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Well Sup Forums?
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why the fuck is j k rowling even on that list holy balls
Gene Roddenberry or Tolkien
based Todd creator of Fallout and Elder Scrolls
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Video games?
thought grr was wearing a bib from the thumbnail
who was under todd?
>no kojima
What the fuck is The Lord of the Rings? That sounds gay as shit.
Wasn't todd's first project was Daggerfall?
oh my god no please dont
Todd had very little to do with the original creation of the expanded ES universe
Game of Thrones without the sex.
the end times are coming, user.
that's just this world.
fast and the furious. Name a franchise with more good movies than the fast and the furious.
Moot for creating Sup Forums.
That's pretty fucking gay. Is the show on Netflix? How old is it?
>no Anno or Miyazaki
Greatest by what metric?
All I know is it ain't fucking Star Wars, although Star Wars probably has the best video games amongst those.
cant be harry potter either. even most harry potter fans like what the series could've been than what the series was.
It can't be Harry Potter because she didn't create any universe. The Harry Potter series takes place in our universe; Hogwarts is located on the island of Great Britain.
Ender's game if only for Speaker of the Dead.
When I see that image of his face all I can think about is buying his game
in terms of coool lore and well-constructed complexity, star trek and elder scrolls are a step above anything else on that list
>star wars
>a good universe
It's literally all fan elaboration.
Kinoko Nasu
>tfw we still can’t get a good all-encompassing lotr game separate from fucking mordor of all the fucking places
J.K Rowling didn't create any fucking universe at all, she literally set her story with our history but added 'lol magic' to it. Everyone else on that list created or had a hand in the formation of entire universes while J.K Rowling just stole our own universe and added one element
That's what JK Rowling looks like? I'd fuck her.
tolkien is the only one worth a damn.
the rest are just hacks who made it big by pandering to pop culture.
7. Yoshiyuki Tomino - Gundam
Or taxes.
>star trek
> game of thrones shit
disgusting normie shit
todd howard all fuckin day
How the fuck do you "pander to pop culture?" That doesn't make any fucking sense. Do you retards even think about what you're typing before hitting "Post?"
Reminder that George Lucas literally and unironically did NOTHING wrong.
I was going to ask if you realize your irony but I see the bait
Or an entire chapter dedicated to one of the characters having diarrhea.
Unironically Tolkien > Lucas > Gene > Todd > Martin > Rowling
Tolkeins no doubt about it, the way he writes about magic and evil appeals to me way more than what most modern fantasies do.
>Their taking our interns to the IRS!
it will haunt me to the rest of my days how we all didn't appreciate George until he was gone and all hope was extinguished
game of thrones but good and not full of gay sex
I dunno, the Star Trek setting is so interesting dispite Gene Roddenberry's efforts, not because of them. The setting got 100 times better once he kicked it. So even a vote for Star Trek wouldn't really be a vote for Roddenberry, would it?
Nothing wrong with Ewoks. You're just too much of a low-energy brainlet to realize George's vision.
on CRACK! OMG I LOVE PORGS! *gigglesquees*
The Chad Prequel vs The Virgin Sequel
He ruined the prequels by trying to focus more on the battles and Anikan rather than the grand conspiracy of Sidious funding a terrorist organization. Unironically Alex Jones could have made it easier to understand youtube.com
Ah, a man of taste i see.
GOT is hardly original or interesting from a worldbuilding standpoint.
God damn I'm glad my wife isn't a mentally ill piece of shit like that
The focus of Star Wars movies IS the Skywalker bloodline you dumbass. Where he did fuck up is rushing the romance and clone wars. He retconned them by like 20 years, so Obi-Wan in ANH goes from being 70/80s to 50/60s
>Holiday Special
>original trilogy Special Editions
>every minute of the prequels
>needlessly fucking with the original trilogy even more
>allowing garbage fanfiction like Force Unleashed to enter canon
>Indiana Jones 4
>Red Tails
>selling out to Disney
people that deserve each other. dude aint exactly a catch either
His universe is the literal baseline for anything remotely related to fantasy whatsoever, and even today, no one would ever day try to iterate on his work in any official capacity.
Elder Scrolls, Warhammer (and by extension 40K), GoT, and any other fantasy setting is derivative of Tolkien
The Wizarding World is parallel to our universe for one but a setting taking place in modern times has nothing to do with having decent worldbuilding or not. World of Darkness has great worldbuilding yet it still takes place in the "real world" so according to your definition it must suck.
