They're revealing her gender?


I wish they added Monster Mash to the Halloween rotation this year since it's the best Halloween map I've ever played, but on the other hand I'm glad it released at all since they were cutting it so close with the Pyro update.

Valve seriously needs to hire more people to work on TF2, 15 is not enough. They have no excuse, when 1,900,000 people play TF2 per fortnight, they make millions annually from TF2, they just moved into new offices and if you look at the community there are obviously no shortage of people willing to work on TF2.

try 2

why was I thinking this before I opened this thread?

No, it definitely is 15, people who visited valve offices early this year confirmed that 16 people were working there and since then Jay Pinkerton has left valve, leaving 15

my game keeps crashign when i click "Find Game"

How do I get tf2 to run smoothly on my comp?
I don't care if I need a mod that turns the game into a DS game in terms of resolution and/or textures, as long as it works on my computer well.

it's the current year my friend

look up Quake texture packs for the maps, it looks neat

What are your in gsme settings?

On one side, I'm happy about more free contracts.
On the other side, the prizes are all untradable and uncraftable. Plus, these contracts will distract me from the Mercenary Park ones.

I have all of the lowest settings set on from the Video menu.

>taunt after a kill
>goy wont stop vrying over it

It's because of your CPU. TF2 is highly CPU intensive. If you want to play TF2 get a better CPU.

Or download a config. Go to

Where exactly?

>Mfw playing Hellstone for the first time
This is one of the worst maps in the fucking game, is the defending team actually supposed to have any chance in winning?

Where the fuck are you finding servers hosting Monster Mash.
I suscribed to the map a few days ago and searched for games several days with no luck. Uninstalled TF2 since.

>untradeable items
>they're going to pull this contrat shit for christmas too

Why do they need to be tradeable so bad when you literally got them for free? Why are you angry about getting things for free?
Most games don't have trading at all.
>for Christmas too

you just know

Are you a newfag or something? For years on end free Halloween items have been untradeable because it leads to a massive spike in bot accounts when they can be traded

lmao fuck off fag

You can try Chris's Config. Google it. They haven't been updated in a long time but should work. I think new flame particles don't work in DX8, so turn DX to 9 whenever you are using his configs

What are the contracts about

Not an argument
Since we've dropped to ad hom, you act like a nigger: you get stuff for free, and still manage to complain about it

lmmao fagggot