Is Jim Sterling, dare I say this, /our guy/?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice fake. Almost fooled me.



>didnt review Samus Returns

>damage control
point me to where his review is than faggot.

nice fake link

Is that actual cum?



what the fuck is lore behind this image

didn't he say he didn't make normal reviews anymore?

I don't follow Jim, what's the story here?

nah it looks to strong to be nu-male cum. Probably just his wife's.

He hated odyssey so much he made a review for it.

He already done it with BotW, brand new dog, same old tricks.

Ops image is faked


Did it. Use the correct tense.

Jim said some game made him cum and the developer / publisher told him to prove it.

nice shop


god he must have to shift so much fat around all day... and imagine the sleep apnea

This fat lesbian is still trying this hard to be contrarian?

fat contrarian faggot

metacritic took it down on special orders from their nintendo pay masters

he sure showed them

Sonygroes are this pathetic, Sterling quits reviews so they have to make one up for him so they can feel better about themselves wew

No idea why YouTube personalities reviews even show up on Metacritic.

>it's a fake
>everyone believes it anyway because everyone knows jim sterling is an idiot

Jim no longer does reviews. Sonybros forced him to quit after he that on that Bloodborne clone they hyped to hell.

He's a numale nigger loving kike faggot who worships LW.

Nice shop m8

>there are people that post on Sup Forums that take this sack of shit seriously

>half the thread is telling OP its fake
>"Everyone believes it anyway"

It always bothers me that there are a ton of websites and magazines that review games, and I have never heard of them. What the hell is Atomix and 3DJuegos?

Sterling is one of the foremost critics in the industry

fake review but ill bite
I trust his statements on the industry but his reviews are beyond shit. one only needs to look at old reviews to understand how shitty his taste is and the bias he holds.

Nice attempt at a fake, but he loves the Switch.

fake link, nice try troll

>What the hell is Atomix and 3DJuegos?
spanish language sites

>Metascore is 97
I was fucking exactly right.
Should've screencapped the post I made the other day.

the fact that you know this about him proves that you need to remove yourself from Sup Forums


Nintendo really got the checkbook out for the shills for this one