How did Blizzard get away with selling a game with no single player?

How did Blizzard get away with selling a game with no single player?

By being a good game.

>World of Warcraft

Less than full price.

It sucks, but games are allowed to do that now apparently.

by targeting the MOBA audience who are willing to put up with it


Forget single player. How did they get away with selling a game with such awful multiplayer?
I have the answer right here. "advertising."
Activision-Blizzard knows they can spend millions on marketing a game and make that exact amount back, no matter how awfully said game is designed, or how little substance it has.
There are plenty of morons out there who only buy the games that are directly advertised to them. Those morons comprise OW's purchaser base, and what little remains of a playerbase.

OW is not a good game, it is just a money collection investment for Activision.

Obvious fpbp attempt falls short, who knew?

The power of waifus must not be underestimated.

Hopefully other devs take note.

it's not 2006 anymore

AI programming has barely improved people want to play against real players

>why do normies like eating shit

by current standards OW is a very good game

I want to warm up her skin

Tits, lesbians, and loot crates. People may say they hate those things, but the ones with money spend lots of it on those things.

Blizzard are using waifus to sell a video game, Japanese companies do it all the time but their audience is pedophile weebs

>tfw free copy
thank god, i can't imagine the buyer's remorse i would have had otherwise


I'm going to give it an fpbp just to spite you.

>fuck tacked on multiplayer am i right gamer bros?
>omfg why no tacked on singleplayer??

>Less than full price.

I still didn't buy it and I never will.

>Landing strip pubes


I wanna fuck that mom

>didn’t charge full price
>pic related
>dedicated fan base

Also, it has this thing that Sup Forums thinks it’s impossoble to have if you’re not sucking on valves Knob. It’s called fun. People can and do have fun with it even if the balance is out of wack.

Because normies are fucking dumb and thought OW was this revolutionary shooter and it blew away their peanut brains because they have no frame of reference and no taste, that + simply being blizzard is enough to sell a game

Blizz could make a bad game literally called This game is Shit Don't Buy it and it would sell 10 million copies

This is oddly well done. What’s it from?

I bet 95% of the player base do several quick play games a week and then fap off to some skins

the nerds who need to play competitive 10 hours a play are the ones who have a problem with the game

Thats a cute girl (male)

So basically WoW. Because that game is utter sheit since day 1 but people can’t seem to unplug the nostalgia and the “it was great with the community” bullshit.

>no ass
>no thighs

Fucking garbage

Its a guy

You mean like Valve, id and epic did before them, you underage sack of shit?

Tf2 r tard.

I play daily up to when I get the lvl up box. Maybe even lvl up twice before switching overwatch out because I get angry with fps’s if I play for too long.


Literally looks like my mom. How do I convince my mom to wear a mercy costume?

ask her for healing

>no thighs


>I bet 95% of the player base do several quick play games a week and then fap off to some skins
That's the best (and only) way to enjoy Overwatch. The game went from a 6/10 to an 8/10 when I stopped playing ranked and started playing FFA deathmatch all the time.

>Overwatch became the new TF2 that I've always been looking for and yet it does it's own thing
>I like the characters
>It's easy going but that doesn't automatically mean you will win every online match
>Nice treat for fans with the updates

I respect blizzard as a western developer. They do know what overwatch fans want and gives it to them.

who is this and why do people keep posting her

Is that Michinohime?

But MOBAs are popular because they have no upfront cost. They're F2P with microtransactions that aren't P2W.

Based Willoughbyposter

This Girl (Male) gets posted all the damn time.

More of this widow cosplay pls

I'd fuck ur mom


By making it $40 on PC.

-It's Blizzard

-It's only $40 if you buy on PC and don't care about the "origins edition" extras.

-Post-launch maps/characters are all free, you're only charged for cosmetic bullshit

I want to impregnate Tracer

gross dude

oh my lord, that ass is fantastic who is she?


goddamn those breeding hips


>no single player

that's where you're wrong. I bet the majority of the players are single

How can one boy be so perfect

This but unironically.

Can't say much about it being good in its current state, though. The """""balancing""""" of characters has been nothing but awful for the most part

You can do that if you know your audience is full of cucks.

>Kill Rien
>gets ressed
>kill Rien again
>Mercy pops Valk, Rien gets ressed again
How did they let this happen


By adding a bunch of waifus to distract fags from their mediocre game.

I want to put my penis inside of her if you know what I mean


even with the filter the guy dressed up as a girl still looks horrendous

Every thing seems perfect, but does she have the booty?

>Its a guy
I must be gay

This has been done for a long time.
>Counter strike
>Diablo single player is just a copy of what you do online

because the class most half-humans (women, queers) flock to must from her initial buff until the end of times be a must-pick that gets everyone's attention
anything else would be very provlematic oy vey it'd be like anudda goobergate!

>reposting le epic reppit breads again

Sup Forums is truly fucked.

is there a meme im missing here cause that looks like a girl to me