Now that the Nintendomination has officially commenced, how will Sony respond?

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they won't, they can't

>How will Microsoft respo-
nvm they just gave people 10 year old games LUL

whats that third game? never played any of these

They will keep selling consolesi guess
Can't wait for MHW for pc


>So mad he can't type straight

The real question is how can nintendo keep this up? Pokemon and Smash are givens, but neither fits the 'collect 888+ thangs' genre that they are setting precedent for.

What will the future hold? Zelda and Mario sequels on the same engine? Donkey Kong Jungle? Open world Kirby? What is next boys?

Figures you faggots would call it a domination, any excuse to have that shitty companys dick down your throat.

Rot in hell nintendo faggots.

>defending only the switch because he is poor as fuck

>how will Sony respond?
Monster Hunter>>>>>>>>>>>>>Splatoon
>MH is a more famous franchise than Splatoon in Japan therefore will defeat Splatoon at its own sales game
>TLOU will always have a better story than Zelda's barebones adventure
>LOL Spidey is more famous than Mario, film industry is much bigger than vidya

I'm glad Nintendo's doing well. They're making really good, fun games and people are responding well to them and that restores my faith a little.

Keep rocking Nintenbros. You guys are alright in my book.
>t. PC-only gamer

What you mean sony isnt ded already?
Havent heard of any ganes since months


Nintendo and PC have never had any beef. PC has does it's own thing and so does Nintendo, and neither side is really all that interested in starting a war over anything.

More like what i want to know when
Is 2017 ded after xc2? What will we get early 18?

Remove splatoon from the pic and it will be fine. Any faggot thinking this tentacle inspired hentai of a game is any good is probably an aquatic furi in disguise and should neck themselves.

By ignoring them
It worked with the Wii U

This. Even though I don't own a high-end gaming PC, I never see that much shitposting from PCbros (unless they've achieved some new breakthrough with an emulator or something). PC gamers are welcome by my fire any time.

Dude, God of War and Spider-Man are coming out next year and nothing in Nintendo's current 2018 line up seems to quality on Super Mario Odyssey/BotW levels of quality.
That being said, I am curious if Nintendo is capable of continuing the Switch's momentum of first/second party games considering Koizumi's comments.
The biggest way Sony can fuck up is if their exclusives take too long to make (graphical quality and muh "cinematic" experience) while Nintendo's organized line up of in house developers and affiliates just pump out more and more exclusives now that resources are no longer divided across two platforms.

>Nintendo and PC have never had any beef.
Nigga, have you seen the people salty about CEMU?

The hyphen's important

Next? The same shit they've been puking out for 20 years, maybe just some better shaders, or a new sepia tone zelda probably.
Why are nintendo fans the absolute worst?
Is it the natural inclination of autists to enjoy trash?
How do you not get sick of playing this fisherprice, 10 and under shit?
Did you just never grow up?
Are you a complete faggot?
Why do you still live with your parents? is it because you like nintendo? Probably.

All three consoles have shit fans, but nintendo by and far has the most human filth of a following.

If you own a single nintendo item, you should just fucking kill yourself, because you're legit worthless.

>PCfriend enters the thread only to leave a respectful comment and then leave back to his own niche again
PC gamers tend to be friendly to Nintendbros and on this board, that's quite rare.

How can Nintendo even compete

add another 20m views across all the other channels

As a PCfag I wish you'd fuck off.

Nintendo+PC don't buy DOOM port or Indies for 5 times the price. It's always a shill tactic to justify BING BING WAHOO

You both belong in the fire, not by it.

Like said, they come to show off their emulators every now and then, but it's kinda' cool to see. Like, it's fun to see how far they're getting and stuff.

They're not poaching on Switch-grounds.


Shill tactic.

Nintendorks hate CEMU and tried to stop development

Koizumi said that traditional Nintendo IP and new IPs are coming next year.
I'm hoping they also revive some dead and dormant ones as well.
Don't expect big leaps of innovation across most of their IPs.
Nintendo's current strategy with the Switch for the first year was to get people familiar with the idea of how it works, what it does, and what kind of games work on it.
Afterwards expect loads of first/second party devs pouring energy into it (with some falling behind others of course since not all of them are used to working in HD)

For what? Jesus Christ calm down.

>someone from a different faction comes over and congratulates us on our fun games
>time to respond with hostility and claim shills!
Consolewars was a mistake.

>film industry is much bigger than vidya
blocks your path
Pokémon - Total Revenue - 55.15 billion
Star Wars - Total Revenue - 42 billion
Harry Potter - Total Revenue - 20 billion

Mario - Video Game Revenue - 7 billion
Spider-man - Box Office Revenue - 1.25 billion


The fanbase will continue to damage control as usual.

Sony hasn't got jack shit anymore.

You mean
>How will Xbox respond?
Considering this was supposed to be their comeback year and right now the Switch is cucking them hard.

I want you to compare the marketing
PS4 (11/13/16)
Switch (10/25/17)

Notice something?

>Spider-man - Box Office Revenue - 1.25 billion
Gets me every time.


That was easy.

The viewcount?

PC here, you're full of shit. Even I like stirring shit in CEM U threads because I can.