I kind of like how Dune sorta flies under the radar
I hope the Villeneuve project is some artsy normalfag repellent
A new challenger is approaching.
That's the problem, the original series is a very simple 'chosen one' story and then the prequels are set up like some political war drama that George tried to write to 'chosen one' into. Honestly i don't know any story besides sadly Legends of the Galactic Heroes that can do a war drama with a 'chosen one' as the MC.
t. in denial faggot
> Todd
> creating fallout
Hello, Todd. Yes I bought Fallout VR and Skyrim and now buying creation club mods! N-nothing wrong with paid mods, r-right??
Inoffensive unless you're an edgy child or an adult with an axe to grind
>Holiday Special
He barely had anything to do with it
>original trilogy Special Editions
Aside from the Greedo shit what's the issue?
>every minute of the prequels
LMAO kids that think this.
>needlessly fucking with the original trilogy even more
Some parts I like, some I dont.
>allowing garbage fanfiction like Force Unleashed to enter canon
>suggesting it was anything close to canon, even before Disney
>Indiana Jones 4
Has nothing to do with Star Wars, faggot.
>Red Tails
Has nothing to do with Star Wars, faggot.
>selling out to Disney
Probably the most unforgivable thing here.
>selling out to Disney
Reminder he gave exactly what the fans wanted, for him to leave.
Well you got your wish, he's gone now and your new master (((Disney))) is in control.
prequels are dumb because of garbage like jar jar binks and the annoying romance plot in ep. 2
I'd imagine that in 30 years no one will give a shit about the sequel trilogy, but the rest of the films will remain classics.
Tolkien. This isn't even a contest.
All the rest of them are universes built around a story. Lord of the Rings is a story that happens in a universe.
How is this even a contest when the literal crestor of modern fantasy is on the list? Both elder scrolls and game of thrones borrow a fuckload from LotR without even realizing it.
What's this? Is his son doing a new book series or something?
in denial about what? GoT is awful and has literally been getting worse with every episode.
Miura created Berserk, so, Miura
Isn't LOTR also loosely based on European folklore?
That's a massive insult to LotR
Denis Villeneuve, the director of Blade Runner 2049 is in talks to direct a Dune movie
I've never read the Brian books and frankly, I'm kind of scared to
>Aside from the Greedo shit what's the issue?
Bad CGI in mos-eisley, inserting an AT-ST into Battle of Hoth and it looks entirely out of place in the scene it's in, using the same scream SFX for Luke falling in Bespin as the Emperor being thown down a shaft, Jedi Rock.
The rest of the changes are fine though, hell Han not shooting first is the least troublesome of the changes.
robert e howard
>Aside from the Greedo shit what's the issue?
Digitally replacing actors and adding completely unnecessary bullshit CGI to scenes.
>LMAO kids that think this.
I'm in my 30s, I saw the prequels in theaters. I'm just not a contrarian faggot eager to lap up shit just to feel special.
>Has nothing to do with Star Wars, faggot.
Reread your post, you fucking retard. You said he did "NOTHING" wrong.
Popularity you dumb shit. Same as every other dork on that list.
>I'm in my 30s
>still browsing Sup Forums in your 30s
I've heard (from someone that read all the nu-Dune books) that they are absolute shit.
Akahori Satoru - Samurai Pizza Cats
>Samurai Pizza Cats
Oh nice, i still need to see blade runner actually. Heard it's really good apparently and peoe seem to have a hard on for this big holo-girl
Although I'm a huge, fallout/lotr, fanboy. The fact you didn't include the creators dune/metal gear solid/dark tower, but included jk Rowling I conclude you are a faggot. Or even if you wanted to keep it strictly video games, Zelda/silent hill/dark souls/final fantasy(as a whole or individually)/Mother and more and more and more.
>Elder Scrolls
One of these things is not like the others
Tolken hands down.
Todd Howard is a fucking faggot and had nothing to do with the creation of TES.
miyazaki obviously
I don't think he's over Tolken but he's way above the other clowns.
>Watching ZZ for the first time
>Then char's counter attack right after
it was like being shocked with an emotional cattleprod.
which ones are devil possessed occultists?
Top Three:
One Piece
Yes but it was done so fully and complex that it gave birth to modern fantasy.
Yeah, kiddo, I'm pretty sure I've been posting on Sup Forums longer than you've been alive.
>switching between first and last names
really activates my autism m8
souls and bloodborne lore shit on all those hacks
It's funny you mention Stephen King while having contempt for JK Rowling, who is the creator of the dullest franchise in the history of franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.