Why are the portraits so shitty in EOV?

Why are the portraits so shitty in EOV?

To make them easy to color.

fuck you

What the fuck

Why is that little girl in a whore outfit? Is this porn? is this from a game? An actual fucking game meant to appeal to fucking pedos?

>little girl

2d isnt 3d, retard.

also hownew.ru

wtf, isn't she kind of young to be dressed like that?

She's actually in her 40s

This 2d image represents traits of a little girl, which is what you're attracted to you fucking sick pedophile.

If you dated a 40 year old that looked like they were 9, you'd still be a pedo, much like if you dated a man who said he was a woman, that still makes you gay.

More sweaty lolis

user that's the gayest thing i've read today

They are amazing. The girls are delicious

>both bunny girls

Definitely an improvement from IV

have posts like this stopped being ironic? Are we past the point of no return?


Why is there a line in the crotch area?


Shitty bait, but of course retards will reply to it (yes including me).


Yes it actually is from a doujin.

Awakened and true first post

>has prepared defenses for pedophilia
Just keep it to yourself, no one is convinced by this argument.

not an argument

In what way? This is obviously just exhibitionist pedophilia.

Himukai peaked at 3. He should just stick to doing Anko no Erohon.

More sweaty lolis

You seem to be an expert on this so explain.

What is the problem with sexy child drawings again? It's not like anyone is getting hurt.

I feel unable to speak clearly on this subject.

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

that's incredibly rude to older people who look younger, you know
and midgets

>you will never be a part of her chase samba

why live


Because you have no argument. Thanks for playing.

No, it's because I feel watched and unable to describe my experience.

that attire hardly looks practical for a combat situation.

You're always being watched. It's the internet.

it promotes pedophilia, and that's "bad" for some reason. I guess.... being born different ISN'T so great after all.
and here I thought we celebrated what made us so special.

Exactly. That's what I'm saying. Nobody can speak clearly on this subject because you're not supposed to expose your experience with it.

Stop posting.

>even my favorite threads aren't immune to neofag falseflagging


>it promotes pedophilia

In what way? Are you saying that showing gay sex to straight people will make them gay too?

Moreover Japan, the country responsible for the vast majority of lolicon stuff, has a considerable lower child abuse rate when compared to most western countries.

Really hope they rework the offensive tree in 3U.


>In 3U

>don't talk to me or my daughter ever again

garbage Neofags are ruining this place. GTFO you normie SJW white knights

I just want to love her more. Maybe even fall in love with her all over again.
Ranma doujins kinda help

Same. I like all the monk portraits, but she's the best.

>that literal washboard flatness
is it a guy or a girl?

>thought crime is as bad as committing a crime

Neogaf imploded and now the rest of the internet has to deal with these people

It's a girl Don't worry you're not a gay yet.

Is this the only way to react to these accusations?

I'm already bi though.

Hey, the old man is cool

>Implying it wasn't actually Ranma advancing the Anything Goes Martial Arts school by taking a trip to Yggdrasil
My boner will not accept anything accept this as canon.

There is nothing wrong with pedo

Maybe those little girls should stop being so sexi then

>Moreover Japan, the country responsible for the vast majority of lolicon stuff, has a considerable lower child abuse rate when compared to most western countries.
[female-only trains intensifies]
Yes, obviously the only thing to do to cope with child abuse is to produce ample child-themed pornography. Surely that is the solution.

With discourse?

Thats one sexy little girl.

It will always be objectively inferior to subclassing princess.

Claiming that sexualization of children is a remedy to child abuse, I mean.

How long would it take me to play through ALL of the mainline EO games?

I bought Persona Q recently and was interested in getting into the obvious source material but if the EO games are as long as PQ seems to be I'm a little hesitant

They're not discrete games. They are art updates to the same general screwing around in a dungeon experience. Play whatever one you like.

I guess there isn't a way to properly gauge if they can be directly tied to each other, but child abuse isn't always sexual which is what threw me off in his post.

