So you like to spend your time playing video games, huh?

here, let me handle this

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm built compared to this dyel scrawny shit than this guy and got in an actual fist fistfight yesterday trying to break up a fight between strangers and I kicked the shit out of the guy.
I went home and played videogames after and drank beer feeling pretty badass tbqhwyf.

based vargposters keeping Sup Forums in check

Varg is the hero we need, but not the one we deserve

unironically quality post



what an autist

>you will never be a lunatic who gets to play around in the forest all day

Feels bad.

Varg doesn't actually outright prohibit games.

>varg will never be your father

Varg plays vidya as well though. He was a big fan of Morrowind and also likes STALKER iirc.

>*notices your cross*
>yare yare daze

>fascists are this autistic

Have you ever thought about the valid points he makes? In one of his latest videos he checks out the fields of his neighbors and explains why they fucked up this year, criticizes mono-culture and noticed how there are no insects to hear around those fields and the bordering forests. One or two weeks later every major German news reported how insects population are in extreme decline in Germany. It's not like he is retarded, he knows his stuff.

Isn't Varg essentially an anarchist


This is very worringly really
Around a year ago an user was calling out how it used to be that, after long drives, windshields would be plastered with dead bugs, but now they stay squeaky clean. And how the whole fucking world was dying. He had a German flag too.
There was a big talk about the bees a while back, but it probably isn't just them.

He thinks the only sustainable state of man is the transition point between hunting/gathering and farming, where everyone lives in small tribes of 150 members maximum.

>there are problems in this world
Yes. We know.
>the solution is larping in the woods making videos about what my degenerate forefathers would deem degenerate

t. meme addict internet loser

Pretty sure it's common knowledge that monoculture is worse than crop rotation