WUZ "you have been banned from this discussion"

It'll be another Unity


>buying Ubisoft PC games

I didn't even know this game was coming out this month.

only because of performance and bugs


So the ratings are "mixed" just like the game, how progressive!

lots of big titles and dlcs from other big titles from this month


>guards are still blind morons
ffs Ubidubi

They had an extra year of dev time to get at least that much right and yet it still feels like a rehash on top of being riddled with bugs according to the EZA review.

Players don't want realistic AI, they want AI that have easy to recognize patterns.

I don't understand why people keep doing it to themselves. Uplay is going to fuck them in the ass and the game is going to be a buggy, glitchy nightmare, and yet people continue to do it.

You aren't entitled to a bug free game just because you dropped $60 on the thing.

>buying ubisoft


How the FUCK does Ubisoft keep releasing games that are buggy and unoptimized piles of shit?

Hell, even the shitstain known as EA learned from the horrid releases of BF3 and BF4 and are releasing products that actually run well nowadays.

I beg to differ
Some people actually have value

I just looked at all the bad reviews, and these are the main reasons.

>"Graphics suck lul xD"
>Screen tearing
>UPLAY issues
>Bugs and glitches

Literally no actual complaints about the gameplay or the game itself, but PC MUSTARD RACE, right guys? Meanwhile Wolfenstein II: THE NEW KEKING has higher reviews because

>"It feels good to shoot nazis!"
>"I love how black people are in the game!"
>"Fuck Trump xD!"

Fucking libtards, guess people don't mind spending $60 on a FOUR hour campaign and a bunch of SJW nu-male cuck porn propaganda trash.

>you aren't entitled to have a fully working product that you pay full retail value for
Kys you fucking cuck

Stale pasta, have a (You)

>It'll be another Unity

how so?

1/10, you'll get someone.

Is that pyramid anime blushing?


It's tip is exposed for the world to see~


Anyone else giggle

Go look at the reviews on Steam if you think I'm lying, morons.

0/10, you're losing me.

You're getting greedy, okay, since you worked so hard on your shitty bait post have another (You).


You don't have to reply to me. I'm just letting you know that objectively people are rating it poorly because of bugs, glitches, screen tearing, and UPLAY issues, that's it. Also it wasn't even bait, you just think everything is "bait" when you don't agree with it.

-1/10, doesn't even deserve a (You).

>people are rating it poorly because it's an unfinished mess!
I wonder why

Sounds like good reasons to rate the game poorly