

just as a joke though

really what is the connection between shaking up and down and sticking your tong out
this is even worse than DKCR

you can disable shaking, it's optional

do you think mario tried to smell his own butt as yoshi haha

haha what if mario laid an egg as yoshi and then ate it? wouldn't that be weird?

it's about the concept
I mean honestly, if they had to put it in, flutter jumping with shaking would've made more sense

>Donkey Kong expands dong
>Yoshi extends tongue
How deep does the Mario hole go?

This is almost as sweet as the time Mario controlled bowser at the end

do you really think uou're spoiling something at this point?
you fags have been spamming moustached bowser leak for days

Not him but ill keep doing it

i rather not waggle when i'm trying to stick a jump

i rather not waggle period but i think at least with attacking it's forgivable.

Solidarity, brother

Can you ride yoshi normally?

Motion controls ruin the game in handheld mode. What the FUCK were they thinking?

not anymore, thanks to the cap mechanic.

despite it saying shaking, you only have to flick the controller. makes more sense with throwing cappy though than the tongue, because you're making the same motion as Mario does.

Keep the flame alive my son

Sounds like nintendo is asking for even more "controller thought tv screen" incidents

i mean, i've never done the motion hard enough that if i did let it go it wouldn't fall out of reach from where i'm sitting. its very responsive. but if people want to be idiots and waggle with all of their strength then sure, tv's will get broken.

Have you ever held the joycons? They're light as fuck. You'd have to be shaking it like an autist to even come close to do damage to something.