Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Why is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:


>literally glorifying commies

the developers should be turned into furniture

>he unironically believes the klan is cool

Jesus christ that is funny. Sup Forums has bit a new low

Hitler scene was good but its clear they are milking it for a third game so they can use him as a boss
>go to Venus superfortress
>no Hitler boss
>Hitler didn't get a super body like BJ does

>muh "communism is bad" meme

Did Americans get so buttblasted by the Cold War that they STILL think communism is "le evil"? L-O-L

>Why is this allowed?
being the only funny scene in the game?

they mentioned he had dementia in the first game, and that he was getting very old. my grandfather recently died from dementia, but near the end he was similar in some mannerisms to what i see in this video.

whats the point OP?
why is what allowed?

kys commie

bait harder you literal retard


Why such a great man(he was without any doubt great, like him or not) was depicted like that.
Bad taste to be honest. No respect.

>every cutscene is hitler doing stupid shit and being an idiot
it would be a classic like half life

Don't worry they'll be out of a job before Christmas.

Because it's a literal 10 year old mentality (if not even worse) to just think that your opponent is LE STUPID EKS DEEE and pisses in a bucket.
What enrages me the fucking most is that you literally can't say anything negative about story or propaganda in the game because "ARE YOU OFFENDED BY KILLING NAZIS LOL?" retards start to respond.
And by PURE logical standpoint, this doesn't make any sense.
In this universe they literally managed to sever Blazkowicz's head and reattach it to a new body using NAZI TECHNOLOGY and yet they couldn't prevent Hitler, their most important leader, from becoming a retard.
This game is pure fucking shit.

>great man(he was without any doubt great, like him or not) was depicted like that.
>Bad taste to be honest. No respect.
I hope you are trolling you gigantic retard.

He's a literal war criminal. I shit on his mother, what you gonna do about it, nerd?

Keyboard warriors and probably burgers. Wouldn't say that to my face.

Get murdered

>He's a literal war criminal.
To be fair he didn't kill anybody. Probably not even in WW1.

fucking lefty shitheads

Hitler was a very orderly guy.
Why make him look like a complete degenerate with a gun?

>being a degenerate

Hitler fondles Satan's balls in hell, and soon you will, too. How does that make you feel?

stop false flagging faggot

At least my country still exists.

Why would you shit on the only person who tried to raise him properly?

i would consider my grandfather a great man. he was a proud and honorable guy. at the end, i had to change his diapers 3 times a week, and he kept a piss bottle. dementia dont care if your are great or not. i really think the secne was more about how illness can ravage an individual, and how that individuals fears and paranoia can manifest. my grandpa saw shit too, wouldn't go in his bedroom at night because of a six legged man. and he (my grandpa) wasnt a hater of a specific group to a almost paranoia level before hhe went insae. hitler kinda was

What am I false flagging faggot?


>all these triggered Sup Forums trash

Holy fucking kek, this is GOTYAY for sure. The butthurt and tears are delicious. Best thing that has happened in years. Time to round up these Nazis and end them for real.

He liked dogs too but I'd still take a shit in his mouth

Spot the leftards

epic troll retard

>previous Wolfenstein games didn't trigger anyone
>this one does

>gets triggered
>posts literal propaganda that tries to pain Hitler in a good light
>accidentally posts the one where it's obvious as fuck he was closeted gay pedo

>Americans get so buttblasted by the Cold War
>USA still exists
>USSR shattered

>We're winning guys ahhaha

BJ? He was depicted pretty accurately if you ask me. Minus the whole Tricycle thing.

>Only leftists hate hitler
You've spent to long in your echo chamber, you earned this break.You get two more posts before I tell you to fuck off back to Sup Forums :)

If you are triggered, you are the problem. End of story. You are on the wrong side of history Sup Forumscuck.

bait harder you pathetic retard

>John Wayne Gacy wasnt objectively evil because he had a puppy he took care of
Thats some quality logic

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman!!!!!
Fuck off. Liking Hitler is quintessentially Sup Forums culture

>Below Hearts of Iron and Europa Universalis


He lost, deal with it faggot.

A better question is, why are female black homosexual soldiers serving under the Russian Empire during WW1 ok?

this game is boring

Is this game on steam? If so will someone mod it so that you can play as the nazis?

More Sup Forums butthurt pls

Jews do control everything to be honest. Have you seen the latest JFK docs? No you haven't because you think a legitimate source is a conspiracy.

WTF i hate hitler now

BF1 didn't have the anti white propaganda into your face like W2
and the credits weren't an antifa recruitment video
bait harder you pathetic retard
yes, lets hope so

Delicious butthurt, more please

reverse-antifa pls go.

i dunno, the part where he screams "HAVE YOU READ MY BOOK" and when he shoots the dude in the head 6 times, then pees on the carpet while moaning about his enemies seems pretty funny


I love the eternal butthurt over a video game where people just feel the need to make these threads every hour.

Teleports behind you

I salute you fellow politburo member o7

I love how to neogaf exodus is so evident. This is not Sup Forums, Sup Forums has always been a nazi website, this is what newfags don't get.

wait, are these next gen graphics? i don't play new games and i don't mean to sound like a falseflagger but it looks pretty bad


is this the third nu-wolfenstein? can i skip the previous ones?

Sup Forums was always degenerate, congrats on contradicting yourself.

