Game set in Ancient Egypt

Zero Jewish slavery


Other urls found in this thread:

its not ancient

never happened


It's not the time period you're thinking about retard

>Ubisoft has to decide to push one button
>'Egypt was white and had slaves.' and
>'Egypt was black and no slavery involved.'

btw, you see the pyramids are already buit, so the jews are somewhere else now

Yep you can’t be KANGS and admit you were also the original slave owners.

this is a really good question

Because it didn't happen. No egyptologist has ever discovered evidence of the exodus story.

It’s literally in the Bible retard

>It’s literally in the Bible retard

oh look everyone its one of these

pretty sure that came way before the game takes place, my dude

I haven't seen a single black person yet


Why aren't there any good games featuring Egypt other than Pharaoh and its expansion?

>It’s literally in the Bible retard

the last level of goldeneye


Egypt was middle eastern though and likely in ancient Egypt slaves of all countries (Including Egypt) were used to build the pyramids

>Believing that jews were actually slaves in egypt
>Actually thinking hooknoses are capable of building the pyramids

>this is your brain on christianity

>gods chosen
>ever being slaves
That's what the goyim are there for. Only the Roman history revisionists put that in the bible.

Depends on the era. Ptolemaic dynasty they had all sorts of slaves, not just jewish ones.

even jewish scholoars agree that the biblical stories of egypt were bullshit and that there werent any jewish slaves. likely werent any jews of any kind of egypt.

it's just a fucking story.

Ah yes, the famous history book on how the Jews conned the goys into believing their fairy tale book

It's not just the bible. Many Hellenistic writings speak of Moses being an Egyptian scholar who freed the Jewish slaves.

Oh wow, some Jews say that it's not true, i guess it isn't True despite these hundreds of other scholars saying it is. Can't have the Jews being portrayed as anything other than gods chosen now can we?

>he still thinks jews were slaves

You niggers do realize that the bible isn't some fantasy novel like the Chronicles of Narnia, right? Like, whether or not you believe in the dogmatic system of christianity it is set in real life and chronicles a lot of historical events. Try googling some shit. I get that 'it's true because it was in the bible' is a bit much but don't pretend you aren't retards just because your atheist

>humans build the pyramids

Remember that one time that in the bible a guy started a conversation with his donkey out of the blue and the donkey went on to talk about how much of a good donkey he was? Man, I can't believe things used to be so magical all the time.

>Christians in charge of history
>Any year

It's medieval Egypt.

>We split the sea and shiet
>The flood totally happened
Don't even get me started, of course some few events have a basis in reality but c'mon bruh

Generally speaking there's very little evidence of mass slavery in Ancient Egypt. The pyramids seemed to have been built by skilled citizens who led work teams from a lower class who were paid by the Temples in food since they didn't own land.

Jewish slave never happens

Jews comes from close Mesopotamia, copy text Sumerian religion, exodus begin some justification, hey we living on land god give us.

and no. most learned jews don't believe that anything close to exodus happened. but they still hold that the story is important (bugger me if i know why, all of these religious people are fucking nuts i think)

To these people Middle Easterners are black as Coal Black and de Sebben dwarfs.

would you really want your fancy monuments to be built by dirty slaves?


there's a lot of evidence that corroborates parts of the Exodus with historical events like the destruction of Jericho's walls though. It's doubtful hebrews were slaves but they probably were prevented from settling land within the Sinai.

More like the Jews were the Hittites and all that shit correlates to when they were thrown the fuck out of Egypt.

anyone else seeing the resembelence?
they even have the same beak

crack when

Because they are dirty lying kikes always looking for an angle?

>100 GB

not him, but dont be a contrarian for the sake of arguing, this is why Sup Forums and Sup Forums has gone to shit

the kid you sells you lootboxes is black, but he looks east african which is correct. most sjws/retards think all africans look like they come from west afrifca.

>Shadow of mordor 90 gigs
>Fitgirl repack 25 gigs

Oh yeah totally forgot that was a thing

What the hell ubisoft

>everyone spoke the same language
>adan and eve were the ONLY humans
>meet more humans later

Does this game have those awful Abstergo/modern times sequences in it? I hate those parts, I don't know if I can sit through another game of them.

I've seen theories that farmers would tend to the land, then when the banks of the Nile flooded they would work on the Pyramids. But yes you need skilled workers to cut the stones and place them.

Remember when Trump had hookers pee on him and the DNC paid to release the information. Main, I can't believe things used to be so fetish all the time.

Roman time period. This is already the time when Jews were cucking people, not getting cucked

>90s howard stern interview
>one of trump's traveling buddies
>says that trump loves russian girls because they have no morals
>trump on howard stern describes himself as a sexual predator


dont belive their lies user, the jews were never the chosen people, its all a modern fabrication

Isn't it centered around Ancient Egypt under Roman rule? Bound to have slaves around.

It takes place during roman times not old testament bible times.

How were the Pyramids built without the slave workforce? And don't fucking say aliens.

Egypt was already ancient by the time of the Ptolemies and Rome. Native Egyptians were of a lower caste when compared to the Greeks who ruled them.

Private contractors you fucking mong. They've found the pay rolls and invoices on tablet and papyrus and everything.

So Mexicans?

do they had unions back then?

Jews didn't build the pyramids, even the bible does not say they built the pyramids.

Egypt had slaves from all over and even enslaved other Egyptians. Honestly it was a very common practice pretty much all over the world, not something invented by white Americans and not exclusive to some black v white racism. White people have enslaved other white people, black people have enslaved other black people, everybody has enslaved everybody if you go back far enough.

>unskilled slaves could cut and place the stones
They had them in the quarries pulling the stones out, but that is all they could have done. Just manual labor.

No, just other Egyptians, with possible Libyans

More than likely they had something resembling religious guilds for certain trades that could function like unions

I've also read that, the farmers don't farm the whole year so they get hired as labor.

how did the slaves build the pyramids with ancient technology? inb4 hard work
it clearly was the ayyys

It was an honor to work for the living god.

kek, good one user
esto es el fin egypt


I could have sworn one of the earlier games implied that the plagues of Egypt were caused by Piece of Eden nonsense.

i had forgotten about the eden nonsense aswell as the dumb present storyline
thanks for the laugh user

>Noah died 350 years after the flood, at the age of 950
>the bible is literal truth guys everything is fact

Didn't ayys invade earth at the end of AC3? i stopped playing after that, how did they retcon that?

Jews were never slaves in ancient Egypt but sub Saharan black Africans never were either and this game is we wuz historical reniggerism