What the fuck are you looking at Cammy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>taking a picture of your screen
but why
>All Your Base Are Belong To Us plays on the final mission of the fucking game
wesp has been an idiot for 10 years. For some reason people are only finding this out now after sucking his dick for years. Like I appreciate the work he's done but half his changes are retarded.
So his justification is that there's a reference to it in the game but the files missing so he added it. Did it not occur to him that the devs could have been using that song for testing?
>ywn be eaten by Pisha like the filthy kine that you are
He loves Shantisha so much he took a screenshot of his screen so he could always remember the time he interacted with her.
>most based dude ever literally single handedly keeping bloodlines alive and working, restoring as much content as possible
>is an idiot for 10 years
AWWW MAAAAAAAN sounds like someone else here has been an idiot far longer than 10 years.
a good fuck toy with a shitty personality
>vtmbs version of george lucas
>"most based dude"
Go back to planet vampire
Filthy Diablerist
youre right it was better at launch when it was nigh uncompletable.
I wish "Negative Zero" was a real film, the name just sounds cool.
I didn't say anything was wrong about fixing bugs and whatever. But if you can't complete the game without meme songs added in that's your prerogative.
which clan(s) have you not completed the game with?
Nos (get bored of sewershit before i reach hollywood)
You're missing out
You're missing out
You're missing out
Wesp isn't a bad dude, he's done some great shit, but he's also made some monumentally stupid decisions, you gotta take the good and leave the bad
Is it just in the plus patch though? If so it's fine, as long as he keeps the line between the bug fix patch and his personal weird ideas patch.
Nosferatu was my first run. Loved it more than the regular ones. Finally meeting the other Nos in the warrens was a great moment. Everyone treats you like shit up to that point, or is an idiot that needs your help to do anything. Meeting the clan was like coming home. Everyone is capable and respects you. They all know what it's like to look weird too, so you get to bond a little over that too.
>missing out
I cant see how, I've finished the game with the other 4 clans and other than malks there is barely any difference between the playthroughs.
you get a more unique playthrough with different skills imo (lockpicking, hacking, socials etc) than by which clan you pick.
anarchs are shit
Brujah's where we at
Fucking Cammies. I just want to KILL'EM.
>tfw making cleopatra your canon waifu because you wanted to experience that extra step of immersion
Just do a folder search for the MP3 of it and then delete it. Source won't give a hoot that the MP3 is missing. Or just replace it with a silent one.
Fuck cammies and fuck all white people
>first run was nos
>had a great time trying figure the entire game out from scratch while also making the hub cities their own stealth sections
Had to drop it at the Chinese boss fight.
Second run was with a malk. Beat the game and had a blast.
I basically did the game the exact opposite as intended. Still had a good time. I was a quarter way through a gangrel run (favourite clan) but my game fucked up and i dont even know what happened, all my saves were gone.
>there are anarch scum itt right now
replace it with some rock and roll
>People actually like Damsel
>People actually gave a shit about Heather as more then just a tool.
t. vencuck
t. gayreek brujah
t. lacroix' anus cleaner
Heather really is adorable though
>bootlickers get thrusted into a completely different lifestyle and existence and will bend over to the first authority figure they meet
>literally already made an attempt at your life and sent you on suicide mission after suicide mission.
>the authority has blatently shown you it is corrupt and willing to drop anybody they see for an inch of territory.
This is just Stockholm syndrom. You know lacroix has dozens more goons to send on those trips right? He doesn't value you, he set you up. The game was rigged from the start
nah Strauss is my daddy
Gangrel, actually.
I never found her that appealing desu. Felt like whenever I was talking to her I was saying "That's great sweetie, not let me get some blood." and then using that blood to go fuck Jeanette.
Toreador pride
Toreador a shit and you know it.
I've only gotten to the second hub.
Just when do I need to start putting XP into combat skills?
Also do the dominate conversations justify playing as a Ventrue or should I just not bother?
but Jeanette is dead
Whatever slowpoke
>tell Mercurio to bleed like a bitch
>kill him when he attacks
>realize I can't buy weapons from the nearby merchent
>have to start over to get them
from Trip? you can
During the third hub is when I do.
tories smell like old man cum
>we will never ever see a proper adult take on vampires again
All the possibilities and unused potential makes me want to scream.
>century old feuds between mafioso vamps
>government meddling from the elders, plunging entire continents into war
>entire human trafficing rings for the rich vamps, auctioning kine like fine wine
There are two other people who can tell you about Trip; Kilpatrick and Knox. Also you can persuade Trip directly.
Not that you even need guns from him, other people drop guns, plus that fat nigger downtown
The Toreador probably smell the best though
Which vampires get pointy ears? Is it mostly a gangrel thing?
Only if you weren't a cuck and spared Therese.
Damn right
Which clan
But Therese is dead too
gangrel has p unique gameplay, theyre the only ones who can truly use unarmed
Ventrue have dominate which is fun
Nosferatu have some interesting dialogue
I swear they used the same face texture on femGangrel. Cracks me up everytime.
