Redpill me on this game
Redpill me on this game
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best undervania ever
Its great but it copied Undertale to much and failed to surpass it.
Terribly afflicted with the recent blight of third world transexuals
violated heroine is better
Go fuck yourselves.
>I was only pretending
It's clearly pretending you stupid piece of shit
Worse than LLS and MS imo
Touhou is the best porn franchise ever created though.
Could someone explain to me the process they go through in order to 1cc something like this? Do you just dodge everything with 1337 reflexes or do you plan out you movements for every millisecond of every pattern?
Redpill is actually a jewish plot into making you believe you have clarity and the truth, but in actually it is further blinding you and making you a willing sheep to their plots because you believe you are learning the truth when you instead all now willingly drinking up all their urine of lies. The bluepill is what you want because that is the real truth that they keep in plain sight and want you to reject.
Memorize the patterns.
>or do you plan out you movements for every millisecond of every pattern?
This except for the ones that are random as fuck. Then you react to what is thrown at you and bomb if needed.
You grind every part of the game into your memory. For RNG parts you also slowly learn how they change and what to expect. Having reflexes helps, of course.
Glorified autism test.
Practice regularly, before soon you'll have the whole game memorized, and you'll be able to push the run farther and farther as the days go.
Don't hesitate to bomb.
Don't fap to Flandre and Remillia. Despite being 400 year old+, they haven't reached puberty yet.
>implying you can resist Flandre
You autistically grind through the game to memorize every pattern until you know exactly what to do for every attack.
>Wanting to gas the bunnies
arcade just like a roguelike
you lose you start from the begining and the game is not short at all
OST is preety great
and has a large and dedicated fandom
but has i said is not for everyone
try it and see if is your thing
Especially them.
Sadly you are correct. Some memorization, some reaction and a lot of dedication unless you are naturally good at it.
Need a moon rabbit revolution.
Owen wasn't actually her
Perfect Cherry Blossom is better in almost every way
The series jumped the shark at Ten Desires but I did enjoy LOLK
Also the best PC98 game is LLS
and the best girl is Yuuka
You already posted best girl. Yuuka gtfo
>Perfect Cherry Blossom is better in almost every way
Thank you. Although Imperishable Night is also pretty good if not better.
Hold shift for focused movement.
Capturing a spellcard is the result memorization and reaction. You can capture them without memorization, but obviously practice makes perfect.
If you die with any bombs left in your inventory then you fucked up.
Bunnies are the best.
PCB is a better game overall but people still swear by EoSD as the entry level game because of its simple patterns. It eases you in.
>not Yukari
I kinda miss EoSD art if only because it made Marisa and Reimu look like they are ready to kick youkai ass. And there were different poses, newer games just have one pose with different facial expressions (which aren't really expressive at all).
Anyone saying memorization is the answer is misleading you imo. There are a few parts in this game where thats the case, but pattern recognition is a way bigger factor. Watch where enemies spawn and you'll figure out where the next group is gonna come from even if you've never played the game before.
If you grind at this game over and over again I guess that could work but I dont think its very fun. But the thing about a short arcady game like this is it's real easy to play just one run every few days or so. Play those tiny play sessions repeatedly over a long stretch of time and you get better. Don't expect your first 1cc to happen quickly.
Also knowing to watch where there aren't bullets instead of getting overwhelmed trying to watch a shitload of bullets, understanding how to lead targeted shots, and ACTUALLY USING ALL YOUR FUCKING BOMBS makes the game way more manageable.
However, many other bullet hells do require memorization. Biggest reason I like touhou is that if you've got the skills you really can wing it on normal difficulty. There might be two or three bullshit parts that you need to know ahead of time, but that's two or three moments out of the whole game, and if you have a bomb you can still save yourself in those moments. Other bullet hells like ikaruga for example, you do need to plan ahead a lot more and know what to do at each moment. Other bullet hell games also tend to be a lot faster than touhous, which makes reactionary play that much harder.
Keep on mind I'm talking about normal difficulty here. Play on a harder level than that and you may need to memorize more in a touhou game.
>Don't fap to Flandre and Remillia.
th04 > th05> th02 > th06
What is our opinion on newhus?
they suck ass
I prefer this not quite so newhus
>superior to anything
Post music
One of my current favorites:
Ubdertale was harder
i'm not even going to give you a (you) shitter tumblerina
Tanned Cirno is a miracle of the universe
That's not MS, though to be fair the PC-98 games have a Rune Factory-type deal going on where each game gets progressively better
Describe this Touhou in three words
What's the best stage theme and why is it
Aun is cute.
Dont worry user we all make mistakes. Here's the song you meant to post.
Last game in the series I've played is UFO.
Which game after that do anons most recommend? How is the new game with tan cirno? There an english patch for it yet?
>Which game after that do anons most recommend?
>How is the new game with tan cirno?
It's okay. I'd say 7/10 (average)
>There an english patch for it yet?
This was easily the most forgettable touhou game.
How can other touhous compete?
>Ten Desires
>Not UFO
Amazing boss theme
Remilia did nothing wrong.
good choice, but that's not even the best stage theme in MoF
I like dem remixes of this game
Still prefer the original tho
I've played it like 20 times on normal but I run out of continues shortly after reaching the library.
Best sisters famalam. Don't play the game if you're not autistic and into pattern memorization
boring, like every tohou game
You're all Smalltime
>watched sister play MoF in 2007
>didn't actually play a 2hu myself until a couple of years ago
>had this stuck in my head for nearly 10 years without knowing what it was
>Fantasy Seal theme opening up with Reimu's LLS stage one theme
>Master Spark theme going hard with Dim. Dream
You're all wrong niggas
Your sister is a person with fine taste
This is the most overused answer, but its still true.
wtf kogasa you made me die of a heart attack
I still think UFO was one of the best games. Not because it was the latest entry when I started playing or anything, but the OST and the characters were fucking top tier. UFO mechanic aside, i think it's the most underrated game on the series when for me is easily top 3
You can't really memorize everything because the game isn't that rigid, lots of patterns have random spreads and even if you memorize the crazier rigid stuff you still need to reactively dodge though it.
You really just memorize a general route of where to be and when, where the enemies spawn, etc. It kind of just comes from playing.
It's funny how Zun's art just gets worse with every game
There are a few exceptions like UFO Reimu but overall it just gets worse
>talking shit about ZUN's art
I disagree, I think he overall improved up until UFO and then began to spiral down.
Clown is his best drawing to date. I bet his wife helped there
Ready for your special class Sup Forums?
Why is moriyashrine now a website for wildlife conservation services?
That's technically what Gensokyo is.
You mean a cute attack?
They moved hosts.
They haven't hit the fandom like the LoLK's ones, the latter ones explode in fanart, the new ones didn't cause a storm.
Ahh, found em, thanks.
>she lost the tan and extra power like nothing
Well, that was anticlimatic.
And you know who to praise for it!
Still the strongest
Meme game that people tell you to start with despite being one of the clunkiest and worst games in the series
I don't feel comfortable seeing young girls with Yuuka.
She wouldn't hurt a fly, as long as you leave her sunflowers alone. she's Youkai MoƩ after all
It's okay, Cirno is over 60 years old.
Would you a racoon?
it's a decent game but the graphics look pretty dated at this point. lack of hitbox when focusing also sucks too