>Wolfenstein has always been about killing Nazis, why are people suddenly acting like there's anything controversial about it now?
Wolfenstein has always been about killing Nazis...
Because it's trying to paint communism in a good light.
Because everyone who voted for Trump is a "Nazi", it's not hard.
Who are you quoting?
Hold a viewpoint that dares to be Right of Hard Left?
You're a nazi!
Thats not a new concept though.
>Game's credits shows the American people killing off the Nazis and driving them slowly out of the country
What's the problem here? You're not a Nazi sympathizer right? You don't sympathize with losers, do you?
Yes, treating the skin color of a character in a Mario game like a political statement is retarded, but if you can't accept that the Antifa propaganda in Wolfenstein is a political statement, you're even more retarded.
The game is about replacing nazis with commies and niggers.
Because it's the new generation attention whoring thing to find everything controversial or problematic. Just take your pick. Ass long ass you get the most clicks on your blog
Because the game came out during a time in our culture and society were nazis have become an even bigger buzzword because of recent political nonsense.
Only if you're an actual Nazi though, but if you like someone who actual Nazis like, you might want to rethink your support because you just might be an actual Nazi too.
Communists are worse than fascists
That Neofag doesn't know "political" if it hit him in the face.
Hitler liked breathing
You better stop doing that asap
Do the nazis in the game seem like metaphors for Trump voters? or is it played straight and the developers and journalists just want to goad those voters on?
This whole game just feels off to me. its not giving off that sense of ridiculous nazi-killing fun the original had
It's not hard to find controversial or political shit.
The world is overflowing with it, our world is a canvas bag of shit with pinholes in it.
Hitler also believed in a Master Race and white supremacy. Liking what Nazis like and getting upset at Nazis getting slaughtered in fiction should be cause for introspection.
>more people would rather play a game set in egypt whose trailer starts with WE than a game whose marketing was based around MAKING AMERICA NAZI FREE AGAIN
There's no propaganda. There's just the American people staging a revolution and ejected the invading Nazi fucks.
you just broke rule three (no racism)
>Hitler also believed in a Master Race and white supremacy.
And he was right.
Wow it's almost like anatomists have consistently proven that the white race is mentally superior. And yet somehow the left brands right wingers as the ones who are against scientific evidence.
>American people
Nice try.
So being anti-"nazi" means that you should also be pro-communist...gg
Nothing wrong with black games, GTA:SA is one of Sup Forums's favorites after all.
I am and what are you gonna do about it?
And that means you're a Nazi and deserve the exact same treatment as them. Simple, really.
>American people
The American people are Antifa and Niggers now?
Man you learn something every day.
>There's just the American people staging a revolution and ejected the invading Nazi fucks.
those fucking tenses, man. pls leave you brainlet. i'm guessing you see this image as "not propaganda."
>source on image: twitter.com
to everyone else, be aware of these commie fucks spreading mind filth.
>Game's credits shows the American people becoming communists
What's the problem here? You're not a commie sympathizer right? You don't sympathize with losers (who killed far more people than nazis), do you?
>believing in anatomical evidence makes you a Nazi
You're a pathetic, anti scientific moron who can only spew rhetoric in defense of your utterly irrational claims. End your life.
You fell for the memes hard.
Hitler believed in white supremacy to a point, and he was right. He did however believe all races had their merit and only true nationalism would save the planet.
He fucking congratulated Jessie Owens at the olympics whereas his american team didn't. He had african and arab nazi divisions. He wasn't fucking racist, he just wanted Europe for Europeans and Africa for Africans and so on and so forth.
This idea that he wanted to fucking take over the world is such cartoon character Hollywood bullshit. Hitlers only fucking mistake was underestimating the lengths the jews would go to in positions of media power, and underestimated the depths of depravity of the russians.
He loved animals, admired the japanese and chinese for their steadfast culture and onlyu wish Germany for the same as them. Didn't want to see a hellscape future of jewish industry destroying the planet for inflation and interests sake. Well, here we are. We live in hell under the devil king yahweh.
Why is it that whenever someone says nazis are bad some autists always pops in and says they mean white people?
Is anybody even up in arms about the Nazi thing?
The only people I've seen legitimately angry are the people who noticed that the game was co-opting Trump slogans like "Make America Great Again" and turning it into "Make America Nazi-Free Again", thus laying down the implication that Trump is a nazi/lit-uh-ur-lee hitler
Because in the game they literally use white as an insult.
That image is hilarious.
Is this supposed to be propaganda for Antifa? I thought it was supposed to be pointing out the similarities between right and left wing extremism by parabling that Antifa's goals are nebulous
hah the people speak again.
only Sup Forums
the game is fine, the marketing is questionable
I'm a little angry about the abortion thing.
