Young boys now have to deal with this

>young boys now have to deal with this
>their video game role model, in ladies' clothes
>boys will think it's cool to dress like girls
where were you when Nintendo indirectly turned the next generation into a bunch of crossdressers?

Other urls found in this thread:

I was on /d/

You make it sound like thats a bad thing.

>where were you when Nintendo indirectly turned the next generation into a bunch of crossdressers?

FF7 didn't make me into a crossdresser.

It did make me love huge boobs though

I was at home

I don’t think it will have that big of an effect, user

Watch the first 30 seconds of this vid to see the future of Western youth:

Literally the only people I knew who saw Link as anything approaching a 'role model' were already gay to begin with. Nothing has changed.

I wanna fuck Link's pussy.


>Greeks had their heroes crossdress for laughs
>ditto for Norse Mythology
>and so on

>game does it for laughs
>he doesn't realize he has subconsciously drunk the kool aid and can't merely laugh at it anymore

>forced to dress up like a girl
>gets made fun of and humiliated
>t-they're glorifying cross dressing!

Quit being a tumblr faggot and looking for things to be upset about.

Reminder that, through sheer willpower, it is possible to reverse becoming a faggot.
It's easier to just off yourself though, so I encourage every faggot poster on Sup Forums who does not wish to change to commit suicide.

>see thumbnail
>already have low expectations
>see the title

Fuck off Cis scum

>implying OP didn't just want to post a link thread

Stop posting this roastie.

>Omg video games are corrupting our children.
>All of us are here, and have fapped to at best deviant things and more likely illegal things.
>Anyone worth their fucking salt started on Sup Forums which used to be 50% filthy porn and 50% dismembered profilgates

Hands on the table, do any of you have kids? Gotta be a few here. I'm not worried about my wife's partner's indirect cousin's affair spawn coming to me about this shit, I'll just say it's really cool so they are immediately disinterested. It's them somehow working out I used to browse donkey dick porn when I was 12, and sdo the same

Then again the little shit doesn't know what Jurassic park is. I've already fucked up.

There are two kinds of people on Sup Forums

>1: hmm, disguising myself as a Gerudo will allow me to sneak into this outpost and accomplish my goals

Which one are you?

>he thinks its a girl
mission accomplished

Well, they're glorifying it to people who want to bully and humiliate pretty boys. Like me.

I once had a livejournal. The shame I have created makes these little children look like proud roman soldiers.

I destroyed all evidence decades ago,
but the phantom pain remains, I wake up screaming, it was almost entirely autism.
At least I post it anonymously now on this image board where all evidence is routinely scrubbed by your gay ass posts

as if our generation was any better

>I wanna be a slutty femboy!

>op complaining about there being too many faggots

At least your era wasn't in an era where this shit is allowed by insane people that have a very vocal minority.

why not both though?

Too bad there was no social media to preserve all your generation's cringe shit you old nitpicky fuck

>You will never use their face as a chair and their crotch as a punching bag

You are a gentleman of fine taste, such as myself.

Cloud wasn't breaking barriers against people getting violent and insane about the semantics of biology and gender.

Cloud was trying to rescue his love interest/boob rebound/""""important"""" party member/distraction from Barret by breaking into a fat-dicked slum gangster's playboy palace.

Now the jacuzzi in the Honey Bee Inn, that was definitely gay.


Objectively wrong.

Good. Western culture can die for all I care. It's time for us Asian to rule the world.

futas fucking traps

that's just like, your opinion, man

You're currently living in the antithesis, coming soon: synthesis.

Both situations happening in a pit of punji sticks cleverly concealed by loose leaves and a thin netting of string>All

>video game role model

This shit is gay and all but you're even gayer if your role models were from video games.

Yes, and...?


>monster futas fucking shotas

>Role models in video games

So, this is the true power of American parenting.

petite dudes showing off their midriffs make me question my sexuality

2 because that shits hot and its the current year where social stigma cant keep you down


>another gerudo Link thread
will this one make it to 100 posts?