>Gahanna starts a minute after the game ends.
>if you were a nos the kupuki or whatever hunt every warren within the world. Shreknets last transmission ended with multiple S.O.S signals but then silence
>malkavians turn into madness radio towers and are the sole reason everyone goes into defcon 0 and launch nukes on themselves.
>toreador die idk how
>every teremer and tremer goul turn into tzimince zombies because that's how viccisitude works. Read the lore to find out why. Tremer are all zombies
>the only remaining bloodlines are gangrel ventrue brujah and a few others.
Taken from the Gahanna book.
Im going to make a Brujah today based on Jack. Full celerity, Potence, strength, Brawling and maybe some persuasion/intimidation.
Will it suck? Will I get raped by Ming-Xiao?
>People actually gave a shit about Heather as more then just a tool.
She made me diamonds for some reason, even if she looked like a tardy. It was probably because my internet had died for two months and all I had to keep me entertained was a copy of VtMB I had downloaded a few months before
Depends on what clan you are, but it becomes necessary by the third hub usually
Dominate is tricky in that it can do some things Persuasion cant and vice versa, but overall they do almost the same thing, so you have to put points in both to get the full experience but you don't gain much
just the hair
Who is best girl and why is it Damsel?
That's a man.
Because she's the only waifu in vtmb who doesn't act like a thot, and is instead pure and waiting for you
hahahahahaha nice face lmao
Playing this for first(and probably only considering large backlog) time, should I use latest patch or vanilla?
Is there no possible way Tremere could avert their fate?
>probably stinks like sweat and weed
yeah sure pal
latest patch, use the basic one
>people arguing clans
>clans clans clans
Getting hit in the dick by 10 lbs of water feels so much better than getting hit in the dick by 10 lbs of sand.
>Tzimisce all get sucked into the Flesh Cathedral
I don't get it
This and Skyline Appartments are the comfiest player homes in vidya.
>working TV and radio for latest gossip and listening to consequences from your deeds
>PC to check your mail
>acual mailbox
>your pet greeting you and sucking on your blood
The Tremere don't all become zombies, they're just vunerable to possession from the Tzimisce Ante, but as a clan they're fucked
Every clan is fucked tho, noone makes it out okay
not the guy you are replying to
I already played the game ONCE and I feel like playing it again, I just downloaded it. Should I use the plus patch?
I think it's the heavy eyeshadow and wide eyes that does it.
What book talks about Jack's fuckery and what he did behind the scenes?
Tremere haven is objectively the best, though.
Plus Patch adds cut content (they are cut for a reason) and Wesp's personal touches to the game, i feel like it's not worth it
Lmao no.
Tremer sucked a tzimince dry and felt justified. Made mental gymnastics to feel superior to everyone despite usurping power from someone and something they knew literally nothing about. If you asked a tremer if they regretted the gargoyles they would snidly wit their way out. If you bring up the diablerie they change the subject.
If you have a drop of "tremer" blood in you you're getting the curse the pyramid brought on themselves.
Every clan is cursed, user.
It kind of felt last minute tossed together, didn't has as much love put into it, same for the nossie one.
Los Angeles by Night, it has almost nothing to do with Vtmb tho
the Gehenna novel too but it sucks
But what about things like joining the sabbat a.k.a the best ending
That summary is so wrong on so many levels it's unbelievable.
I suggest you actually read the Time of Judgment book itself, instead of the shitty short summary you probably read online.
And Gehenna can happen in four different ways, with different results; there is not one single cannon end of the world.
Also, learn to type you illiterate shitlord.
If you have any contact with them you immedietely risk contamination. And there is no cure. Its only a matter of time until you become a mindless soul drinker.
Excerpt from the book.
it's just Kuei-jin ending and Tremere ending tied together, it's not that unique
That's bullshit. Stop spreading lies, you mongoloid.
Or give me the page where it says that same exact quote in the book, fag.
Remainder that there's 4 possible Gehenna scenarios, what happens in one isn't canon to all
yeah but rp wise probably the best choice
>assmad tremer detected.
I heard you can actually kill the werewolf in a real fight if you are playing Gangrel or maybe Brujah.
Can you do that in the basic version?
Also how powerful are Gangrel and Brujah compared to other vampires? I always thought the tzimisce and the Tremere would be the strongest because they have cool magic and shit. I don't know anything about lore though.
Only in the plus patch
In combat, Protean and Celerity are really fucking OP, so in a straight up fight there's a good chance Gangrel and Brujah can beat up most other clans
Thaum and Vicissitude are versatile as fuck though, which means that the Tzimisce and Tremere are never going to enter into a straight fight, you're gonna lose without even knowing it
I can't do it. I can't bring myself to kill best girl.
First of all, it's Tremere, not "tremer;" Gehenna, not "Gahanna;" Nictuku, not "kupuki;" Malkavian Madness Network, not "madness radio towers" (and it's not an actual network of electronic transmissions, retard); and Tzimisce, not "tzimince."
The fact that you don't even know what these things are or how they are spelled makes it obvious that you've never read a single book.
blood fuck suck her