Current Year - Evil White Scum: The Game (My Wife's Son Edition)

Current Year - Evil White Scum: The Game (My Wife's Son Edition)

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It's christmas for numales they'll be all up night in the cuckshed playing this with their gf and her bf.

Stay mad


Real nazis didn't get their feelings hurt so easily, Sup Forums.

killing a white person in a game should be fucking illegal. It's like killing a unicorn, you just don't DO that.

I thought BJ killed Hitler...

Trying to fit in: the post

Cuckolds arealdy triggered.

why was the last thread on this deleted?

Who cares the game is going to be shit anyway.

Die mad about a video game you complete faggot

SJW mods get easily triggered by the truth.

also, that's the communist fist

it is, but it still scored 90 on metacritic. it's going to sell like fried chicken in the ghetto.


because it triggered numales/cucks, neogafs, libtards, and niggers, so it had been reported and deleted by (((mod))).

>the ending credits literally look like recruitment posters for Antifa
Jesus Christ

404 edition.

I can't believe I haven't seen one goddamn thread show gameplay yet

because it's not vidya

Sup Forums mods are SJW

Because these threads aren't video games, they're just Sup Forumsacks playing victim

idk why people take meta critic scores seriously in the first place. They've lied before :/

because it is not a video game geez

>Implying Sup Forums plays vidya


Still better than being a trangender degenerate cuckold.



White Privilege: Hunt for White Woman

>libertarian realist
libertarian's get the rope as well

but they are transgendered

>a game made by a company is political
>people react to its politics and don't always agree with its politics
When did leftists become such corporate bootlickers that this bothered them?

and they're paid for.

because the threads keep getting deleted. stop reporting them, faggot.

Because most of the game is cutscenes

>buzzword buzzword buzzword
also spotted the 15 year old fedora

>make simple shooter game
>shoehorn contemporary highly charged political shit into it along the lines of "fuck white people"
>wonder why nobody is talking about the gameplay which is of the standard unremarkable shooter variety

>libertarian realist
Meanwhile, leftists in this thread are butthurt as fuck that Sup Forums isn't licking Bethesda's corporate boots.

Stop not talking here vidya, double faggot.

Nice arguments there my antifa friend.


>>shoehorn contemporary highly charged political shit into it along the lines of "fuck white people"

>Shooting nazis is the same as insulting all white people

fuck off nazi you don't speak for me or white people.

>mentally ill Sup Forumstards think killing Nazis is now "fuck white people"

Boy oh boy.
We got a fucking winner with this game guys.

shut up nazi

>buzzword buzzword buzzword my buzzword

This, ok real talk just take a look at it's predecessor the first 1, there was no nu male virtue signaling bullshit. Yes Sup Forums some people don't like this bullshit in their video games, it's why people praised doom on here for so long cause there was no bs, just a vyda.

How are sales looking?


Umm honey, don't be a racist facist and sexist PoC

That's fucking hilarious though.

nigga they are all the same games. the world has changed and you fucking know it.

>inb4 marketing

Everyone who voted for Hillary is a communist.
By the way, we need to start knocking out all communists.
By the way, buy my game about killing communists.

Opinions on this?

post that webm with pregnant chick

How's being braindead going for you my 12 year old friendo?

i do like when both sides just start posting ugly people to try and make a point.

See Can you point out anything in previous Wolfenstein games that looked like promotional material for the black bloc?

>get to enjoy watching the left and right lose their shit over the exact same things
fucking pottery i tell you

Jesus christ, is every lefty on here just complete brain dead?

Why Sup Forums keep coming here?
Do they enjoy get BTFO that much?
Are they sadist?

KILL ALL NAZI, btw everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi.


I would not really care if they just admitted that the marketing and story of the game is a blatent appeal toward a particular group. They manage to politicize an American past time of killing Nazis in video games. Just admit it's pandering and then it's all good.

Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Nice arguments there my antifa friend.

Imagine having your mind so thoroughly corrupted by Sup Forumsshit that you think everyone who isn't a turbo-sperg 1488er conviniently belongs to the same tiny-ass group of larping anarchists that serves as your boogeyman

Is calling someone a 15 year old fedora not buzzwords now? Maybe think a little before hitting post

This shit was really cringey and dragged on for so long. I'm not a fan of the guy but you did we need 15 minutes of him pissing and puking and acting like a crazy old man? I just wanna shoot shit.

It's really telling when the game points out how stupid the script he wrote is, then they write something just as fucking dumb.

>fists trigger me

what do you think of the red faction series user?

Sorry you don't have the IQ necessary to enjoy Wolfenstein, Sup Forums.

>liberals criticizing other people's looks

>don't like the games injecting racial politics
>must be a nazi

yeah, all the nazi killing.

I unironically love that scene because it's grindhouse kino af

>not being an authoritarian means you're a centrist

If it was just mods having a hissy fit thus thread would be dead too
There was a time being a conspiracy theorist was looked at as a stupid decision

>Why Sup Forums keep coming here?
NeoGAF is online again what are you still doing here?

Guess what libcuck. JAPANES are nazis too, they are honorary aryans. Will wolf 3 make you kill asians now? oh what tolerant left.


what did he mean by this

Sorry but too intelligent to enjoy leftist crap.

>injecting racial politics
>into a game about Nazis
>whose entire deal was racial politics
You're not very smart, are you?

>Because most of the game is cutscenes

dont worry man, not being a radical automatically means you're a soft cunt!

I don't plan on buying this game, but how does the actual gameplay look? TNO was kinda slow.

Does BJ really fight alongside literal commies in this?

What a shit show.

I think its silly, but I think that's the point. Either way I'm probably gonna like this game story and all.

i thought it was funny, how many works of fictions have portrayed hitlerino like this?

have you considered that perhaps thats you the ase and you are just calling every shadow antifa?

cake looks pretty tasty, framed poorly though

>games about killing Nazis
>games about killing Nazis with Antifa posters in the ends credits
These two things are exactly the same.

>what is multiple call of duty games
jesus christ Sup Forums gets triggered easy

>did we need 15 minutes of him pissing and puking and acting like a crazy old man?
Of course we did, did you know Hitler also had one ball and uncontrollable flatulence and fucked his niece and liked having her piss on his face and he couldn't eat meat or he'd shit his pants, we'd never lie about or slander someone we've convinced you was the epitome of pure evil :^) HAHAHA he's pissing his pants again



From what i hear the gunplay isn't bad. But be ready for black power, communist power, fuck white people the whole works basically.

all the previous games were just "Fuck Nazis"
now they threw in "fuck white people"

>not a single source to back it up

What a surprise.

>he doesn't think I'm radical


>They manage to politicize a politically inspired game.

yeh dude horton is a commie thats no secret