Dating Sims

Sup Sup Forums, TLDR;recommendations for mildly complex, mildly robust dating sims that contain nudity

Recently I've developed an interest in dating simulators. I've played a few shitty flash dating sims years back but now I kinda want to get into the real ones and decide which ones are worth spending cash on. I'm still really new into this genre and I'd like some input on which games fit best to my preferences. I prefer dating sims and visual novels with nudity and some degree of choice. I've played Huniepop which I found to be slightly above mediocre considering the main portion of gameplay is spent playing some bullshit candy crush-esque minigame. It had good artwork though and a lot of sexy grills, but I prefer a more interactive experience based on my flash game days. I want to navigate around a world and level up my stats and talk to sexy anime grills and coerce them into intercourse via a speech interface that gives me multiple choices and avenues to get these sexy grills into my pocket. I'm downloading this game titled "Shiny Days" right now and I think it's a visual novel, which I'm fine with, but I'd prefer an interactive dating sim. Have you played Shiny Days before?

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OP here. know of any good dating sims? I enjoy a good visual novel but I'm mainly looking for interactivity.

had you tried kimikiss and Amagami?

don't listen to those idiots,majikoi S is the best dating sim vn you can play.

Dating sims are a dead genre. The best you can get nowadays are eroge where the plot follows the main character dating a girl, but it won't be a true dating sim.

Really? that's a shame. It seems like a genre with such potential.


98.9% lads

Shiny Days is pretty hard, because the main character often does what he wants, regardless of what you pick, and he's kind of a dick, so it's really hard to get on most routes. It's pretty fun, though.

OP here. The tags on those games mention no sexual content? I'm mainly looking for nudity in my dating sims and visual novels

Why not try searching at vndb with tag you want thought. Surely there would be one that dating sim you will love.
But then these day most of the new visual novel not longer have dating sim element anymore,they are essentially just trying to tell a story.

Majikoi really

Dating sims in general are dead since those games are becoming less of a 'genre' as more mainstream games adding parts of dating sim mechanics, like Persona or Harvest Moon/Rune Factory, transitioning the interest from 'dating simulator' to 'life simulator'. Because the current general market may likes romancing girls, but doesn't like when the game only revolves around it.
Those who do want a game with theme around romance finds those dating sims too 'unfocused' on the character that they like, and retreat to something simple like romance VN, with much more story and character interactions at the expense of gameplay. Especially since in dating sims, the players are usually playing like a casanova, because most of the time the game is leeway enough to allow the player juggle several girls at once, or all of them if you follow a walkthrough, and usually ends after the MC confess to the girl that the player choose with a short ending afterwards that shows the couple happily together with each other.

I prefer Cross Days myself.

what is the game in your image?

The game that killed ELF.

Kakyuusei 2, infamous dating sim in Japan for crippling a company to death.

Love+ on the DS, although there is no nudity
It's a pretty rad experience. You can play in real time and set up dates according to IRL time

interesting story user. Care to elaborate?


was the game that bad?

Less of the game being bad and more of the advertised childhood friend main heroine is already has a boyfriend and not virgin. See for details.

True Love is still my favorite dating game to date.

So the main goal of the original series and what attracted their fanbase the most was deflowering a childhood friend?

Purity worshipping is a disease.

OP here. I think that's okay for people of have that kind of fetish, and I'm sure it's pretty common in Japanese culture lol. Me on the other hand, I prefer a more realistic dating sim that involves choices for different kinds of women that have different back stories and traits and all that.

being a total cuck is cancer waiting to spread

What's the point of these dating sims if they're nothing like irl?

that's the appeal of it

No, the main goal is romancing girls, what attracted the fanbase is pure love story, and the game is advertised as such. What they got is witnessing the advertised childhood friend main already taken before the game even starts, lovey dovey with that said boyfriend in front of MC with special CG, and even after she breaks up with him (because of your action, mind you), she says during the sex scene that she loved her boyfriend very much. False advertising at best, outright betrayal at worst.
Keep in mind that the game has literal prostitute in the previous game, and in the predecessor series of that starts the whole thing has the childhood friend that's already taken by an abusive playboy character, but nobody throw a hissyfit because they're not the main heroine, and the situation is played so that they're treated like a damsel in distress where the player could save them. With Tamaki, the childhood friend main heroine of Kakyuusei 2, not so much, since it's clear that she loves her boyfriend and she's more than willing to tell the fact to the MC.

wait is this supposed to be netori or netorare

>Main path includes NTR
Goesa bit further than just purity.

>stealing someone else's girl when you start showing stronger feelings than friendship's
So this is what this place has turned into

but you didn't actually steal her, you purposefully let the girl play with both of the MC and her boyfriend's heart and mind in a game of 2d chess. The girl promised to marry the mc someday but ends up dating someone else, and you, the literal cuck, peeps while the other guy fucks the girl you like. despite of you knowing any better, the game still lets you date her after the other guy breaks up with her. you literally eat up all of her bullshit (listening to her talk about how she loves her boyfriend) during sex and just accepting it because your hungry for her whole being and affection. if that doesn't make the mc a cuck, i dont know what is

Kingdom. Don't forget to patch it.

Is there a trusted website to get it from that you'd suggest?

Dunno. I downloaded my copy like 10+ years ago.

dont lisen to him

its fucking trash

>steal other guy's girl
>you're the cuck
How retarded are you?

It's not even a dating sim. There are no stats, schedule, etc... even the dialogue choices are pretty obvious.
>I'm gonna fuck this girl
>maybe not
Only the joke ending is somewhat hard to trigger.

>promises to marry protag
>dates some other guy
>protag takes her back

Hurr durr I’m a fucking weeb loser where the anime porn romance games? *tips fedora*

Pro tip: kys

>thinking a childhood promise to marry is serious
Seriously, how retarded are you?

Triggered neofag


one of the only thing i found funny in that shit was when mc had to fuck his way out of a hostages situation

Every single time. I bet you are a thicc faggot too.

god what a shit show the translation has been
its now like 8 years into translation and its still not done and somebody said they would first be done in like January 2019

>no argument
>resorts to namecalling
Like pottery.

>8 years
>its 5

>believes childhood promises don't matter
>b-but I'm not a n-normalfag
Kys. Last (you) from me.

>being this fucking delusional

This doesn't make any sense. Kids are kids, adults are adults; the number of dimensions doesn't matter.
Kill yourself.