Did burgers of Sup Forums know there is bootleg Half-Life 2/CS candy in europe?

Did burgers of Sup Forums know there is bootleg Half-Life 2/CS candy in europe?

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that's pretty neet, anything else like this?

i'm yuropoor and i've never heard of this

Cool I guess.

Call me when they let you guys have guns, free speech, and basic human rights and maybe I'll pay you a visit.

>tfw Czech republic

We can always use tourism.

>free speech

Is Czechoslovakia has guns?


>land of the free

yea no sweety thats just what they want you to believe

>europe is one country

>implying we want ameritards to visit our countries
>implying we want to get shot while we go to watch a movie or in school
also most European countries have all of those + free healthcare or atleast not one that makes you go bankrupt if you get shot or ran over by a 16 year old girl in her moms SUV
lets not forget how much your country spends on military and yet cant afford proper healthcare lmao

Having the funds for one's healthcare costs forcibly extorted from the rest of the populace is not a human right. Pay for your healthcare yourself or get insurance like a sensible adult.

>Pay for your healthcare yourself or get insurance like a sensible adult.
how about neither because I live in a non retarded country and I get free healthcare because I am in university and in the summers because I work

>I live in a non retarded country
Then how come you never learned to quote?

nice changing the subject ameritards

>and I get free healthcare because I am in university
And in the US you're covered under your parent's insurance policy while you're in university, so it's also "free."

There's that famous yuropoor education at work I see..


This is not what I meant the thread to be

>sell gum to children that looks just like cigs
Fuck all the people who do this.

Haven't you read this thread? Europeans have "free" healthcare! Why shouldn't they smoke?


Why is it packaged as cigarettes though

only a fucking retard would eat bootleg candy, it probably has rat poison and literal shit in it.

Give me one good reason why I should have to work and everything shouldn't be free (only for me).

candy ciggarettes

ye but the difference is you get out of university broke af with bank loans in "land of the free" and have no choice other than to find a job and become a wagecuck to pay the loans off lmao

you could not have picked a worse time to post this thread, Sup Forums has been overrun by shitposters baiting people into political discussions lately

Not if you pay cash for you university or receive merit scholarships.

But you're right: other people's money is always a "right" in the People's Republic of Europe, in the same way your healthcare is "free."

but hey your parents pay for insurance so you have it too instead of them and you having it for free
proud to be amerikan right?

Because you don't deserve to live much less to live comfortably.

Your parent's insurance is, for the most part, paid by their employer as part of their benefit/compensation package. In other words it's a fair payment for the fair exchange of labor which does not sound bad to me in the slightest.

But then we know how much Europeans hate work..

>Not if you pay cash for you university
I thought it was the land of the free and everyone had equal opurtunities in life to become whoever they wanted to be
oh I guess they have to pay cash
also whats wrong with a nation being united and having balanced taxes so everyone gets free healthcare
its not quite right is it? I mean the rich faggots should pay equally less taxes like in america right? and the poor who still get fucked by taxes have to pay for healthcare too
wew it must be great being american

Eastern Europe was a mistake

Im not sure if the 2nd worlders in the east have that

why change the subject
are you trying to say that free healthcare if you are working or in studying is worse than having your healthcare payed """"""""""""for the most part""""""""""" by the employer
r u small?

They do. Everyone has equal opportunity to do well in high school and get a scholarship to university.

Everyone does have an equal opportunity. They have an equal opportunity to be admitted to, and attend, any university that they're qualified to attend and to receive the same education as anyone else at that university.

Can you explain to me how a student's method of payment would effect their access to said university? Do they have student loan only classes, and scholarship only classes?

What's with the post soviet russia's obsession with bubblegum and stickers anyway?
I left the block shortly after it crumbled and was out of touch.

say that to the medical students with thousands of dollars in debt
I guess they werent lucky enough to get a scholarship
I mean why would a country encourage young people to become doctors thats just stupid right?

I'm saying that having your "free" healthcare costs forcibly extorted from millions of people who will never meet you is exponentially less moral when compared to having your "free" healthcare paid for by the fruits of either your labor or your next of kin, yes.

How does the debt effect their ability to have attended that school or to have received their education? I don't follow you.

The fact that they do have student loans proves they had the opportunity to receive that education. If they hadn't had the opportunity then they wouldn't have those loans..

>exponentially less moral
no its not less moral
everyone gets a right of free health care as long as they contribute to society by either working or studying
you pay for others health care they pay for your health care everyone pays for everyones health care
its not a big issue whats so hard to understand
you arent sucking the money out of other people because you contribute too

it was popular in north america in the late 80's/early 90's

>anywhere else having more
I mean I don't condone how shit they treat us, but at least we're not like Germany and England yet.

Except it isn't, it's paid by other people who have no connection to you whatsoever whose money was taken by force. That is not moral.

I dont need you to come shoot up my cinema mr burger