Under Night Thread

Back to the late show.

UNIEL is also on sale on Steam for 10 bucks for anyone who wanted to see how the game felt.

Room: vidya
Pass: vee

I felt my execution getting actively worse trying to do the real combo so I'll just stick to the garbage I know until I can unfuck my hands.

I didn't know Akatsuki was in a different game. Im at this arcade and they have a dedicab for this game I've never seen before and Melty Blood

That's pretty cool

Akatsuki Blitzkampf was around the late 2000's before the 2010's IIRC. I'm not too surprised that you didn't know his origin compared to that still having an arcade cabinet

We always tell people to grab it on steam and then we go back to [st] and leave them there. Maybe I'll host a UNIEL lobby tomorrow after I get off work.
Speaking of, I went back to it the other day for shits to mess around with Orie and holy fuck I never really knew how bad she had it in UNIEL.

>Speaking of, I went back to it the other day for shits to mess around with Orie and holy fuck I never really knew how bad she had it in UNIEL.
Never actually played her all that much in UNIEL, what did they do with her in [st] to make you say that? I thought Seth, Chaos, and Akatsuki had it the worst.

You don't really realize just how bad some of them had it till [st].

Orie seems to be working, probably out of unfamiliarity

Damage is probably the big thing. Her timings also felt way tighter and I dropped a lot of shit that I can pull off in [st] with little hassle and I'm not too great either. 22 negating projectiles was one of the best things they gave her, and streamlining her follow-up on her 214 helps a lot.

I wish I didn't have work tomorrow so I can see who's playing Oreo so I get exposed as a fraud.

>22 negating projectiles was one of the best things they gave her,
Wait, this wasn't a thing in UNIEL? Shit

> do fullscreen safe on block thrust
> do 3.5k damage

It's me. I decided to pick her up and I got one of her basic BnBs down. Loving the 236B confirm into near 4k damage

No wonder there were so many in Over the World.

Wanna notate that bnb? I've been labbing for an hour or two after work recently so I don't fall behind as much like the last three months, so having something to work on would be nice.

Does that 2B vacuum even on whiff? How the hell does that work

I didn't really catch that tournament. I watched some of toushinsai before I realised it was best of one.

I'm sure this only works off a 5B or 2B confirm or a 236B fully charged.
5/2B 2C 4C (delay) j.B j.C j.214A 236A 5A 5C 214B 2C 214B

please use >. this is painful to read.

Thanks. Hopefully I can get these j.2C j.214s down soon. Been working on my execution a lot and it's getting there, but I need to test it out in actual matches.
Welp time to go to bed. Hopefully I can catch you guys again soon.

If it bothers you, I'm damn sure this is in the mission mode.

I've always been curious on how much I had to time those aerial delays but stick to the combo I used for the time being for some easy, guaranteed damage. Enough to throw merk off his feet for a bit at least

Finding Mika fun? OR at least agreeable?

quick tip for mika, you generally wanna end combos in command grab or 66B. 623B does good damage but gets you no setplay. And mika Needs to stay in for almost every matchup.

She feels better than wagner. I just have the usual problems of not knowing how to mix my stuff up or defend.

The most general gameplay style with Mika is to absolutely abuse her wonky dash B. It hits twice and it's a low and you can combo that into her command grab where you can convert into a decent damaging combo. Her 5A and 5B are fantastic in poking things out so use them a lot. A common tactic with anyone that has a chargeable 5C is to usually start out a pressure string with 5B 5[C] and immediately into 5A or 2A to get back into the string. If you really want to learn her, I suggest looking up a corner specific combo that utilizes all 3-4 of her charged moves (5C, the jump charging attack that knocks people down, 5BB, and the force function). Also, maybe it's just because I have a bad habit of jumping around a lot but that jump charge attack is an absolute flyswatter.

Oh and a niche tip for both of you. Veil Off Command Grab into IW deals the easiest 5k damage in the cast as well as her command grab super (full circle) into Chain Shift leads to obscene damage.

And to follow up on that as a I remember more things on Mika. The charged 5BB can be followed up with her 236A into easy damage.
And if anyone gets too happy with getting free Grd with shield, command grab their ass

I'm just constantly on the lookout for my moves being blocked and getting counter hit.
I don't think I can get the sense to be obnoxiously in someone's face.

if you like playing defensively play vatista. or someone with hard to disrespect buttons like Gord or Merk.

You have a very scary advantage by playing Mika compared to other characters just with the fact that your leaping command grab is part of your arsenal that you can throw out on a whim that can grd break someone and basically give you all types of advantages. Just as long as you remember that getting said grab tech'd means you're at least -8 or -7 frames.

It's not that I like it, it's just that I turtle up and fold like a chair far too easily. I personally hate it and wish I could change honestly.

Also, I should mention that you can follow up from the command grab if it's a combo start or if you only pressed a few buttons during said combo. I think it's dash 2A for the pick-up. Then you can go for your regular j.AAA

I've got a google doc that has command grab starters and I swear I've done all this in time attack, but I always fumble and forget in real matches, partially because I'm never expecting a hit to connect.

Nah wait, dash 2B. I think her 2A is just more hands instead of a kick

I dunno if it's optimal but one of the missions for her was dash 3C after command grab.

