ITT: games you wish you could get into but couldn't
ITT: games you wish you could get into but couldn't
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SC:BW, shit looks really fun at a high level but RTS games are not really my thing.
There is literally too much going on in this game for me to manage in maximum autism mode, but if you just play it as a silly, borderline casual roguelike it's pretty fun. Just decide the one thing you want to do and go from there. Like throw builds (with alchemy for potions), or martial arts chefs.
I just like the idea of being stoned to death for trying to kick off a career as a amateur pianist
>the joy of finding a small corner with nobody commoners to play to and get a few sessions off
>tfw a Lvl90 adventurer or some shit walks around the corner, hears your nonsense, and decides to turn your insides into outsides using just a rock
>Killing god inside god
Everyone and their mother is sucking this games dick and im here thinking "well, its not boring". I wish I could get into it and the rest of The Legend of Zelda games, but it just odesnt get to me.
its really not that hard, it just takes time
don't listen to all the people who say you have to be autistic to play it, literally anyone can learn to play it given the time
>love metroidvanias
>can't get into metroid or castlevania
YEs, agreed. Just get comfy and play, play on a rainy day with blankets and a hotkey sheet ready. so FUCking COMfy
I want to love this game but I just don't for whatever reason. I'm not one of those retards that makes a terrible character and wonders why they can't hit anything, but something about it doesn't keep me interested.
Just fuck around in Adventure mode/arena until you figure out how to read the ASCII vomit
Don't use a tileset when you start. You can use one once you've figured out the ASCII.
Then just start up a fortress somewhere with shallow metals and no aquifer and fuck around. Have the wiki open in your browser so you can look shit up if you get confused. DF in its current iteration is piss easy, it'll take you a week or so to figure out the controls and from there it's all autistic basebuilding fun.
If I could figure it out when I was 14, you can do it now you massive pussy.
I wish there was a 2D mode with the current version, design is more important on a 2D map but I don't want to go back to the old versions
>games that you got way into and were horribly let down by
first and last pay2win game i put money into
too hardcore for me
Me too man me too
I even tried following the beginner guide but I got stuck
I bought this and Victoria 2 but I just don't have the time to learn and play it. I'm the type of learner that is hands on, but when I start the game I get frustrated after about 45 minutes. I'll try to watch some youtube vids about it, and I still don't fully get it. One day I'll have to set aside to learn it.
I used to love this game a long time ago, and sometimes I'll try to go back and play it but I have to turn it off. There's a lot of shit that I wish carried over to Oblivion and Skyrim, but after playing both of those I can never go back to Morrowind. I couldn't imagine trying to play it now if I've never played it, I would hate it.
I really love the concept of there being a huge dungeon that is the singular focus of attention and your exploration being key to the game. But I just can't get into it.
Honestly, almost all dungeon crawler turn based games kill it for me. I love dungeons, and I love real time dungeon crawlers, but turn based ones quickly turn into either grind fests or full of shit that basically forces you to learn to cheese the system or die. They're like the Beat 'em ups of the RPG world.
Grim Dawn or Path of Exile
How much did you play of Path of Exile? It takes awhile for all that goodness to start kicking in. First couple of hours are a bit stale
Roughly 10 hours, kind of have trouble getting items and finding enemies
If you ever want to get back into it try some beginner guides sounds like your going to all the boring places with shitty zombies.
Fallout New Vegas
I never seem to get farther than your first encounter with the NCR
any rpg
i once completed a bravely default demo but that was it
what game is this senpai
It's Wizardry IV, apparently you need to play the previous 3 games to even stand a chance.
I'm sorry user. I know it look so fucking confusing when you start, but tf2 is the most fun I've had for 9 years straight. Anytime I'm having a bad day I hop on there and something hilarious happens that just makes it all better.
Grim Dawn is the only ARPG that I've actually been able to enjoy for long periods of time. It's amazing to me how much I get pulled towards those kinds of game but end up hating almost all of them.
i wish i could play any game anymore. all i do is get out of my bed to piss and then go right back to bed for 80% of the day. every time i wake up I want to go to my closet, grab my gun and blow my fucking brains out.
You're going to make it, user.
I'll try forcing myself again someday
i hope both of you kill yourself; world would be better without you anchors
>final fantasy
homeworld/RTS genre in general. I can't stand it
>rpg roguelike
I would try this if they allowed for quicksaving, but fuck having to lose your level, items, stats after one death.
>elona +
it's one of my favorite games, you can check out the thread on /jp/ for tips and things since it is pretty complicated. I think it's more because of how open the game is and how many different systems it has, but the gameplay itself is pretty straightforward
>martial arts chef
my character is a punching machine, but she's not a chef. My pet goose is the chef. does that count?
i was able to play pic related all the way through and loved every minute of it. once i played OOT, my interest PLUMMETED after the hour mark. something about the transition to 3d just didn't sit well with me i suppose.
its okay, most of the 2D > all 3D
Nothing wrong with using a tileset when starting out, and even if he wants to use ASCII he should still install a different ASCII tileset since the regular one isn't that good.
Can you win in this game or it is endless?
somewhat a and b. it has a story, 3 acts currently (maybe 4 by now). but after you beat the game you can continue playing.
pic related is beating the main quest on the first continent.
I think the game is interesting visually but I always forget the game exists about the time I beat the first boss.
Goddamn it nobody ever said that there were Elona threads on /jp/.
I fucking love that game.
yeah, it's a constant thread, some of the people who post are nuts at the game.
fucking sseth
All of those chinese turn based RPG's, dont like the characters and always feel like I am wasting time due to the slow nature of these games.
>that entire review
I actually killed one of the key bosses in the first act by making him drunk until i was able to kill him. he kept throwing up from alcohol, combined with my martial arts skill that makes them throw up, the image I had in my head was this epic fight in the caldera of a volcano with some human chick dodging vomit as she punches the dragon in the nuts and stuffs alcohol down his throat. 10/10 game, can't stop playing
Can't find a working link for elona+, can you share?
Enjoy your Japanese!
Should all be in there but you should check out the wiki and getting Elona+ Custom is good too. Just extract the Custom files into the Elona+ directory.
Elona+ is godlike
Love this game
I guess I'll forever be a filthy casual.
check the elona thread over at /jp/ they'll get you set up
the only way I can enjoy it now is to deliberately make a terrible build, not commit crimes, and not receive training
I absolutely love wandering around and looking at trippy architecture still though
i just want to enjoy spreadsheets
how do they do it
>Yes, you can steal a tree.
>... From the FOREST.
you can throw panties at people until they kill themselves
Maybe try Distant Worlds instead? If that's still too hard to get into, than try Stellaris. Beyond that, I don't know what is more simple than Stellaris