Hundreds of hours. That said its not the sort of series you'd ever want to try to marathon. They're all too similar.

If you play an EO game more than once every few years you get hella burned out

Don't be mean. Ranmonk is a good girl.

>I hate having midgets in my party but Botanist is the best healer and that midget race skills are really useful


Even ironically, why would you make a post like this?

Never trust a midget.

I wish there was an answer, because there is a portion of games like this that are carried by their 'art'.

potatos did nothing wrong, I don't need them for their height!

>OP: "Ok guys, let's discuss x game"
>user:"OMG guys I am pointing out a character trait that anyone can see"
>The entire thread devolves into a anything but discussing the game
The absolute state of Sup Forums, also user please fuck off to gaf or Reddit

>because there is a portion of games like this that are carried by their 'art'.
Literally 90% of Vita's dungeon crawler games.

You could spend anywhere from 20-60+ hours on them depending on a few things.
>Playing with your own party builds instead of looking shit up
>Fully exploring the maps and doing all quests, side content, superbosses, etc.
>RNG in general - though heavily mitigated by party build
Like said, pick one to start with, probably later in the series, to gauge if you want to invest that much time. Most people suggest beginning with IV. III or the Untold games are also alright.

That's why I made her my princess.

>Tummy bunny
>Eyepatch dragoon
>Other dragoon girl
>Samurai bunny chicks
>Seminel sentinel warlocks

EOV legit has the best portraits in the series.

You better not be talking shit about my Brouni homies.


Good thing I only date 9-year-olds who look 40

So I'm just done with first floor of EOV and I have some question about skills leveling
Most skills have their effects significantly increased at level 5 and 10, but also incrase the TP usage a lot (usually doubling it). Does this mean I should delay leveling to that threshold until I get more TP or something?

>20 hours to beat EO
How is that even possible.

I would just like to hit a point where vita isn't the pedophile's portable.

>Does this mean I should delay leveling to that threshold until I get more TP or something?
Usually, yes. Unless the character rarely uses the skill, such as only using it on FOEs/etc., then you could just bump it up despite the TP jump because that way you can use it as a clutch skill.

Yes, some skills are cheapo even then but others like buffs/heals/debuffs, delay them and leave them at four until you are more comfortable with their tp usage.


a huge noob mistake is that they always pump all their points into one skill really early on. A lot of skills you get are perfectly fine with just one point until much later in the game

>Not healing with a Rover+Necro team
git gud faggot
t. beating up Ayys for fun and profit

Some people are really good at optimizing parties. I actually believe said people exist. Most people who say they are, however, I believe are just cheating by looking up optimal party comps in advance. A well made party will obviously break the games pretty damned badly.

>tfw you fell for the noob trap again
Lesson learned, I guess.

I'm really lost with my healing potato, I just got second names but I'd like to reclass to shaman, the problem is that my only other ''healers'' are the necro who's going for ofense and the reaper because she's going deathguard and I don't know if that'd be enough.

pro tip: Most passives are also useless
Secret pro tip: The TP recovery skills from using base skills are really good.

>Dragon roar+that necro skil where Wraiths rape the person who attacks a specific character
what were they fucking thinking

Its doable, assuming you mean just beating the final boss and not caring about filling out a perfect map and doing all the quests. Most of the play time is side activities

look up the stat gains you get from leveling skills

some of them are literally useless to put points into

>pro tip: Most passives are also useless
>He doesn't like a free 15-25% damage boost on all skills, a 5% damage reduction, 10% resistance boost, etc.
Pft, what a homo.

Cool events are cool though, makes investing in stuff like harvesting or petting worth it.

I would like to speak to the person who made this image about their intent.

Seriously, I was fucking shocked by this. It sounded nice on paper, but then my Wraiths were just hitting for like 300 damage out of nowhere. Definitely can't wait to see the skill at 9/10.