Let's see your switch game collection. What's your favorite?
>maybe ARMS, but right now odyssey is most fun. Been playing it for 10 hours already
Which game do you regret buying if any?
>disgaea, boring weeb shit
Switch games
Odyssey, Stardew Valley, MK8, Fast RMX, Snipperclips, Zelda
Let's see your switch game collection. What's your favorite?
Which game do you regret buying if any?
>Fast RMX
>Beated it 100%
>1rst in every fucking online race not knowing why, maybe connection issues?
>all those demos to make it seem like the Switch has game
Fuck you shill
Sames as PT demo that is better than any PS4 game
>tfw having more fun with FEW than Mario
No platform LITERALLY has any games, prove me wrong.
What's the game like? I'm kinda interested but I've never played a non-main series fe game
It's Dynasty Warriors but with Fire Emblems.
I've finished the story now and I'm just maxing out stats and unlocking the strongest weapons for people and looking for Anna's hidden secrets.
ARMS, BotW, Spla2n, MK8D, Snipper Clips, and as of today Odyssey.
>Buying before the end of the year
Disgaea 5 Complete
Superbeat Xonic
Fast RMX
>let's see your switch game "collection"
>everybody has the exact same games because there's no other games for the system
Why make this thread?
because there's 204 games, maybe someone is playing something I haven't tried/seen and can recommend it
>204 "games"
so approximately a 100 of them are demos, 4 of them are system exclusive and rest are already on other platforms
Why did you buy a sub par system for only 4 games?
I just had odyssey delivered but this is my collection as of yesterday. I'm looking forward to Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Hollow Knight, Moonlighter and I'm gonna get the Mummy Demastered in a few weeks too.
Breath of the Wild
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Ultra Street Fighter 2
Mario + Rabbids
Haven't played Rabbids and Odyssey yet. USF2 is my favorite. I don't regret buying any but BOTW and MK8D are definitely not that great.
I also decided not to get the games I have demos for. (Will probably look into octopath when it comes out though)
thats it. i might pick up spla2n but i have a good pc, ps4 pro and n3ds so i'm not exactly starving for games, looks great though, i'll get it at some point but the switch is really just a xenoblade machine for me, everything else is just a nice little bonus
>octopath demo
>j.b. murder mystery
>bunch of neogeo classics
>namco museum
it's not much but i prefer quality over quantity anyway
i bought my switch for SMTV and NMH3, so all of this is just bonus shit desu i want a full synchronicity prologue on the switch NOW goddamn it that shit would be perfect for the platform
>octopath demo
>j.b. murder mystery
>it's not much but i prefer quality over quantity anyway
No you don't.
Nintendo drones need a daily circle jerk reassurance thread or they start doubting their purchase
yes i do dumbass
because of those exclusives (there's more than 4 do better research) and it's great when I go visit a group of friends, it's easy to take anywhere and we can play together.
Why are you telling me how to use my money? Fucking poorfags and their one platform only
>there's more than 4
no there isn't
They also need a daily dose of insecure people who have to shit on others to not doubt their purchases
you are so butthurt.
see>Fucking poorfags and their one platform only
platform loyalists are pretty disgusting 2bhonest
Even OP's collection has at least 6 or 7 exclusives in the library
No it doesn't. Mario Kart 8, Disgaea 5, Pokken and BOTW aren't exclusives
Aw man, you look like you like games. Overcooked is a great multiplayer game, kinda disappointing as a single player. But if you haven't heard or were wondering, you should probably pick it up.
>there's more than 4
such as?
>it's great when I go visit a group of friends
you don't have friends, stop lying to us and yourself
>fucking poorfags
32gb ddr4 RAM
GTX 1080 Ti SLI
No, it has 4 actually.
>Splatoon 2
Why can't you count? Are you inbred or retarded?
