This single country has humiliated the entire rest of the world when it comes to pretty much anything. Video games, anime, quality and length of life. They are making fun of us right now:
What does the West have to do to regain honor?
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't you have a building to throw yourself off of?
I'm not from Japan.
>they lost the war and now are being used to entertain the winners
really activates your cerebrum
embarrassing for us in the west really. we must commit seppuku.
Kys weeb
Japanese people have higher IQs, that's why they make better games, anime, movies.
>Quality of life
If you like to be a literal slave, sure.
Jesus, cross boarders ruining this site is definitely not a meme.
> unironically linking a pol thread
From the top of mu head: Persona 5, Ni-Oh, Nier Automata, Final Fantasy XV.
Meanwhile in the West you have Divinity: Original Sin II and uhhh...
>anime games
*my head
Why do they have such terrible taste in video games?
>anime games
So a game is now bad because of the artstyle?
Are you actually serious? Those kids cartoons have rot your brain too much it seems.
How is Ni-Oh, FFXV, Nier Automata anime? Only Persona 5 has anime artstyle out of all the games I mentioned.
This. One of the biggest issues in Japan right now is that the average person sells their soul over to a kaisha and then gets their life force drained from them until they're such a husk of a human being they dicide to throw themselves onto the tracks on a Sunday night to avoid going to work Monday morning.
>Quality and length of life.
You got length right but quality. I don't think so pal.
That makes it worse, you're an actual weeaboo. You'll never be accepted by Japanese.
Guuuuuuuys, futaba is making fun of us again
There is not a single year in the history of videogames where western games were better than japanese ones.
the Japanese currently hate themselves tho, the workforce suicides and low birth rate doesn't really help
>linking to Sup Forums
>starting Sup Forums wars on Sup Forums
>browsing at all Sup Forums
you are literally what has made this board the shit it is today
Wait. What makes you think he's phoneposting?
the only reason for high praise is marxist agenda in journalist cabal, they celebrate culturally devoided product from the east
youll notice any semblance of an actual eastern culture in a video game gets shunned and talked about as if its unseemly, this isn't random or anything, its very deliberate level of indoctrination for games journalists
you'll also see massive praise for something like wolfenstein, even though its literally just another COD campaign , because of its marxist propaganda aimed at children
see you in like 1 month when they start showing their hands, and the list for GOTY looks exactly like a check list for what games to indoctrinate children with
Why do Japs make such terrible fucking movies when Korea makes films that stand up to the best of the west?
Kurosawa being an exception, obviously
Video games
correct grammar everywhere made by phone correction
I don't recall japan humiliating anyone after world war 2 ended.
but they dont
they only make their own entertainment and somehow we the outsiders think they were actually entertaining us
the only gook i know who wants to entertain westerners is yoko ohno
user, that should be expected of you, regardless.
>proper spelling and grammar means you're phoneposting
I hate this place
So it really is Sup Forumsfags shitposting on Sup Forums huh?
>durr its actually leftypol ;^)
>to regain honor
Another bomb.
>quality of life
Why does everyone sperg out about this game so much? It's mediocre, for sure, but not even Bioshock Infinite was this much shitposted.
Don't forget cars.
Most westerners dont like video games. Its no mistake that video games became incredibly popular in the west at the same time AAA generic garbage started being put out and the industry went to shit.
I don't think phones post full file names on photos.
And this is a bad thing how, exactly?
>What does the West have to do to regain honor?
nuke them again
who writes a wall of text with proper spacing between ", " and capital letters every sentence beggining? these are allways accompanied by not 1 missed character, if that's not phoneposting then you are a paranoidfag in writing shit properly to literal who's
My phone allows me to post with normal filenames. Based chinks don't allow for me to get ousted out.
>a country where social interactions are problematic are good at producism escapism tools
really makes you think
>Final Fantasy XV
stop baiting
> u
they do if you have a modern phone
phoneposting btw
Games from the East:
Witcher 3
Nier: Automata
Zelda: BOTW
Monster Hunter World
Black Desert
Persona 5
Games from the "west":
ASSassins creed we wuz
Wolfenstein Communism
Watch Hogs 2
Battlefield: Nigger
a lot of anime has pretty good cinematography and direction
>People still believe the Japanese suicide off the charts thing
>Not even in the top 10 of worldwide suicide rates
>Korean has a higher suicide rate and they kill themselves for much stupider reasons cyber bullying and not being able to afford plastic surgery
>still believing the Japanese corporate wageslave meme
>game is nothing more than a alternate universe WWII with some sci-fi and schlock writing
>oi vey, they're being anti-white, dem commies are coming
Fucking burgers, I swear.