Hope so because Im about to shoot a dummy representation of a mod if itdoesnt


The correct opinion.

>Too bad there was no social media to preserve all your generation's cringe shit you old nitpicky fuck

In the good-old days mixed-up teenage boys would threaten to beat each other up in DragonBall Z forums, they didn't dress up as girls.

>I like to make up problems and blow things out of proportion on the internet
>I also like to draw false correlations

Even if I don't agree with these people, what does it even matter? You being right isn't more important than their happiness.
Also accepting gays doesn't mean everyone is going to become a diaper fur, if you want me to take your argument seriously try not to argue like a retard.

I thought it was a funny video and wanted an excuse to post it

Well I guess it is pretty funny user

Well that's okay user if you think that it's funny.

It's a tranny and she said it in the blog.

>3: I wanna be link

Nigga you must be forgetting FF7

Providing a good role model for boys is the responsibility of your father, not a japanese company that manufactures toys. Don't blame your faggotry of some japs.

ITT: people who think they can predict the course of American culture from behind their computer screens

I teach middle school and young males act every bit like the entitled jackasses you want them to be. Don't worry, your "muh future" is safe.

How to achieve this look?

Mostly Genetics/excercise.

But, you could diet and do cardio if you want to be a twink or cute boy.


Where's the "give me a boyfriend" user at? He's running late.

He was recently fucked to death by a horse. It was very sad. The horse had to be put down and everything.

There's nothing wrong with boys dressing in girls' clothing, user



>bunch of crossdressers
You are exaggerating, but I'm glad you're squirming at the mere thought.

get with the times, gramps

cute boys are the new cute girls

Yo, getting a switch soon, is BotW worth the dosh?

If you use the Sheikah costume or the Ancient armor set, you are superior.

not even a nintenbro, but please take this shit somewhere else.

I saw Cloud cross dress and I didn't turn out gay. But by all means, dont let me stop you from fear mongering

Gramps? I'm 18, you fucking faggot.

and Mario

>actual ancient armor fanart

post id with timstamp fagtron

I don't have a phone for that. I can't post proof

well you're a fagtron >:(

I'm only gay for link

>posts a trap


>he doesn't know about Astolfo

Well, it's not my fault that the police still have my phone

There are constant references about you being "mannish," a secret area where the lady knows you're a guy and sells male clothing, and a huge joke about how the lady basically discovers you're a guy and fucks you in the inn.

If the helmet didn't cover half of link's eyes I would use it

>not a lot of gay shit to keep the thread going
Huh, good job on showing self control for once, you homos

Trap on female is best and you know it.

where do I get the heat resistant clothing for death mountain

From Death mountain. Make heat resistant potions and make your way there

giant 4 foot disgusting futa dong tomoko on me is the best you fucking queer


>Kill Guardians explicitly to make this armor set
>Helmet is a shrine instead of a Guardian head

What a missed opportunity.

the thor story is funny as fuck though

Sitting here nodding with approval.

>tfw in bed, covered by warm comforters in your best sleepwear, ready to go to sleep
>suddenly remember that one embarrassing moment from your childhood
>can no longer sleep

>mecha suit


also whos the dude on the biker costume?

If the blood didn't rush to your cock watching this then you don't belong on Sup Forums.

Armor is crossdressing now?

>being too young to remember the SAMUS IS A GIRL!?! reveal

Go home gamer bois
>Hey, wouldn't that be kind of cool if it turned out that this person inside the suit was a woman?'"[18] The developers voted on the concept, and it passed.[8] The game's instruction manual refers to Samus as if she were male to obscure her real sex until the end of the game.[6]


Kek they mock it. Nintendo made fun of crossdressers. Tranny's are a joke. Boys will think it's cool to mock faggots. Thank you Nintendo

Astolfo is a shit servant, a weakened Lancelot could murder him with almost no mana and only using 1 hand