm not sure I get what your fucking problem is. Do you want everyone to just shut up and not talk about things you don't think are important? How about a fuck you too? All the Wolfenstein threads are discussion about a video game whether you think it is or not.
Sup Forumsacks false flagging to fellate themselves on a story no one ever cared about in a remake no one ever cared about
>white people are so sensitive that they can't even handle the fact that someone calls them white
holy kek
>call a black man black
>that's racist!
>call a white man white
does she has a penis?
>call a black man black
>that's racist!
But it's not
nah, wish she did
the radical leftist faggots believe otherwise
You need a Warhammer universe for that to happen. To rule everyone in times of peace, you need loyal superhumans like Space Marines to ensure absolutely no one can successfully rebel against your regime as it would undoubtedly be futile. In times of war even if you don't have loyal superhumans like that, if your universe/world is as dangerous as Warhammer's the people simply have no choice but to bow to an order just to survive.
Then why do black people get angry if you call them black?
Are they insecure?
Little secret:
Find door 6, you'll know which one it is by the music cues
The only tip i have is to shoot jt until it dies
This is why Doom is better. No politically charged dialog, just rip and tear.
There is a place for discussing that shit. You are not here for discussing. You are here to shitpost all the time behind the false pretense of political conversation and video game issues. You are like a mob of jeovah's witness, only fatter.
But they don't, they get angry if you call them nigger. Because that's a derogative term that white used against blacks. But they dont get angry for being called black
He says while the imperium of man is always one step away from a civil war.
>Doom (2016) 2
"It's time to rip and tear, you white fascist hellspawn!", Doomguy slowly removes his helmet. He was a sassy black lady with a 'fro the entire time.
pls no
He is reeree?
Finaly, my country will be great again!
>post-heresy Empire of Man
What did he mean by this?
I'm pretty sure if you called a black person a "Black ass crackhead" they would be mad. Unless they are really high on crack.
Not specifically at the word black, but the entire statement.
>But they don't
I live in a fairly rough neighbourhood, and I can confirm that they do
I live in a very rough neighbourhood, I'm telling you from personal experience that they don't.
She's a qt, I wanna kill white people together and then snuggle...
>starbucks once got my order wrong and the police once questioned my neighbor about a theft in one of their seven rental properties, so i basically live in detroit
this woman is hot as fuck and anyone who isnt a broken brained raciss will agree
shes a bad character regardless. Anyone in real life that goes around spouting "white this" and "white that" calling people white/whitey/white boy is just an ignorant annoying twat. So having her in the game and being forced to hear her shit is crap.
This tbqhwyf. Only beta 1-star secondaries care about media portrayals and representation -- lefist cuckoldians/Tumblr seals and alt-right nu-Sup Forumsapemen neckfats.
>doesnt find some attractive
sit down, tumblr
>is just an ignorant annoying twat
That's the joke. Your allies are a racist negro bitch, an pathetic and cowardly "intellectual" commie, a crazy UFO hunter, a fat ex-Nazi women that defected because her mom was mean to her... BJ is pretty much the only sane man.
Dude's a walking ball of murder.
He's not sane at all either.
i was being ironic with the racist comment but i suppose in it's impossible to tell in today's Sup Forums so i guess i can't fault you for it
but she's still hot though
i havent played it so i dont know the 'depths' of her character arc yet but just from everything ive seen of her rubs me the wrong way because i dont like those types of people in real life so it sucks to see them in things i enjoy.
if she gets some kind of comeuppance that would be neat but i doubt it will happen.
So Bethesda just decide to throw out every possible current politics reference in the game?
ok! well then, good day and morrow to you. sir!
theres a thing called developer and publisher, user.
Maybe living in a society ruled by nazis and KKK where blacks are killed for no reason at all would make her a little more butthurt towards whitey then normal people IRL?
No because im not a racist prejudice idiot and dont swath people all the same.
black people are objectively uglier than basically every other race
It comes off as racist/prejudice against the whole instead of just 'hey i dont like these people in particular that target me just for my race'.
That shit annoys me and I really hope it gets called out in the game and not have everyone jumping behind her going 'FUCK YOU CRAZY CRACKAS! BLACK PANTHERS UNITE!'
ya but this specific girl is hot to me
another jewish trick for whites to self loathe in attempt to get neo marxist pussy. you cucks are pathetic.
go back to Sup Forums or even better, reddit