>God of War: Where is My wife's son ad 26
Have they even given a release date for it yet?

i'm waiting for animal crossing now, i've been waiting since wiuu's release to play a new AC on my fucking TV

This news must be awful for Sony and Sony's fans especially since Sony is on the verge of financial destruction

>My Wife's son

It isn't though.

But isn't just the same thing with every nintendo console?
>mario 3d game
>previous original IP
>nothing relevant for years
>new console

Any day now I'm sure.

>since Sony is on the verge of financial destruction

TYpical gta reskin thats how

>subpar games
>toddlers pacifer 7.0
Yup, easy indeed.
Stupid nintendo nigger.

Splatoon isn't really that big a deal, let's not lie to ourselves.

So is that new mario actually good? because all I see is the same youtube numales who literally overrated the fuck out of ubisoft 500 pointless collectibles hunting zelda botw... I'm scared.

All that money goes to propping up failed divisions it's only a matter of time before this untenable approach becomes too much for the video game department to shoulder

People have said the same about Capcom, yet they're still kicking. Maybe next time, sport.

The Switch ad was actually advertising games that were close to release at the time, demonstrated the system itself, and actually showed snippets of gameplay.

>only a matter of time

Isn't that what Nintenbros cried during the entirety of the PS3 era?

It's mario, it's gonna be the same childish shit it's always been. But of course it'll be praised as the second coming of christ. Also, your grammar is shit faggot.

>>toddlers pacifer 7.0
And yet you faggots still cry over BotW and now SMO will assravage you
So clearly your games aren't nearly as good
Enjoy your Bloodborne machine

>people still brand loyalist after the wiiu
absolute autism at this point

Only a matter of time huh? Enjoy wasting your life waiting for nothing then.

>it's literally only okay when Sony does it

Mario and Zelda were good but literally nobody except 10 year olds and manchildren give a fuck about splatoon

It's the same thing Sonybros cried during the entirety of Nintendo's history

Same way they always have you retarded Nintenbro, by making games not aimed at children.

>1 exclusive worth anything.
> Nintendomination

I admit, I'd love to play Mario Odyssey.
But that one game is NOT domination.

>in b4 hurr durr nobody had a WiiU

>2 million sales

Your precious Japan cared, Sony. They cared more than they have about any of your games in decades.

>implying Sony-cucks wouldn't buy the Vita 2.0

yes , vitafags are also retarded

More big titty ninja games

Are you really this fucking delusional?
Yeah wow man, what a captivating ad. Can't fucking wait. Go play in traffic you mouth breathing retard. Holy fuck i want to beat the shit out of you right now.

Sony d-doomed.

itt: seething basement dwellers

>Pokemon and Smash are givens, but neither fits the 'collect 888+ thangs' genre that they are setting precedent for.
What the fuck? Pokémon literally has 800+ creatures to collect.

Ratchet and Clank (PS4) was desperately trying to be hip with the kids

Nintendo be rayciss yo dose peckerwoods don like when brothaz trynna get ahead

>by making games
>making games

I'm glad for the people who enjoy these games but they don't impress me much.

Replace Splatoon2 with Xenoblade2 desu
Splatoon2 is good shit but it's not GOTY material.

I don't own a ps4 retard, but i'd rather have that than the pedophilia machine you so love.

But I really enjoyed my Wii U although I can see why it shit the bed

lol nobody cared dude

That's correct my Sony friend soon you will see Crash Bandicoot begging to get ported to the switch

>Splatoon2 is shit, and not goty material

Nintendo fags have been crying about PlayStation for nearly 25 years now.

>I'd rather have a PS4 than a PS4!

Other than GoW what "mature games" has Sony made?
I sure as hell don't think that sack boy shit was aimed at adults

>arguing about console shit in the morning

Why aren't you getting that paper you jobless niggers? You need cash to buy those exclusives

Why do Nintendo fans hate Sony so much? Remember Wii60 last gen? What the fuck man?

Nice opinion. You could have argued it's not different enough from Splatoon, but no, it's "shit".

Glad there are games to get excited for if you own a switch.

Hope they keep it up user. Dont own a nintendo so never played them but my mate is ecstatic about it all.

>literally no argument
enjoy your faggot machine then

Sony doomed since the 40's.


By not releasing rehashed kiddie shit.


Literally Nintendo's fault for creating the PlayStation, and subsequently the Xbox.

The whole animosity stems from how Sony's Nintendo's longest running competitor and the whole "Sony just copies Nintendo" mentality.
That and PS3 fanboys were unbearable back then since they wanted their system to be taken seriously and now that shifted to Wii U fanboys a few years ago.

kek you faggots wish, Sonybros are far more obsessed with Nintendo than Nintenbros are
Then what happens? Sonybros are wrong and cry about gimmicks and autistic man babies

as a PC gamer wii u was fine with me. the first party stuff it had i actually enjoyed and i dont give a fuck about 3rd.
Switch is great too because it gives me a reason to buy 3rd party over my PC because its mobile.

>The Switch ad was actually advertising games that were close to release at the time, demonstrated the system itself, and actually showed snippets of gameplay.
But everything about this sentence is true