Undertale is bashed by people who haven't played the game
Cuphead and Hollow Knight look good but have mediocre gameplay.
Overwatch is the saddest TF2 clone I've seen.
Assassin's Creed was never good
Mario Odyssey looks linear and isn't charming
BOTW could have been the best Zelda game if it gave you something to do
TF2 is one of the most influential games of the internet age
Am I the only one with unpopular opinions?
Generic normie opinion.
I agree except the sentiment about mario odyssey. But I have neither played it nor looked at anything recent
>Undertale is bashed by people who haven't played the game
You don't need to play it to know it's shitty normiecore
>Cuphead and Hollow Knight look good but have mediocre gameplay.
Wrong on both accounts
>Overwatch is the saddest TF2 clone I've seen.
>Assassin's Creed was never good
The only one that matters is ACII
>Mario Odyssey looks linear and isn't charming
>BOTW could have been the best Zelda game if it gave you something to do
>TF2 is one of the most influential games of the internet age
Mario and Zelda haven't been good since Gamecube. And all pixelshit is shit. Otherwise correct. And stop listening to what Sup Forums says.
Galaxy, galaxy 2 and even 3d worlds are better than sunshine and windwaker is complete shit. Papers, Please and HLM are both better than sunshine and ww
You're opinion isn't just unpopular. It's stupid.
unpopular opinion: videogames are good, and not bad
Galaxies are shit with too simplistic controls. 3d Worlds are baby's first Mario.
Windwaker, Sunshine, Twilight Princess are very good games.
Your "I'll play this for 3 hours and never again" pixelshit that the devs farted over a weekend are a scam.
Oh, so this is how you're going to play it? Defending Tumblrtale while shitting on Chadhead and Hollow knight? You can fuck right off.
Not even defending Undertale and not completely shitting on cuphead and hollow knight. I guess you must be a rabbid fanboy or something
That's a popular opinion, though. Video games are anywhere from mediocre to garbage in this decade.
The late 90s / 2000s were the best decade of gaming.
cuphead's gameplay is eons better than hollowk night, not in the same category.
Not their fault if you can't beat past the first few bosses
>Undertale is bashed by people who haven't played the game
But a lot of Undertale complains are perfectly valid like a really shitty take on morality and pretentious writing.
>BOTW could have been the best Zelda game if it gave you something to do
Only one I disagree with. Sure, there aren't very many side quests, but that doesn't mean you have nothing to do. Ever climbed a mountain just because you felt like you could? Ever seen a striped lynel and thought "I could take that guy"? BOTW is basically just one huge sandbox where it's pretty much possible to do everything you want, which is what keeps it interesting over and over again.
Cuphead has better bosses, but that's about it. I still prefer the gameplay of Hollow Knight, even if it takes an exceedingly long time to get rolling. The gameplay of Cuphead just seems alright to me, though that's probably more personal preference than anything.
Wind Waker and Twlight Princess are both very mediocre games, and I fucking loved Wind Waker when it first released. Skyward Sword is a straight trash game, and all three of them are highly overrated by Zelda fans that think they're 8 or 9/10 games.
Max Payne 3 has the best combat of the series, but it ruins it with having a cutscene between every doorway.
Ww and sunshine are the farted out games.
Unfinished crap.
>The late 90s / 2000s were the best decade of gaming.
5th and 6th console generations were the best, people get way too nostalgic over the 3rd and 4th console generations. The average PS1 game had a lot more replayability and depth than the average SNES game.
Also difficult NES games aren't fun. Their difficulty largley stems from memorization because they're mechanically simple games that lack the depth to have challenge come from their mechanics.
I want more politics in vidya.
Beat that for unpopular.
Same here desu
all i know about undertale is that the weird girls in my 5th grade class (that i teach) are obsessed with it and constantly drawing the characters.
I wish video games had more diversity
Not unpopular for Sup Forums hopefully but esports needs to die
>Undertale is bashed by people who haven't played the game
>Cuphead and Hollow Knight look good but have mediocre gameplay.
>Overwatch is the saddest TF2 clone I've seen.
you're retarded
>Assassin's Creed was never good
Black flag is a good game, but it's not an assassin's creed game so I don't know if it counts
>Mario Odyssey looks linear and isn't charming
haven't played and I doubt you have
>BOTW could have been the best Zelda game if it gave you something to do
plenty to do
>TF2 is one of the most influential games of the internet age
Why are tf2 fags so obbsessed with their pony/furry hat simulator?
Man this post
Melee is a better fighter than generic street fighter
I think you really might be the only person in the entire world to have these opinions and that makes you truly unique and special. :)
The fact that TF2 and Bad Company 2 are popular FPS games here is solid proof that most of Sup Forums is pretty damn casual when it comes to FPS. Not that TF2 is shallow, but 90% of the players here just dicked around in 32 man servers and then felt all smug about being superior to CoD and Halo players despite playing TF2 in its most spammy form.
Also BC2 is like a cunt hair deeper than CoD, but it's still really shallow overall. Just as shallow as CoD if you play hardcore.
fuck your opinions, only clicked yo see your pepe