Zelda BotW
Mario kart 8
Super mario odyssey
Fast RMX
Puyo puyo tetris
golf story
The mummy demastered
Blaster master zero
snake pass
wonderboy the dragons trap
xenoblade chronicles 2
metroid prime 4
sadly both
Not Switch exclusives(or even games in some cases)
With PS4 or PC you get quality AND quantity though. Only Nintendo fans have to repeat this ''quality over quantitiy!'' shit. You only hear it from them.
>>bunch of neogeo classics
>>namco museum
you're really reaching to pad out that list, aren't you
and mario + rabbids
>With PS4 or PC you get quality AND quantity though
>neo geo games are bad meme
Fuck off
They aren't bad but 30 year old games aren't a reason to purchase a new console. Everyone can tell you just put it on there to make your list look longer to people who just skim posts
Not Switch games.
>dude PS4 only has remasters of old games
>wtf why aren't you buying a Switch? Look at all these sick neogeo games you can play
>buy switch
>buy it's only exclusives and pad the list with demos and 30 year old games
the absolute state of nintentards
Yeah what the hell is with that shit? I always see these retards posting their home screen with a bunch of demos on them, even for games they already own or testfires which have already passed.
I'm just too lazy to remove them, I got bunch of demos on other platforms as well. I don't expect anyone to count them
I'm waiting until it gets hacked.
ITT seething sonybros
it's literally just
+ button > manage software > delete software
Yeah, why do everyone have to come shit a thread which literally started as "what games do you have for x". If you don't own the platform which is discussed, why open the thread?
I really like Splatoon 2, BOTW, Mario and Rabbids, but I think the best suprise I've found is VOEZ. I haven't played any rhythm games since like Elite Beat Agents and this got me right back into them. They story is, eh, there, but there's a lot of songs with a focus on piano.
Honestly, Super Bomberman R. The characters are cute but...the gameplay is just bad. I haven't played it since there was a control update, but just fighting the first boss made me want to stop.
>i'm the only one in the thread who owns pokken
Why do so many people not care about it?
It's got more characters and stages as ARMS, as much modes, but the combat system is way more in depth and has way more to it, with each character actually being competitive fighting game character with whole different movelists.
The fact that it's so unpopular, especiallly when it's pokemon, baffles me. Are you all just all casuals?
Not my type of game.
pirated it already on Wii U
got bored after 30 minutes
>but the combat system is way more in depth and has way more to it, with each character actually being competitive fighting game character with whole different movelists.
This is why. Fighting games are already a niche genre, with only a few developers being able to reach somewhat mainstream success.
You'd think a Pokemon themed fighting game on a Nintendo console would be a huge hit, but nope. I just think it's too hard for the average Pokemon or Nintendo fan.
I played the demo, I'm just not interested.
Switch sucks
>Mario Kart
>Splatoon 2
>FAST RMX (really great overlooked game)
>Stardew Valley
>Snake Pass
>Sonic Mania
I had a blast playing every single one of them
Bought it on WiiU, played a hour then never touched it again. One of the few games I can say I feel buyer remorse for.
Who's picking up DOOM?
>everyone calls the Switch the manchild system
>tfw the only reason I haven't bought one is because I can't afford to splash out for the console, controller and all the good games
I already have it on PC and it sucks.
I already have trouble picking up Mario for 60€
Would have picked up DOOM if it wouldn't be 40-60€
I play switch with my friends mostly, those calling it a manchilsd console or "you don't have any friends" are those without any friends
>guys who play nintendo games are so hot, I'd totally spread my legs for them
Said no girl ever.
Wew lad interesting way to write that
old as fuck post but why not, what SMT or Persona game is this from?
Synchronicity Prologue
>Splatoon 2
>Sonic Mania
>Mario Kart 8
>Mario Odyssey
Regret none
I want: Moon Hunters
PRE-ORDER: Xenoblade 2 SE
Got my switch two weeks ago and fucking love it.
>Not having Nintendo gf who spreads legs for u
Why would a girl ever think a certain fanboy is hot? Do you imagine girls think you are hot because of your interests? Because they don't.
i want a switch to play monhun and skyrim on the go
is that bad?
I only have oddysey and botw
Every other game is just not worth it for me