What's the most shameless bullshot in the history of video games?

What's the most shameless bullshot in the history of video games?

Is scholar of the first sin on the ps3 any good?
I've already played the vanilla version but not to completion as I got frustrated in a sort of water area after the castle where you fight mirror knight.
Are the servors the same?

If you have a ps4 get it their since its 60 fps

sotfs on the ps3 is just the vanilla game + dlc and no, sotfs is not better than vanilla, there's hardly any difference between the two.

The whole of No Man's Sky.

SOTFS fixes that area but throws even more bullshit at you in other areas.

Don't have a ps4 or current gen console.
I know the current gen version changed enemy placement and other things but does it make the overall experience better? I'm tempted to buy sotfs because I got the game for free from a friend who sold his ps3 anyway and I heard the dlcs are pretty good addition to the base game.
Can I still use my vanilla save file on ps3 sotfs and are the servors the same?

killzone 2 trailer

majority of ubisoft games

>does it make the overall experience better?
>Can I still use my vanilla save file on ps3 sotfs and are the servors the same?
I have no idea but I guess yes.

>does it make the overall experience better?
Nope, it's made on the same philosophies. Throw a bunch of enemies at once and samey bosses.
If the original didn't click with you, sotfs won't either.

I'd only argue that the trailer was a target render so it wasn't entirely a buckshot since it wasn't even in engine. But it was misleading.
My vote, even though I admit I love the game.

It's not that it didn't click, I quite liked it in fact if only because I was hungry for more Dark Souls and everyone saying it was horse shit when it's a decent game on its own lowered my expectations for the better.
I had a STR build and got frustrated in an area where you run in water and enemies throw magic spells at you from afar while other just charge you. I found and the whole thing unmanageable but I'm guessing it can be overcome with a little change of strategy.


Sure then, try it. I'm warning you though, there will be areas worse than that. You could just pirate on PC if you're so unsure, and buy it later.

Yeah, I think sotfs was better, but I only played through forest of the fallen giants on the original 2, I can't really compare the rest of the game since I dropped 2 after that and didn't pick it back up until borrowing a friend's copy of scholar. The changes I did see and remember made a lot more sense and some areas less frustrating (fuck that fucking dark tunnel that originally had a bunch of turtle hammer guys, jesus christ). Overall it isn't a huge difference, bad enemy placement is still there and just one of the problems the game has.

As for saves, no, your vanilla and sotfs are not compatible with each other and the online is split up. Stupid asf

I don't really want to start over, though.
>As for saves, no, your vanilla and sotfs are not compatible with each other and the online is split up. Stupid asf
Just looked it up and this doesn't apply to the ps3 sotfs.

Still can't believe how shitty DaS2 was

>Just looked it up and this doesn't apply to the ps3 sotfs.

Sorry I keep fucking forgetting there are like a dozen versions of the fucking game now.

Will my Dark Souls II saves carry over to Scholar of the First Sin?
Dark Souls II to Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin on PS3/Xbox360/DirectX9 – Yes
Dark Souls II to Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin on PS4/Xbox One/DirectX11 – No

There's no Dark Souls 2 on the PS4/Xbone.


Then I guess their official faq is retarded.

How can anyone forget?

Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 2 Sotfs on the PS3/Xbox360 is the same game, only the later comes with DLCs bundled. Same online and same save file.

Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls Sotfs on PC are two different games with separate online and different save files.

Theres only Dark Souls 2 Sotfs on the PS4/Xbone.

Final version ended up being much better though, a rare case.

>Can I still use my vanilla save file on ps3 sotfs and are the servors the same?
Should work just fine, yes.

I don't even know what this garbage is, just looks like some late 00s brown and bloom console shooter.

Ok, so, yeah, their faq is dumb.

It’s killzone 2, and it had a decent amount of controversy given when it was first shown off versus the final product

>Final version ended up being much better though, a rare case.
this. killzone 2 is one of the best shooters since Quake 2

sotfs is literally a sidegrade.
If you have the vanilla the just buy the dlc and you are good to go and play the worst souls