>BF1 didn't have the anti white propaganda into your face like W2
Its not anti-white, its completely tone deaf. Completely disregarding the millions of people that died on both sides of a conflict just so you can say "our multiplayer is inclusive" is pretty insulting. Making accurate single player stories about women or minority figures in WW1 would have been fine, but putting out the image "Whites didnt fight in WW1, only women and minorities did" is disturbing.

Nope we hate degeneracy

>Hitler isn't a zombie empowered by Nazi black magic or a head attached to a robot.

You lost a sale, Bethesda. If I'm going to kill Hitler on planet Venus I want it to be an absolutely ridiculous over the top fight, not this shitty anticlimax. What a let down.

Keep telling yourself that

>Why is this allowed?
Who's in charge of Zenimax?

>next gen
those are current console graphics
>Its not anti-white
watch some of the cutscenes people post here you faggot

>portraying a madman as a madman in his old age


also I'm hype to see him dying because that means they're probably gonna put him into a robot to be the final boss of the third game

>Sup Forums has always been a nazi website
>Sup Forums has always been x

alright newfag

Your point? That has always been the goal of Sup Forums. How do you explain the great number of pedos on Sup Forums?
Sup Forums is a safe space for degenerates and this mean that you can find weird people.
Liking traps is a degeneracy too.

Maybe you should torrent and play the game instead of looking at screencaps and cutscenes.

This guy is probably a literal cuckhold or sadist who enjoys being humiliated and made fun of. Makes sense he's a communist.

newfags expose themselves really easily nowdays

Killing nazis is bad, ok?

Hitlers dead, he lost, and his legacy is for his name to be Synonym with evil. Why do we have to go extra far in demonizing him? What's the point? It only damages our diginity and honor. In the beginning of that clip I thought it was pretty funny, but at some point it just felt like the writers were kicking a dog that's already been dead for over 70 years.

Same with the ending of this game, where that nazi bitch gets an axe in the face from BJ. He's up in her face taunting her while she has an axe sticking out of her face and i'm supposed to cheer this on? She deserved to die but it made me feel like BJ was the one acting like a monster.

This happens throughout the game, "We're going to shoot Nazi's till we run out of bullets" I could get behind the notion that you have to kill them to stop them, but the way the celebrate it makes it hard to view them as the good guys.

Is this fucking game intentionally depciting the resistance as evil merciless bastards on par with the nazi's they're trying to kill or am I just getting to old for vidya and shouldn't think about it.

You aren't even a Sup Forums regular. Why does your opinion matter?

Man, why couldn't we fear Hitler again rather than make him a pissing, blithering idiot? I would've loved to see round 2 of Mecha-Hitler.

Im talking about Battlefield 1, W2 is completely anti-white on top of the just flat out stupid writing and terrible delivery.

You can say Wolfenstein was "tongue in cheek" but having a character do LSD for zero reason, having a joke that is just "lol black guys with fat women", having a character who is pregnant dive onto another character belly first to rip their clothes off and start shooting the enemy, its just a collection of terrible tropes that nobody would actually use legitimately.

I understand hating the way this game is cynically marketed or some of the brainless leftist #resist ideas thrown into parts of the game, but getting triggered by disrespecting Hitler is where you guys lose me. Some of you need to get your shit together.

Newfag pls neck yourself

Been here since 2008. Nigger threads and Hitler memes have always been on Sup Forums, but literal neo-nazism was never taken seriously. Sup Forums didn't get too political until moot decided to make /new/

That's for the next game.

When BJ's daughter, Scott-lynn, picks up where xer father left off.

Imagine being this retard.

Is this fucking game intentionally depciting the resistance as evil merciless bastards on par with the nazi's they're trying to kill or am I just getting to old for vidya and shouldn't think about it.

I think you're actually right; and even if you aren't, we should spread this idea you speak of. It'll piss the SJWs off to no end!

You're not supposed to sympathize with the Nazis user. If you do you're literally that guy who wrote the "why can't we just talk to them" article about DOOM


>communism used as a tool to overthrow several countries over the last century
>new government uses mass starvation to force populace to fall in line
>Idiots like this still fall for it
I hope you someday experience the communism you so love. Hope your dog is tasty

This was my exact thought, either have Hitler as some kind of zombie or as a necromancer in command of dark powers who retreated into an inner sanctum on Venus instead of this Howard Hughes bullshit.

yeah exactly. It was all just edgy memes. nobody actually supported nazis

now you make a wolfenstein thread and everyone cries because you're objectifying nazis or something, because their "party" is totally legitimate and not a collection of sociopaths

well, the whole deal with the new order was character with the right ideologies, but deep personal flaws, so the sequel having similar subjects makes some sense


When you have muslims and niggers literally fucking up your country, you can see who was in the right. Simply as that.

this kind of shit is why they should have just stopped at The Old Blood. we didn't need this fucking shit on top of everything else, is it worth making everyone even more insufferable just to sell a few million copies of a fucking video game

Its just terrible writing, honestly. No character is likable. Half were written to be intentionally evil, and the other half were written to be "Take no shit" revolutionaries but they dont understand that not everybody takes the word "nigger" as a act of war and is ready to violently attack people for it.

A nazi did plow his car into a crowd of protesters, but a group of people on the left did hold a Trump supporter hostage and torture them live on Facebook. You can say they're trying to imitate the current climate, but the game still ends with the "left" winning and praising communism and antifa.

>pregnant woman.webm

lmao all these buttblasted replies

/r/polcuck gets triggered by video games episode.

Daily reminder that anyone who says the Nazi's were democratically elected into power in a fair vote are lying