>when WW2 is clearly the more aesthetic era but developers still milk WW1 because nazis are bad
When WW2 is clearly the more aesthetic era but developers still milk WW1 because nazis are bad
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The US was the only country with better aesthetics in WW2 than in WW1. Wars have been progressively getting less /fa/ for the last 100 years.
>turkroach is the shortest
>user doesn't understand perspective
>developers still milk WW1
There have been like 5 WWI games outside of Strategy. What are you talking about?
Who the fuck is actually spending money on these? For almost $15 each.
>graphic sex is ok
>excessive violence a-ok
>gambling aimed at children ok
>oh no nazis, the entire theme of WW2 is too much
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing man he didn't exist
Turks had pretty good uniforms too. Certainly the weakest of the major Central Powers but about on par with Russia or Japan.
Those were the Bosnian soldiers of the Austrian Empire. Austria-Hungary was the first Christian European power to recognize Islam as an official state religion and allowed Bosnians to wear fezzes in their uniform.
>graphic sex is ok
Not in the west it isn't.
t. manlet turkroach
They want to KANGZ up history
>milk WW1 because nazis are bad
inb4 572 replies 327 reaction images
>not turkroaches
>reading comprehension
>milking ww1
wat? did you mean the opposite?
The Wehrmacht did most of the fighting in WW2. The Nazis were just in power in Germany. Nazi soldiers were typically high ranking officers or some form of domestic police
>WW2 has a much longer game list
How are developers milking WW1
I just kind of wish devs would get creative and just start making up their own wars and countries and shit.
There's no reason why a made up country cant have American looking weapons and shit like that.
>you could count the number of WW1 games released in the past 10 years on one hand
stormweenies have a persecution complex, what else is new?
Me, I like them.
This is what I'm waiting for.
Alternate History FPS with tons of crazy shit while still remaining within the realm of possibility somewhere between the late 19th century and mid 20th century could be a blast.
Baka user
Isn't that what Japan does most of the time, like Valkyria Chronicles
>implying the luftwaffe uniform looked any better
Why would anyone buy and wear these?
It completely breaks the immersion of the game
The only ones that I actually spent money on so far are sledge and some ingame shekels for the new thermite gear with the balaclava. The designer of 90% these customization options needs to be fucking executed.
in case anyone missed what was said here, this guy thought OP mentioned that WW1 had nazis when op mentioned nothing of the sort. Point at him and laugh
>developers still milk WW1 because nazis are bad
>There will never be a Kaiserreich FPS
I just wanna invade China because a mentally ill Austrian cosplaying as Russian Genghis Khan told me to.
The immersion is already broken because half the ops look like fucking retards anyway. Compare the pre-release, box art and situations depictions to now. And then especially you have somebody like Caveria who has a fucking dissociative order. Yeah that's really the type of person I trust in special forces.
am i fucking high or did OP get his world wars mixed up
Yeah, VC was pretty cool. But western devs don't even want to go near Alternate history.
They just make up history and pretend it actually happened.
>before turkey they were white christians
>after they were brown turkish muslims
>not turkroaches
I think the U.S still had the best combat /fa/. But the Naizs did have some good aesthetics in their uniforms. No point in killing a fucker if you don't look good doing it.
tfw thatcher will never get his WW1 trench fighter elite skin
>have pilot character
>is german
>want to make a callback to a famous pilot
>red baron
>OP bitching about it not being WWII
can you stop being a fag now? Your parents will get upset
Our winter uniforms were pretty cool, Pot helms with our winter coats looked pretty cozy
green = good
yellow = good but minor dumb design detail
red = fail
Haven't bothered updating with the new ops but all 3 fail.
You have a shitty taste in ops.
Please list all the WWI games, retard. No one is milking the First World War.
When did the Russian turret guy become good? Everything else I've seen says he is the worst operator in the game by far.
WW2, Gulf War and early Iraqi Freedums uniforms are goat
It's character design, not ability. Also
>obj in basement
>shield in doorway
but that is his only real use in fairness
>turret at bottom of stairs
>obliterate entire team
OP did, you huge tard.
I was surprised to see Jager has an iron cross skin for his gun, I thought this was a hateful symbol goyims
I'm still pissed they haven't fixed thatcher's gas mask. I feel like they just grabbed random people off the street to design the ops.
explain yellow ops pls
>buck green
>frost red
>buck is good but frost isn't
explain pls
Gas mask is useless because he has it on over his hood instead of under it.
The red boots
Mad scientist goggles and mummy wraps
Duct tape over his mask so he can't breathe
That retarded fucking balaclava
Civ clothing looks out of place for a shield
He looks like Shrek and the ballistic face mask has a bandaid over one of its eyes
Gardening gloves + helmet is too big
Chinaman is wearing shorts, chinawoman is ugly, Ela looks like a pregnant sjw.
1940's American Army was aesthetic as fuck. They're tied with Wehrmacht for me for coolest appearance and weapons.
>still milk WW1 because nazis are bad
In what world does this construction not mean the one who wrote it is a retard who mixed up his world wars?