They said white immediately followed by the word nazi
If I said fuck white construction workers I wouldn't expect white dentists to get defensive. So what's really bothering you user :^)
It's been about killing Nazis and protecting America and American values.
It hasn't been about killing Nazis and installing a Communist regime.
>calling out communist bullshit, shaming people for the color of their skin, and referring to the trump administration as a fascist regime makes you Sup Forums
You fags are honestly pathetic if this is what you really believe.
>agree with Nazi beliefs
>spout Nazi beliefs
>Hitler was a good guy
geez why do (((people))) keep calling me a Nazi so unfair
Sup Forums is lost.
>If I said fuck white construction workers I wouldn't expect white dentists to get defensive
Yeah, I know whenever I shit talk black construction workers in front of black dentists, they never have a problem with it. :^)
>the game is fine
Typical retards running out of argumentative substance once evidence has been provided. Next.
Not an argument
why did they have to add a tumblrina and a bunch of niggers
also saying that white = nazi is fucking stupid
>black lives matter
>white lives matter
go to the twitter page i linked. look at their posts. tell me that it is not commie propaganda.
it's hilarious how poorly done it is. not so hilarious is the amount of people i know irl who eat shit like this up. that's what i get for living in leafistan.
do you live under a rock? have you not been paying attention?
>snowflakes getting triggered to death
i love this game so much
It's kind of sad that gta:sa became the "black friend" of videogames.
Except you play as a white American you retard
>tfw you get oppressed by a video game
>polish jew
>nyeh I'm being victimized constantly by everything
Christ, not even tumblrinas feel so much oppression on a daily basis. Thoughts and prayers.
>FUCK the kikes
Triggered SJW tears are the best. ;D
A snowflake is having cry ins because their candidate didn't win an election. Not getting rightfully annoyed because wolfenstein II has pro antifa shit in it which puts the most destructive ideological force ever to exist in a good light.
>this isn't white
You're delusional. Go back to /r/the_donald
i never said there was anything wrong them. i'm saying that people would rather a game whose marketing embraces the meme rather than tries to force commie propaganda down gamers throats.
who says Im being oppressed, I just think its fucking stupid and wont buy the game
>teaming up with non-whites and commies to smash the cishet white patriarchy
ok yeah
>market the game in a way to tie into current major political goings on, drag yourself into it
>woah hol up why are there people saying we're being political wolfenstein was always like this
come on
Probably has to do with it being genuine rather than some butthurt Swede's political statement about white people.
oh yeah subsaharan africans are white too because i drew one with a pale complexion and blue eyes!
The nazi sympathizers desperately trying to deflect attention to the communists is my favorite meme
what do blacks gotta do with communism there aren't any black communist countries
shit there's been more black fascist states and che guedalupe said they didn't care about communism enough to start a revolution
>draw a bavarian
>call it a polack
deflect attention from what?
ITT: triggered Nazis
I didn't even care about this game until you Sup Forumstards got buttblasted by it
>credits literally depict a communist overthrow of the US
>one of your partners is an actual marxist
hmmm, really makes u think
hay you wan't to go on a helicopter ride?
Because before you were a white guy killing Nazis
Now it's a bunch of Ooga Boogas that convinced a white guy that white genocide is a good thing. It's literally cucking.
>you have to be a nazi to be against communism
I mean, I am, but I doubt everyone here is.
there have been black communist countries, in fact, they were hugely successful, for the year or so they were around before france or the usa destroyed them.
The point is the subversion of everything SJWs see as 'normal' in the west. They see white as normal, so the natural subversion of that is black. They see capitalism as normal, so the natural subversion of that is communism. It's basically about how far you can get from whatever the current image of normalcy is, and the further you get, the more #woke you are.
you are either retarded or not paying attention. no one cares about the nazis in the game, its supposed to be about nazis. problem is the swedish devs couldnt resist shoehorning their modern lefty political shit into it
communists are worse than nazis
Yes, I'm sure you look like the perfect aryan white man who doesn't sit in his basement shitposting about a video game oppressing your delicate sensibilties on Sup Forums.
nothing but obviously they are the marxists allies because they are an oppressed minority
>one year of rule
>hugely successful
I've never been upset about it before, something feels different this time, I wonder what it is
>black communist countries
>hugely successful
allow me to doubt
>argumentative substance
What's up MacArthur
i never said anything bad about polish jews, nor did i claim to be white myself.
sensitive little tyke aren't you?
what is zimbabwe?
>free speech
>absolutely not
>not for nazis advocating for genocide and stuff, otherwise yeah it's cool.
Because tolerance for intolerance will get you far.. It's almost like the people in opposition expect you to hand over your gun and let them shoot you with it, or better spare the the trouble and do it oneself. Right wings can be so silly nowadays, you can't eat the cake and have it!