Fuck off weeb
>i love japan
>that's why i'm going there to make it less japanese
No, best cars come from Germany.
Not really. Their VW basically gas their customers, it was a huge scandal in the EU.
t. EU
I learnt moon and gave up on new western games long ago, I just play eroge now, it's the true path.
VAG is shit, even europoors think they're shit, aside for slavs who seem to love the 1.9tdi.
Even so, the best cars still come from Germany
Swedes make some of the best modern cars. Regards, Eastern Euro.
>1.9 tdi
It's fucking great and probably the only good thing Germans made since the printing press.
t. EU
>Final Fantasy XV.
>linked to Sup Forums
>people are replying
the state of this board made me think
We have to specify which version of the 1.9 though? Everything prior to the 2000's was fucking horrible, what's with their head adjusted feed pumps and injection pumps that fuck up their timings.
After owning one MK4 Golf with the 1.9Tdi, I'd rather never again have to deal with that horrible piece of shit.
Passats and Octavias made in 2010 with that 1.9 tdi run smooth as fuck and it's economical as well.
>the only gook i know who wants to entertain westerners is yoko ohno
Hideo Kojima
There will be another war soon where Japan and Germany are gonna take revenge and fuck all your countries in the ass and absolutely demolish them.
Yeah, nah, no thanks. I'd rather have myself a nice 6 cylinder if I have to go diesel.
I do have to hand it to VOlkswagen for that V10 TDI engine, finally Volkswagen made a desirable diesel engine.
Sadly the only decent games in recent years that came from the west are all made by slavs. Well, at least it's something I guess.
OP here. That's not true. West used to have games like Planescape: Torment/Deus Ex, Quake 3 Arena, Fallout 1&2, Homeworld, Thief, Operation Flashpoint and hundreds more.
Untrue. I love many Western games. It's just that this year seems to have some really good Japanese games.
>EU flag
Half of EU is middle East and half is East with Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea etc.
I never said I went to Japan or plan going there.
Japan is not really relevant in the gaming industry today though.
I'm sure Germany and the following countries in this chart will soon get Japan's place one by one.
why is Polan so stronk
This, and the eroges have better writing than most western games nowadays
Name a year that Japan didn't rape the world in the realm of video games.
Protip: You can not
>Witcher 3
>Nier: Automata
>Zelda: BOTW
>Monster Hunter World
>Black Desert
>Persona 5
Literally all shit. W:TW2, Xcom2 xpacks and D:OS2 shits on all of them. Why do japs can't into strategy games. Are they that braindead?
>W:TW2, Xcom2 xpacks and D:OS2
stay deluded neckbeard figure lover
>W:TW2, Xcom2 xpacks and D:OS2
Ok, very funny, now stop falseflagging, not even the most deluded western c ucks are that bad
When video game were 1st invented till today. Japan have been completely irrelevant in the VG market all things considered.
Witcher 3 took it all along with the virginity of Bloodborne and Fallout babbies.
kolean movies are GARBAGE
>Japan have been completely irrelevant in the VG market all things considered.
Nobody can be this delusional
Nice troll
>unironically linking to reddit
kys OP
>When your butt sting so bad form an objectively true anonymous post you made retarded ad-hom
Feels good being the western master race.
Shouldn't it be easier to go to an american school and wait for a 'misunderstood' white guy to show up and shoot shit up
>be fat
>play boardgames
>play boardgames on pc as well
>be even fatter
actually no, statistically that is very unlikely to happen. if you want to get shot in america, statistically, the best thing you could do is get involved in a domestic dispute.
>Witcher 3
>lower opencritic score than MGSV the phantom pain
no, the easiest way would be to go near ethnic gang members
>>play boardgames
>>play boardgames on pc as well
They objectively have more complex and indepth mechanic than all Jap game put together this year, so yes. This can be proven by the fact that you can't conjure any single argument against it after this post.
>involved in a domestic dispute.
You mean like an NTR doujin or some shit?