>Mummy wraps
Thermite's hands are burned to hell. They are bandages
It means they milk WW1 and avoid WW2 because nazis are bad and can never be referenced ever.
not him and his list is shit but buck has arguably one of the best offensive gadgets, while frost mats are meh against good players, also the C9 has pretty low rate of fire in comparison to other defender guns, and while bucks rifle has ridiculous recoil the skeleton key makes up for it.
op here, STARTED* milking WW1, not still
It's referring to how good/immersive they look m8 not how good they are
>red boots
His hands are burnt
>duct tape x
>civ clothing on blitz
That's a thing for GSG9 though regardless of "role"
>gardening gloves
Okay for the same reason they are on GSG9 (even if it's stupid watching him run full speed through razor wire sometimes)
Is fucking terrible, yes
When has this ever been true? They’re the go to bad guy you can kill without any qualms
CAMRS is the best dmr in the game. C8 with holo/laser/muzzle break eats people too.
OP said it backwards you fucking retards
I agree but considering how little recoil the other rifles have it doesn't make sense why the C8 is so unwieldy considering its real life counterpart
Finno-Korean Hyperwar game when???
You might notice that not a single female operator was given green.
Just saying.
i'd give IQ green for being cute :3
>Mad scientist goggles and mummy wraps
Yeah, lets make exothermic charges, plant them, set them off, and also burn our eyes in the process
>Mummy wraps
They're bandages because his hands are burnt to fuck from handling exothermic charges every day
>Civ clothing looks out of place for a shield
But real life GSG9 worth Civ clothing also
>Chinaman is wearing shorts
Asian ops also wear shorts in real life
Green hair =/= SJW
Twitch would be green if she had a normal 1 hole balaclava. She's really the only one that doesn't plaster "look at me I am strong female"
We get it, you hate women.
That is correct because they don't belong in the military let alone sf.
Yeah the overcoat is nice looking and very warm, but also heavy as fuck and by the Battle of the Bulge most GIs would've greatly preferred the lighter weight and more versatile M43 jacket than the overcoat.
Nazis are seen as acceptable targets. We get stuff like Inglourious Basterds and Wolfenstein because it's "cool" to kill them. So I have no idea how that narrative is remotely true. WW2 is a romanticized war with a "black and white" mainstream narrative whereas WW1 was the other way around and merely set the stage for 2. This means WW2 has been milked way more while WW1 is underrated.
With all of this in mind (including WW2 being the actual milked war), "nazis are bad" sounds like OP is complaining about Western, or at least American, culture obsessing over nazis as super evil baddies that deserve to be killed and accidentally flipped the World Wars in his sentence.
>mad brainlet wojack.jpeg
What? There has been a metric fuckton of WWII vidya.
WWI is all but ignored. If you wanted a WWI FPS before Fattlebield I you had to play Verdun or jank as fuck mods.
this is (((((Ubisoft)))) we're talking about, if they included nazi imagery the game would be banned in Germany, meaning they'd lose profits from one of the most populated countries in Europe. Probably won't make a dent in their income but they still want ALL THE CASH
WW1 aesthetic is better in my humble opinion. Reply "I agree" if you agree
Hating women from an aesthetic standpoint is even dumber than loving them unconditionally
Why not? Some of the most decorated snipers in all of the history of warfare are women.
I agree
both world wars are boring from historical standpoint.
Thank you
>when soviet farmer women conscripted in the military snipe better than veteran sharpshooters
what did he mean by this
In fairness, they had a target rich environment and were playing defense.
Even still
>Lyudmila Pavlichenko
>Lady Death
>300+ confirmed kills
Hypo Helmets and PH Hoods are really cool in my eyes.
Wow, a couple womyn out of the entire history of snipers. Simo Hayha was only 5'3 and still killed 500+ people.
>was only 5'3
manlets when will they learn
I mean, it could just be because the WW1 outfit fits Jager's aesthetic better.
Thanks for sharing. Is there any good place to find numerical and technical terminology for uniforms used in one place? Like an Osprey catalogue of US WW2 uniforms and their nomenclature?
That's basically the basis of Ace Combat
On a related note though, I really liked the setting for Warship Gunner 2.
Basically a dutch ex-colony in Siberia suffers a coup d'etat by a general who proclaims it the Wilkian Empire, backs a similar coup on Japan, who then joins the Empire as a sort of junior partner, and wages war against the United States with superweapons reverse-engineered from ancient alien tech found in the arctic.
It's an amazing game and I wish more people would play it
Well, yeah, when you typically don't allow women to fight, they don't show up in lists of renowned soldiers very often now do they?
Ehh, there's no good ONE place for that information. There's a few books on amazon that try to explain the different uniforms of the US Army in WW2, there's also us militaria forum which is a big forum full of users that have quite a bit of knowledge on all US gear. It's also worth noting that a lot of US gear will carry the same nomenclature despite being a brand new version of an older piece of gear, so you'll see a lot of what are essentially collector nicknames for uniforms which were never actually the official nomenclature.
fucking kill yourself
I want an army game where each unit is a tetris piece and you have to fit them all in a box to use them in the next fight. If you cant fit a unit you don't get to take it into battle.