Wolfenstein 2 is shit - my 2 cents

>download it from Skidrow for one whole fucking day to test it before buying since there isn't even a demo
>forced to watch 8 minutes cutscene
>awful jokes
>gameplay literally brings nothing new to the table at all
>more QTE and awful cutscenes

Uninstalled it after not even two hours. I have no idea how this got 90%. I don't want to have an idea.

Don't buy this game.

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A mediocre game doesn't trigger me. What really triggers me is how it gets 90%. It's like you can't rely on reviews at all these days. Not at all. It pisses me off.

the game also has some sick preggo fetish. its very unsettling but the devs are swedes so its normal for them I guess.

Why didn't you wait a day, buy it on steam, play it for two hours, refund it, and then write this shitpost? You're wasting your ratio and other seeder's time you fuck. Fuck you.

>It's like you can't rely on reviews at all these days.

how old are you

the real reason it's edited out in comercials is because it has to be approved by a board that looks at the commercial and sees if it's "appropriate" to accompany with other commercials.

>muh propaganda

that word does not mean what you think it means

Fuck white peepil

Uh, yeah. This is the point. Using whites as a derogatory term is not appropriate. Because it's fucking racist and terrible.

And they know it, apparently.

And they still went with it in the game, because this is how they feel.

I'm pretty sure you don't know what it means. Enlighten me, though.

>sick preggo fetish
Pregnancy is literally the most understandable fetish

>It's like you can't rely on reviews at all these days.
as if we needed any further testimony to the pointlessness of GG in the end. nobody learned anything and shit only got worse

I literally don't get it though, HE IS WHITE, why would he say that? Why do any people of western decent even buy into the "white people" meme, literally cucking yourself

>And they still went with it in the game, because this is how they feel.

they can get away with it in the game, because the game is defined as their own media, and confined to a limited amount of space and clientelle.

they have to remove it from commercials that air on TV, because it'd count as hate crime in public space.

it's complicated and lack morals, sure. It's still their "artistic work", and their choice what to do with their game.

thanks for your opinion
this means a lot to me because there are no people i hold in as high regard as a random nobody on Sup Forums

>Sup Forums tonight

that pic is right though, i don't appreciate the open social manipulation. it's just as bad as clickbait articles that change their headlines and don't say anything.

>It's like you can't rely on reviews at all these days

tell that to the nintentoddlers

>white guy saying white ass nazi pigs
Why wouldn't he just call them nazi pigs.

because its funny in context

>these days

I assume by this you mean the 80s to present, right?

because sweden brainwashing


What is the context there?

check the deliver

Why do you think

Because their writer is retarded

No matter how anybody tries to spin in Wolfenstein 2 is a game with an agenda that's also being marketed towards those who are Anti-Trump. If the standard is "videogames only, no politics" then games themselves should be held to the exact same standard. It's not right that games can push their political agenda in the mainstream of Sup Forums but those against said agenda are sent to Sup Forums or banned for 3 days if they criticize it.

People always say Sup Forums is the same as SJWs, but SJWs are able to push their agendas without being censored in the mainstream.

i would ask machine head to do art design and soundtrack for a new fallout game.

If the game is about #Punchnazi aka Punch trump supporters, then it will get higher than 90%. Liberals say so. :^)

A nigress calls him exactly that 2 mins before, he's just making a joke.

make your own game if you don't like ours ;)

>wah help I'm being oppressed all I've got on my side is the government!

Trump's brother is involved in this game's marketing
Do you think trump himself wouldn't do this shit as well if it meant getting a lot of shekels?

>implying these cucks chose to put 'fuck white peepoo in their game'
>Implying people choose to be indoctrinated by the eternal jew.

Choice or 'artistic freedom' had nothing to do with it. Jews want a civil war in the US because they are complete hypocrites and wish to destroy every society but their own. Everything else is a red herring.

>game gets banned for hate speech

Not really. He is kike.

There was a guy who was going to make an Anti-SJW game, but SJWs cried so hard that he was forced to change the game and apologize. It was that cool looking cyberpunk game. It was originally going to be about how bad the PC crowd became in the future and was ruining lives. SJWs weren't having that and had the game practically shutdown.

SJWs have a lock on the market and are able to push their agendas without being opposed. I shouldn't have to be sent to Sup Forums or banned for 3 days because I want to call these games out where they're being pushed on /v;/.

JonTron reviewed drug games, and an absolute shit no fun grindfest didescroller got 10/20 just because of the anti-drug message back in late eighties