Vidya Tropes

>fat character(s) have the highest HP

Other urls found in this thread:

He's a big guy

>MC gets cucked after saving the girl

In real life fat characters have only slightly lower hp but moderately lower stamina, but they get a nice "synthesizer" perk that lets them do silly shit like drink more alcohol or absorb poisons. The madmen.


>Best weapon is a sword

>female characters have the highest intellect and are the best caster types

>best weapon is a sword
>best skills are sword skills
Fucking Dragon Quest. It was even worse in IX with all the cool weapons like motherfucking drills.

The Evil Within

>bows don't need STR

>guns that fire the same round don't share ammo
>endless supply of self-loading magazines as long as you have the bullets to fill them

>weird-ass chicken paste
Bruh that's just chicken tikki masala
Are you really this insulated that you can't identify food that isn't a hot dog or a hamburger?

It literally looks like diarrhea on noodles.

>Bowfags are always dexterity builds and portrayed with the skinny bodytype of an emo skinnyjean chucklefuck.

no one's offended, that looks gud af

Well, what do you mean by "HP"?
- If "HP" = "physical resistance to damage", then obviously it takes more kinetic energy to pierce the cloak of lard before reaching the vital organs.
- If "HP" = "overall healthiness", then obviously a fat character doesn't need to get as sick before he starts wheezing and coughing because his vital organs are compressed by his weight.

>eating heals HP

Imagine how much monkey soup this guy could serve



Imagine being so sheltered that you don't know the difference between fettuccine and rice

>shoot fat zombie
>it explodes

>boss gives a thumbs up as he's sinking into lava

Fuck off Dobson

>strength boost

absolutely bullshit


>black characters get a penalty to INT

>alcohol just ruins your vision
>doesn't do anything else


chiken tiki..... WHAT?
get your mexican shit out of here, paco. this here's murrica. home of the free land fo the brave. give me a good ol' burger any day.


Indians have to make all their food look like shit so they don't get called out on when they wipe their hands across their anus to 'clean' before making your spicy curry sauces.

Wanna know how I know you're a fat fag that eats only fast food?

Is jackfruit good?

Also what games have jackfruit?

It's accurate, though.

>literally uses a jar of garam masala curry
>doesn't just use the fucking jar of garam masala curry

Patak's is utter garbage though, makes sense to use as little of the premade as possible.

super mario sunshine

>play torchlight
>bows, crossbows and even freaking guns work off strength instead

>npcs fighting
>everyone who fought INSTANTLY puts their weapon away after the last enemy is killed and start walking calmly

Breaks immersion every time

>and your OTHER gun

For you

>Peach was about to leave them out in space to die

>Bowser can jump as high as mario

so many things wrong here
Source for that monkey

fucking tourists I swear

for sopa

>Chancee from pokemon
>Smaller than most
>Snorlax twice her size if not bigger
>600~ HP
>Then we look at chancee, this boiled egg looking ass
>1k HP
>Nigga looks like humpty dumpty took estrogen
There's some exceptions so the fatter = more HP rule I guess.

People are freaking out over this?

Bowser could always jump high as fuck.

at least snorlax can actually hit things without it feeling like a wet noodle

Yes But Chansey is Immortal and Can Poison you

literally every physical fighting type says hi
and if you wanna pull the "uh i switch to toxapex/celesteela/bulky ghost" then conkeldurr and medicham want a word with you

>fat character is actually really fast

>poison is purple

>fire is red

Medicham can suck a cock
specially if it has Ice Punch out of fucking nowhere

generally it can hit flying types (read: lando) hard enough with STABs that ice punch isn't needed
thunder punch is more common and annoying, makes it even harder to use slowbro than it already was

Ok, I'm fine with her not wanting to deal with that shit right now, but she was just gonna leave Mario on the moon? What an asshole.

>obviously evil guy is actually a secret bro

>entrance collapses
'I guess we're not getting out this way, huh?'

>mario puts his hand on bowser's shell like "iktf bro"
>cya fucker
mario's a cold motherfucker
but not as cold as peach

what game does this

>see two routes
>Left is nice and safe:right is a deathtrap
>"We should take the right one. I have a good feeling about it."

I want to chase that monkey and just observe it. Something about monkeys pisses me off so much.

What the fuck are you talking about? That monkey seems like a total bro. I'd want to follow him around and just give him more food. Just keep feeding him everyday and slowly earn his trust. Then maybe one day I can sit next to my monkey pal and share a bowl of fruit. Then, when it inevitably dies? uma delicia

Kek, how did I not expect that spoiler.

seiken densetsu 3

Dexterity is a meme skill
But really, AGI/DEX/whatever should make swords, axes, hammers etc better, STR for bows. At least Fallout got Perception affecting guns right.

Monkey...lay of the bananas

>small girl is the strongest

i would say women being good casters makes sense, magic has historically been considered on par with poisoning and other subtle ways to attack someone.

As far as INT goes, blame whoever created the INT = Magic meme. Wisdom makes more sense

INT for magic strength and WIS for control and imaginative ways to use magic.

Peach is such a fucking cunt holy shit
>has been saved by mario dozens of times
>won't even accept his gift
>steals his ship and takes off without him, attempting to strand him on the fucking moon

>game with guns and swords
>swords do more damage

>talking out my ass is fun
wtf are you smoking? INT is problem solving skills, and WIS is being in tune with the memes/intuition and hacking reality. INT should be like critical hit chance or Libra-ing you opponents to figure out HP and weaknesses.

INT wizards are autistic rote-memorization "magic missile" spammer types.

Shotguns are non-lethal after 20 feet.