Excuse me while I actually flinch from being shot

excuse me while I actually flinch from being shot

i saw when you first made this thread with a 200 pixel 3 frame gif

"It's just a flesh wound."

gta 5 is normie garbage, gta 4 is the thinking man's game

>GTA IV was the new 3
>V was the new vice city
>no GTA VIce to be our new san andreas that takes the best elements of the last games and adds a shit ton more

>friend talks me into playing cod for first time in forever
>cant kill anything because the flinch makes me shoot up into the clouds
>literally NEED to waste a perk just to be able to shoot people

>getting shot

I torrented GTA4 and installed it, but could not get past that activation bullshit. Anyone know a workaround for it?

What can the next one possibly add atop V


That sounds cool tbqh

>not being American

Fucking children. Literally.
On a more serious note, something that triggered me pretty damn hard in GTA V is that you can't get Michael to have sex with his wife.
>tfw I can't fix their relationship even if I try

Bring back Euphoria NOW

>cops can't even aim for shit when they're not getting shot

There is a conversion mod for GTA 5 but it just isn't the same.

What's Euphoria?

IV shooting physics

The ragdoll animation engine used in every R* game since GTA 4 (see OP's video). It's been toned down over time so now shooting at people isn't as satisfying in V.

Pretty sure V doesn't even have Euphoria

Niko is still best character in the franchise

There's that widely spread Webm from GTA V of thay guy falling over after getting shot, shooting a gas container and then burning himself, but I see your point.

is GTAIV good outside of better physics? How are the missions?

you don't know how to read

>Not Little Jacob
Ya too dumb for I and I, hear?

haha gta 5 btfo! good work op!

You go to places and shoot people. You do this for about 80 missions and then there's nothing else to do in the game

It literally says it on the box you goober

so like every other gta? good

Download the steamworks version

>not killing Playboy
>not letting Darko live after beating him up
>not killing Francis
>not choosing Revenge

>ragdolling from every collision and shot they take
IV was a glorified tech demo, get over it.

When did I mention that this was Blowing GTA 5 the fuck out?This simply something that GTA 5 doesn't have that I wish it had.
I just wish 5 would have had a few of the polished features from 4.

So anything that has a cool feature is just a tech demo for that feature?

Yeah but it's actually fun and has a good story unlike V

>fun gameplay
>good writing
>interesting map design
>good radio
>fun stuff to do outside missions

jesus, the physics are so good here I actually feel bad for the cops.

V still uses Euphoria. But yeah it's a little to toned down.