
He's a virgin, isn't he?

Wasn't he a licentious playboy monk before this?
I doubt it user.

Nope, he was excommuniated for refusing to marry a priest's daughter

Why didn't he marry?

I don't know if it was ever explained

he likes traps like boipussy tidus

Freedom and hoes> having a gf/wife

either she was ugly or a total bitch.

Not even being funny or anything but..

Do you guys care about sex that much? I mean actually?

I don't. Im very sick and tired of how every day here or other boards its the same fucking thing: waifu Shit and sexual everything. I go into a thread thinking it'll be nice vydia discussions only for them to turn into perversion. Then again I have a strong fear of physical contact so there's that

Well I'm glad it isn't just me.

I've been with my partner a few years now and I've basically forgotten to have sex with her. Rather just fap

I feel the same way user, we just aren't autistic enough to try and ruin the fun so we just ignore it and don't reply, thus building the consensus.

No alcohol was allowed

But he only starter drinking after he was killed and made an unsent

Implying he didn't have regular threesomes with Jecht and Braska.

>have thread in Sup Forums about good relationships/romance in anime
>talk about the lack of _normal_ healthy sex in it
>good discussion with some recommendations and parallels to western romances
>thread gets janitored
waifu faggotry and underage masturbation fantasies are heavenly encouraged here. discussion about on-topic points is hard and the mods purge many fruitful discussions.


>tfw Jecht, Brasca, and Auron prequal game that really explores the characters

I don't care about it either. I just noticed he was the only non-daddy grown man in his "circle of friends" and thought raising the question publicly sounded right up Sup Forums's alley

He died at age 25 after being a monk then being busy with being a guardian. Even if he was a virgin it's not terribly unusual or shameful for him to be one. On his wiki page it says that there's a girl who claims to be his daughter, as that's what her mom told her, but it is not confirmed, and seems unlikely.

When the fuck does that happen? I platinum'd the game

Or are we entering X-2 territory here?

Not really needed. All the main talking points have already been shown in X through the spheres, and Auron reflects on his journey a few times. It would just be a shorter, more uneventful X without the payoff of Sin dying and the dream ending.

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's x-2 she appears in

Audio drama called FFX -Will-, which takes place a year after X-2.

She says her mother told her she's the long lost daughter of Auron, but it's never confirmed in the end whether this is true or not. Lulu comments that the girl doesn't resemble Auton at all, and claims he is the type who wouldn't hide such things.