Best case scenario, you get a combo
Worst case scenario, you give up your turn of pressure but you can still catch people sleeping with your quick buttons

I didn't think the anti-air/launcher was quick enough but hey, if it works, we'll find out.
Also, best to stop ending blockstrings with that, those are almost always unsafe on block unless you cancel.

Oh nooooo

I'm not that legit with this character I just figured I'd show the prospective mika main some combos.

I think my end got cut somehow. Sorry about that.
Also please don't feel like you have to give me free hits or cut your combos short. It makes me feel worse.

I'm just trying to drill in your head that your command grab is insanely good in pressure if you catch people sleeping or not.

I'm not, I'm just picking secondaries so you can learn more of the cast.

Oh. I keep trying to hold myself back because I always think people will be expecting it and just tech it.


That sounds good.
Never actually was able to play Uniel, but I've messed around with it and noticed that while Orie was waifu material and cool, she seemed to require lots of work to play.
I guess I retry her in [st] when the western version of that comes. In 2058.

If you initiate with 66B and constantly throw out quick normals, chances are they're bound to shield and if you catch them they will not be able to tech out if they're grd broken.

Oh yeah, your 214C leaps over low moves and projectiles and goes nearly half-screen. Won't do too much against a merk I think but keep that in mind if someone is zoning you.

214C goes 90% of the screen

The 95% mission complete on Gord must be put to use

There you go.

And oh lord, 8 frames of lag

It almost feels like I'm playing a different game

brainlet tactics, handle the fireball, get hit by the lasers.

What is this

i have no idea what is gained by just standing still for more than a few seconds against Vatista


I never want to get hit by lasers or something.

I wish I wasn't complete shit at fightan so I could play with other people.

I can guarantee you're better than me.

Same, gord and hyde carry me

I wish this game was localized so I could buy it, instead I grind out combos in the old version

It occurs to me that I haven't fought a Gord with a Hyde since walkup last used him. How did he keep me out so well I wonder. Always thought the minute I tried to fireball he'd reel me in.

Are you sure? I can't even perform a hold input on Vatista that isn't [4]6X

Seems like against opponents with fireballs or fullscreen options, Gord only really wins when the opponent is within his range, not outside

Wish I actually saved some of matches

so, always then

Yeah, if you can press buttons you're pretty much got me licked. Anyone playing can vouch.

Just 80% of the screen :^)

>Says Merk with a literal full-screen "projectile"

I have to pick if its anti ground or anti air. gords 5C just does both. his 236 b isn't the worst anti air either.

Fear is the mind killer.

I just want to stop being so afraid. Being bad wouldn't bother me as much if I knew it wasn't mainly because I'm a pussy.

It's just a game. Take some risks.

No one is going to infallible in their attempts to opening someone up and you can only block for so long. You might as well take the risk, hell, we all do. Some might have way less risks than others but that's the way it's played.

I keep thinking it's my turn when I block an assault

I really need to stop doing the burst. It's a worse option that super 90% of the time.

>Someone blocks my assault attack
>Get destroyed
>I block someone's assault attack
>I eat a 2A

gotta shield my dudes

I'm not smart enough

Even when I shield

Did the font just grow for anybody else?

With big enough skill difference the stronger player doesn't really need to even be afraid of that.
I kinda think that skill difference skews risk-reward ratios in fighting games in a way that I'm not too fond of, but it's not like anything can be done about it.

Just imagine that you are fighting a clearly weaker player. You go in as hard as possible full offence, knowing that if you get something in you can do Good Damage. Meanwhile if you get hit you take most likely some normal hits, maybe some weak ass mini-combo. And as weak player probably can't capitalize that to start proper offence you can just rush in again.

Just get good

I'm not going to doubt that experience is an enormous factor in this. Familiarity against a match up will always bring an edge to a particular match up but that's just something you need to keep throwing your head against the wall to learn. It's what I did, it's what a lot of us did. It may surprise you but being some unpredictable helps out too. Yuzufag doesn't have neutral worth a shit because he plays Yuzuriha and zoning you out is her "neutral" but his erratic movement and behavior in general messes us up a couple of times.

I can definitely feel it. I know I play different against Icy alone compared to everyone else. I'm insecure as shit so I always feel like I'm just wasting people's time. I'm not going to use that a an excuse though, I just need to get better.

Yea, playing matches is definitely important and getting that experience and I'm really jealous of people in these threads having a good place to play the game lots against different people of different skill levels.

Having to go to some discord to beg games where you then end up as a punching bag for someone obviously way out of your league, is just kinda motivation killing.

Alright, no more attempting to backdash out of 5Bs or 6Bs

I'm still a punching bag, fortunately people itt give pointers as opposed to the times I've tried discords where they just act snide about everything and still leaving you out to learn so you might as well just be waiting in training mode for matches or something.

your defense is actually really strong for someone new to the game

What difference steam version has with vita version? Extra characters?

I have never understood how or why people play fighters on a handheld

I played UNIEL, just not online that often

There's no difference with any of the platforms as long as it's the same game. Vita might have limited internet though.

Yeah, better than mine actually.

And on top of that it's not that great against assault mixups.

I'm so confused, does mika not have a crouch animation

Yeah, she just leans forward a bit

she does, its just that shes so short that lots of moves already whiff on her standing.

Orantis got a red square but didn't make merk a yellow?