Steam chat now bans Sup Forums links from being sent in chat

>Steam chat now bans Sup Forums links from being sent in chat

>Gabe Newell: "The link filter is used in chats to prevent people from sending known scam links to their friends. If you want to link to that site use another chat service. Steam will not be removing it's protection.

Steam is now censoring Sup Forums from even being discussed. How will Pcbros defend this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>sending Sup Forums links to people

good. they are literaly protecting this place from the cancer

Why the fuck would I link Sup Forums on steam? I bet you are in the fucking Sup Forums group too like the underage piece of shit you are.

Trying too hard to fit in or just valve drones?

>not having friends who also browse Sup Forums

I don't use steam to chat with them, child.

nice spacing
no one but you gives a fuck
quit making the same thread nigger

If nobody cares why did you post?

yeah, you use reddit

>having friends

Chatting with friends on reddit would be very inconvenient, do you have brain problems?

>everyone who disagrees with me is obviously a drone or a shill
been sending links over discord to my normie friends instead, not a big deal.

Too late

i just want to share links with my friends
i'm not a normslime, i don't use discord or skype or have any friends IRL. why do valve want to take the only social outlet I have and have had for the past 10 years?

i don't know if my friends browse Sup Forums or not because the first fucking rule of Sup Forums, you newfag

>implying filter actually stops shit

>implying you cannot simply remove the dot in Sup

10/10 censor, would utterly render pointless

(besides we already know Steam is a bit anal about its censor, they censor short google links, google docs links, spreadsheets, etc, and any domain with a .tk extension, regardless of what it is)

does it remove links to the archive? because that's better than linking directly to Sup Forums anyway, since the link will still be valid after a week.

>sending Sup Forums images when imgur exists

>Sending Sup Forums links on steam
>Sending Sup Forums links
>Sending Sup Forums

No, that's the first rule of Sup Forums ya dingus.

Sup Forums prevents you from posting certain links.


my bad, it might be the first rule of the internet or something. Regardless, it's an user imageboard, why would I talk to my friends when that defeats the purpose of being anonymous?

"Rule #1: You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law."
What did he mean by this??????

post above yours clarified.

nice source faggot

tried to once google maps shortened link to show what route to drive to work for a coworker at the time and link was removed.

send them links to webms or threads they may like. It's not like they know which post is you even if you decide to comment in the thread you link

>why would I talk to my friends when that defeats the purpose of being anonymous
>being this autistic

How is sending a image link from Sup Forums to your friend who also browses Sup Forums have anything to do with anonymity?

unless they're directly asking about something that also happens to be what i'm looking at on Sup Forums, i'm not just going to send them a link to it. if we're discussing something and I see news about it on Sup Forums,I'll send them the source link or the archive link and skip the middleman that is this hellhole
Be my friend. Let's be friends.

>directly linking to images on Sup Forums, the most volatile image host in existence
>using Steam chat
Nothing of value was lost

>having friends

Normies get out. REEEEEEEE

>trying to lecture me on Sup Forums rules when he's so fucking new he doesn't know rules 1 and 2 only apply to raids

discord lets you post an image directly in chat


>anime profile pic
>private, yet looking for friends
>those names

I'm just too open to other's suggestions when naming myself...

>Newfag calling others newfags when he doesn't know what those Sup Forums rules mean

who the fuck links to Sup Forums, if the posts lasts for literally 10 minutes
link to archive, or something

How is Sup Forums a known scam link?

Russian hackers would make scam threads on Sup Forums then link them to morons to get them to lose their account.



Rock CDs.

it has been since they started selling Sup Forums passes

>they are literally protecting Steam from this cancer


don't let valve shills bury this

>Paste link in chat
>Add a space

if you look up that gabe newell quote on google, the only link you get is this thread