Ouch. Seriously though, I need: A) Your experience with TEW 1 B) Your thoughts about the sequel C) How it compares to RE7
I've seen so many relatively positive threads about this game that I couldn't help but feel interested in it. I've played The Evil Within already. I don't remember much other than the graphics looking mediocre and feeling like it went full Resident Evil 5 halfway through the game. As expected, it became a dull and half-assed experience. However, the fact that the game jumped the shark eventually has to imply that there was something good about it before that point. So yeah, not a horrible experience, but nothing too good either.
Anyway, I'm willing to give the sequel a try, but only if you convince me to do so. Also: The game HAS to be scary guys. If it's not scary then there's no point to it. I found RE7 to be a decently terrorizing experience, so take that as you may.
Don't. The combat is shit. Literally TLoU mixed with Layers of Fear. Just doesn't mix well together.
Josiah Watson
Oh no, some e-celeb faggot doesn't like a game I do! How will I ever recover?
Nicholas Sanchez
The evil with in was the first ps4 game I played It was absolute shit, it had some striking resemblance to the last of us's menus, they had bricks and bottles, and type of combat,which I hated. It wasn't scary at all, relying on all jump scares... I think the second one is going to be a little better but not much based on resident evil 7
Dominic Carter
TEW never looked good to me so I didn't care for it.
I saw someone playing 2 for 3 hours on nightmare and I was totally convinced to go pirate it.
Gavin Johnson
Pirate it. Even then, you're going to drop it after you kill the camera guy. The game makes it pretty apparent that the enemy variety isn't going to change much at that point. Coupled with the poor combat mechanics, it's just not worth it.
Adam Richardson
oh noes someone is nitpicking every single details of the videogame's (((story))), not I don't want to (((play))) anymore!
What the fuck user?
Carson Stewart
Aren't these supposed to be satire?
Angel Cruz
That channel is run by a complete retard
Mason Adams
I played TEW1, I enjoyed it for a while. But then the bullshit one shot deaths came in. Quit in chapter 9 cause ruvick would just teleport in front of you with no warning and blow you up instantly. What made it worse was it can happen anytime.
Anthony Hall
I love this game, the first one was absolute shit while this is fun. I don't think i should come here anymore, this place sucks.
Grayson Powell
I played 16 hours of TEW2 on Nightmare and really wish I had that time back. The open hub areas were fucking awful, the stealth mechanics were busted, the inconsistent hit-stun made gunning down the generic zombies irritating, the writing was garbage, Sebastian's new voice actor has this weird nasally thing going on that makes everything he says sound like a whine, the supporting cast consisted of a bunch of obnoxious morons, and the only somewhat entertaining antagonist with interestingly-designed sub-bosses is taken out in the first third of the game.
Nicholas Smith
Its fucking garbage. Parts of it don't even feel like it passed Alpha testing.
Julian King
>I found RE7 to be a decently terrorizing experience HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH Holy christ, this would probably make you shit your cargo pants.
Anthony Mitchell
Wrong. It happens 3 - 5 times, iirc. After that, you can complete the chapter like normal.
Charles Lopez
You're supposed to hide from him in chests or under beds.
Jackson Lewis
Huh. Ill probably try again once I cool off.
Mason Morales
TL;DR: TEW1 is a good game, not perfect, but worth playing.
I just platinum'd the first game. About to start on the second. TEW1 is what I would consider a flawed masterpiece. Emphasis on flawed though. There's some real, just inherent, baked in, crusted as fuck jank to that game, the story isn't very interesting or worth following, and the pacing is all over the board.
But it gets tone and atmosphere so, so right. Enemy and character designs are solid as fuck. At its best, gameplay feels like RE4: The Hard Version. And that's a beautiful thing. But the game is full of these bullshit chapters that just act as endless enemy encounters, where they throw you in a room and just pour enemies into it. It's a better game when the design is tighter, and while they do manage to keep doing new and interesting things with it throughout, it's those shitty chapters that end up standing out because their design is both boring and frustrating.
