Why is the character action genre dead?

Why is the character action genre dead?

They don't sell
Normies view them as buttonmashers with no substantial story to justify the time.

too hard

But they're fun

Fun alone doesn't sell vidya nowadays.

People got tired of DMC rehashes

Calling Ninja Gaiden ,,DMC rehash''. Wow you are actually fucking braindead.

Oh I am sorry God of War rehashes

nigger please

Because whenever a new one comes out, people either shit on it for not literally being DMC3/4 / NGB / God Hand, or they just refuse to talk about it entirely.

The fanbase of the games is total shit, for every one player who's actually experimenting, discovering tech, and having a good time, there are 35 who don't know how to do anything but reapply the skills they learned a decade ago on PS2 and bitch when they don't immediately work.

NG2 managed to sell over a million copies and it was exclusive to the dudebro halobox. Surely they don't sell THAT poorly.

>character action
Fuck off pat.

What would you call the genre then.
piss off

It was back in 2008, a different time compared to now.

The development costs rose along with the general consumers' preferences and standards changing heavily.

>fun alone doesn't sell
>mario will be the goty just because it's fun
Fun alone does sell vidya, but it has to be childish so normies can understand it's fun without playing it

Yep, pressing x once to win is much more fun than spamming x while being aware of your surroundings.

>over a million copies
companies think if a game sells less than 5 million it's bad

Nintendo games sell by the franchise names alone. No matter how fun/familiy-friendly looking it is, if the game wasn't called Mario, it wouldn't have sold nearly as much as it will.

I'm sure splatoon wouldn't have half the success it has if it was just another mario spinoff party game

Souls formula is in vouge, companies don't want character action they want ARPG

try to explain that to a nintendofag without being called a sony-gger

Why wouldn't it?
Didn't Mario Kart sell much more?

Because you keep using that retarded name for it.

I still haven't beaten this game. It's simply too hard for me.

Spectacle fighter.

Kamiya calls them "stylish action games".

Given that he basically invented the genre, that feels appropriate.

I love SSStylish action games

If /cgg/ would've been here, they'd say that the term isn't applicable because the games can be looking stylish without having much substance mechanics-wise.

Imo, trying to separate them from the general 3rd person action/beat'em'up is just retarded.
Having more going on for them mechanics-wise doesn't mean these games are of a separate genre.

The two genres aren't incompatible. Automata's combat may have been somewhat shallow but it was more or less exactly the application of stylish action combat to the Souls formula and it was a breakout success.

But /cgg/ isn't here because their standards for the genre were so impossibly rigid no new game has ever been deemed worthy of inclusion. That's why they couldn't sustain discussion and folded.

ps3 has no games

What are some of your favorite character action games? I love ninja gaiden 2 and black, and I used to play a ton of DMC3 / 4 a few years back.

I've always enjoyed this genre because of the depth of control you have over your character. Ryu feel great to control. Its fun to discover the nuances of the combat, and how to apply the correct tools for the job in each combat situation

they're called hack and slash you dumb fuck

What's with all the NG2 fags recently?

played Killer is Dead today, it's pretty good, I think Suda51 is still making games in this genre with a sequel to Killer is Dead planned. Also playing DMC3se

2 people, at best, in this thread beat Murai

because no one will call it by the same name

Is Ninja Gaiden Black just an expansion to Ninja Gaiden, or has the gamplay been refined?

What, NGB intro Murai final boss Murai?

I'll be frank and say that my teenager self never beat the Emperor's skeleton form and then I moved on from the original Xbox and forgot about it

The whole game is refined, you get some moves and weapons earlier than normal so enemies feel less like bullshit and other adjustments like that

Why can’t I play ninja Gaiden 2 on my Xbox one?

This. Back when they were around, I tried to get them to talk about other good 3D action games like Bujingai & Otogi, but they always refused due to "no advanced tech. Record a video showing advanced tech, then we MIGHT consider it"