This is a game.
This is a game
I don't like this game. I will not buy it.
>6 hours long with over half of that being cutscenes
I'll wait till it's $5 in the summer sale next year.
Actually, it's an image
Pirate it instead to trigger the cucks
A game is a series of images.
That's animation ,you idiot
Frames are a series of images too, dummy.
Is there anyway to not shoot the dog?
Let's talk about the gameplay
Reminder that if you dont love this game you are a piece of shit, end of discussion.
But I don't want to play this game.
thank you for understanding
Was the soundtrack this forgettable in the New Order? It's so weak compared to DOOM
Why do those guys explode when he tackles them? Is he Kenshiro?
stay mad white bois
Actually, it's not referring to anything objectively.
>t. Nazi
hopefully someone will mod it and change all the nazis into trumpanzees
>Make a game to sjw and we wuz waves of faggots
>Sells like shit
>Crying about how White al rigth Boys are upset and dont play the shitty game
Like poetry
>Being triggered at satirical games
I guess that you hate south park as well.
Found the triggered skinhead.
>Why are nazis the bad guys
Pregnant feminist women fighters slaughtering white men was a hyperbolic joke we used to make fun of
>sells like shit
Is this another case like Battlefield 1 and Overwatch where cucks will swear the game is a flop because they unironically think all people are idealist subhumans like them?
People who give a shit about politics are a minority.
>not putting the trumplets into camps as well
>some redditor actually unironically made thi
Don't people have something better to be outraged about?
It's not even worth pirating. That's the worst thing.
>This is a game
This triggers the Sup Forumsturds
Please? I've just been sitting at this part of the game for several minutes now.
After Doom kinda boring , great cinimatics , but i can watch those on youtube - without the boring gameplay.
>Don't people have something better to be outraged about?
Yeah, videogames, looks like.
This level of gratuitous violence is just unattractive. would it have killed them to try and make the enemies seem a bit more human? The propaganda is just all out in your face.
I thought power fantasies were bad now
Doom was the same shit but with jetpacks.
It had atrocious level design, but was more of the same generic FPS.
Not a single shooter nowadays is capable of capturing the feel of an older one.
The moment you can bunny hop, call me.
>mfw drump tweets about it
what part about punch a nazi do you not understand?
Someone drop the piratebay link I'm not buying it but I'll play it.
Why is Sup Forums full of soccer moms?
What's next, you think kids will turn into murderers next?
Oh wait, you do think they will turn into communists.
Why do idealist subhumans always ruin videogames?
They either force propaganda in them, or they try to ban them because "MUH VIOLENZ"
FYI if you pirate it you're literally supporting communism.
Neofag is back faggots, hurry!
The nazis are the generic bad Boys from 1942 and dont care. A lot of games kill them and nobody complains.
The problem is the narrative and history of this game. Is shit and only made for the millenial sjw culture, with cliché nigga we wuz and muh stronk womin pregnant alone.
Enjoy your 4 hours of shit and dont forget post your comment about how this is a political view and serious problem on murica in polygon/kotaku
>This level of gratuitous violence is just unattractive
Found the oversensitive numale.
Are you the kind that goes uncoscious when he sees blood?
Seems like it to me.
No wonder nowadays nothing happens in political rallies.
Nazis are not human.
So what?
You said yourself only 2 years ago that SJWs should stop demanding games for SJWs and make them themselves.
Now they are doing exactly that, they make their own videogames.
Why don't you make your own communist killing simulator instead of demanding games to pander to you like SJWs did some years ago?
i have zero intention to play this, but i bought the deluxe version because of how upset the alt-right were at it
What a smug piece of shit
>14 year olds on pol think it's funny to say nigger
>rise of white power
If you stood directly in front of them for several seconds, would they even hit you? How retarded/innacurate can AI get?
Why do commies never get offended by depictions of violence against them but Nazis always do get offended by depictions of violence against them?
No idealist is at the level of a human.
You gotta understand that nuidealists are just teenagers who have watched too many movies and unironically want to "fight for liberty" and all that shit.
But since the world doesn't give them any reason, they have to overblow everything to make it seem as if they have a reason to fight, and thus, as if their lives had a purpose.
someone post the webm
Found the triggered nazi rat.
>millennial SJW culture
Back off, fucker. I was born 88 and I have nothing in common with these lefty cunts. Not every millennial is a cuck fag that faps to trannies.
>idealist gets a point in his favor
>acts smug about it
Happens every single time all the goddamn time.
Is it fun?
>fag that faps to trannies.
Funny, because it's old Sup Forums the one that used to fap to traps.
about the same as the previous ones.
bonus points for upsetting the kekistanis
fun is subjective
>unironically using the term alt-right
>thinking anyone cares on this Siberian Snow Shoveling Forum
Son you need to go back to the ashes of NeoGaff
What do you want him to call them, nazis? "Rightists"?
depends on who you ask
I guess if you like TNO you'll like this
upset alt-righter spotted
Alt-right pig detected.
apparently you cared enough to reply
Commies are real men, unlike spinless nazi scum.
>can't call them right-wing because they claim it "demonizes all of the right-wing"
>can't call them Nazis because "we're not Nazis you fucking nigger kike commie!"
>can't call them "Sup Forums" because apparently Sup Forums doesn't post outside of Sup Forums and that it's just a "leftypol boogeyman"
>can't call them "alt-right" because apparently that's a false flag term
soooooo what should we call them then?
its interesting how much they're cribbing from Tarantino films and grindhouse in terms of style. the gore is off the charts in this game
>BJ crying about dying and feeling weak.
>Doomguy choose to stay in hell fucking up demons. Only emotion is anger
Is BJ the virgin walk and doomguy the chad stride?
yeah but that's too obscure and unspecific
You must be new. Company of Heroes 2 was reviewbombed and boycotted because it didn't portray communists in the best light
just call them alt right, same with alt left.
Is the new Wolfenstein essentially November the 4th simulator?
The far right is what it's called
>Make a game from sjw to sjw
>Sells like shit
>Start to make threads and reviews how white Boys are upset for the game, instead analyze why this game is shit and the community dont buy it.
>Game about killing -any ideology save for nazism-
>"nice game, i like"
>Game about killing nazis
>Sells like shit
Overwatch and Battlefield 1 sold pretty fine, and they were going to flop according to Sup Forums
If it's not broken and full of bugs, it will sell, and so will this one.
One thing that neither the right or the left wants to admit is that the majority of the people just don't care about politics at all.
People are realizing the nazis were the good guys in ww2
That seemed more like Russian nationalism as it was mostly Russian and ex-Soviet states that were complaining about a depiction of their literal people.
Just like I could understand if Germans were offended with Wolfenstein. That's not the case, it's fucking burgers.
Not really worth it. I regret it.
No, that is a sentence.
>nazi literally stays for national socialism
>socialism is a left-wing ideolgoy
>the term nazi gets applied to right-wing activists
Not really, USA was clearly the best side, and they took the best approach: they destroyed the nazis and then tortured the communists for 40 years until they passed on.
The only problem nowadays is that these two failures are trying to rise from their graves.
Seems like they need to be taught how to stay dead.
All that salt!
Looks like shit, I think I'll pass.
Is the actual gameplay fun? Pirating now.
>good guys in a war
>specially the side that was the main agressor and shit-starter, just like in WWI
>USA was clearly the best side
lmao no tool of the jew is ever the "best side"
Because they are intentionally trying to tie it to modern US politics to conflate one side with Nazis, you fucking retard.