I also like that raising the difficulty keeps throwing new and interesting things at you. TEW1's Nightmare difficulty might be one of the most finely crafted survival horror games ever in terms of gameplay. Every bullet counts and the game is tense as fuck.
But then you start Akumu mode, and it's even more tense, but I still can't decide if this mode is brilliant or just a garbage fire. Trepidation and fear very quickly gives way to frustration and boredom as ultimately things will start to feel completely down to luck, mostly apparent in, again, these big combat encounters the game forces you to do. Player skill isn't removed the equation completely or anything, and it's possible to git gud enough to finish Akumu mode without dying, but you're going to stack deaths up into the hundreds and hundreds before there's a remote chance of that ever happening.
All of this said, it's a game worth playing. I'd recommend Survival for your first time through, then cranking it up to Nightmare, and then never playing Akumu mode.
John White
I am ashamed to admit I had no idea how game direction can make or break it. TEW was a fucking experience from start to finish. TEW2 feels like a bunch of worst horror cliches strung together infused with the spirit of Dead Rising 4.
I have, honest to God, cancelled cutscenes for the first time in ages because I'm so fucking tired of "Sebastien" grovelling and gasping about his daughter.
Oh and this fucking yt comment:
>Before watching the video, I will say that I prefer it over TEW 1 simply because it felt way more focused on horror and atmosphere than the first game. The first game had way too much action for a game being called as 'horror'.
is unbelievably wrong.
Aaron Brown
If you have some spare time, I recommend you watch this video in regards to Akumu and how to handle it. There are some interesting strategies shown in this video that make use of rather obscure mechanics:
The constant cocksucking over Lily was annoying as fuck. The first half the game was pretty good, but after the artsy guy bites it it just nose dives. The fire enemies aren't fun and the game suddenly becomes 75% cutscenes over "muh Lily"
I think this guy is dead on about TEW2. Especially his RE2 comparison, I definitely got those vibes playing through this game.
I know a lot of people on Sup Forums didn't like it, and I can understand why. But personally I loved this game.
Oliver Gomez
I played through the game like 5 or 6 times at least before even attempting Akumu. I'm very well versed in the mechanics, and I really like the obscure ones (bottles into faces, face stabs, Seabass's stomp that is surprisingly SUPER FUCKING GOOD, etc. etc.) The thing about Akumu is that, while mechanical knowledge undoubtedly helps, what's far more important is memorizing enemy locations and patterns. Basically recognizing the areas you're taking damage at all in Nightmare mode and completely eliminating them. The obscure mechanics alone are 100% not going to get you through it. In some cases exploits can be more important. Learning to shoot the guy that opens the door in Ch. 6, de-spawning enemies, etc. etc.
David Williams
TEW2 feels like a game made for people who didn't like the first game or just couldn't get into it. It's a very "modern" feeling game compared to the first.
Things like matches were removed because a lot of people didn't understand how to use them. Instead of adding something interesting in their place, the stomp was added in their absence and it's about as simple and generic as a grounded attack could ever be.
Because the game is so open, you're inclined to explore yet exploring leads to you amassing too many supplies. If the enemy AI wasn't so cheesable with stealth, you'd have to use resources to actually get through the world. Once alerted and in combat, there's no incentive to fight a bunch of hitstun ignoring enemies whose heads bob around your rigid aiming reticle; especially when it's so easy to just run away for a few seconds then reengage in stealth mode.
Not a terrible game overall but TEW2 barely resembles the first and doesn't really improve much that was actually wrong with it. It's hard for me to even call it a Survival Horror game given what I've said already and considering how story-focused and dramatic it is overall.
Lincoln Stewart
That was just bait to get you interested in the thread. The paragraphs I wrote contain no mention of the video whatsoever. Lighten up guys. Also, thanks for all the replies. I'm more inclined to pirate it now, but I would feel scummy...